
#		Get false discovery genes
PS.FDR <- function(ps.obj)
	SMALL.VAL <- 1e-8
	cat("Getting the FDR table...\n")

	### order the statistics
	tt <- sort(abs(ps.obj$tt))	# from most insig to most sig
	ng <- length(tt)
	nvals <- ng
	### get the dels
	dels <- Get.Dels(tt, nvals)
	nv.act <- length(dels)
	### get the nc of the original data
	nc <- ng - (rank(c(dels, tt), ties.method="min")[1 : nv.act] - 1 : nv.act)
	nc[nc > ng] <- ng
	nc[nc < 0] <- 0
	### get the breaks
	npermu.act <- ncol(ps.obj$ttstar0)
	ord <- order(abs(ps.obj$tt), decreasing=T)	# from most sig to most insig
	ttstar <- abs(ps.obj$ttstar0)[ord, ]
	fdr <- pval <- rep(0, nv.act)	
	fdr.mat <- matrix(0, nv.act, npermu.act)
	### estimate FDR
	cat("Our modified permuatation plug-in method...\n")
	### estimate pi0
	ind.use <- floor(ng * 0.25 + 1) : floor(ng * 0.75)
	thrd <- quantile(ttstar[ind.use, ], 0.5)
	cat("\t\tthrd =", thrd, fill=T)
	pi0 <- sum(tt <= thrd) / (0.5 * ng)
	pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
	### get the fdr
	disd <- floor(ng * (1 - pi0))
	for (i in 1 : npermu.act)
		fdr.mat[, i] <- (ng - disd) - 
			(rank(c(dels, ttstar[(disd+1) : ng, i]), ties.method="min")[1 : nv.act] - 
			1 : nv.act)
	num.extr <- rowMeans(fdr.mat)
	fdr <- num.extr / (nc + SMALL.VAL)
	pval <- num.extr / (ng - disd + SMALL.VAL)
	### adjust possible discrepancies
	fdr[fdr > 1] <- 1
	fdr[fdr < 0] <- 0
	pval[pval > 1] <- 1
	pval[pval < 0] <- 0
	### the results
	res <- list(
		dels = dels,			# deltas
		tt = ps.obj$tt,	# the statistics
		sig.ord = ord,		# the order of the stats, from most sig to most insig
		nc = nc,					# number of sig-genes called
		fdr = fdr,				# fdr
		pi0 = pi0,				# pi0
		pval = pval				# permuted p-values; not here are sorted, not the original


#		Get the true False discovery rate
#	sig.ord: 	order, 
#						from most significant to most insignificant.
Get.True.FDR <- function(delta, sig.ord, nc=NULL)
	cat("Getting the true FDR table...\n")
	if (is.null(nc))
		nc <- 1 : length(sig.ord)
	fdr <- rep(0, length(nc))
	for (i in seq_along(nc))
		if (nc[i] == 0)
			fdr[i] <- 0
		} else
			fdr[i] <- sum(delta[sig.ord[1 : nc[i]]] == F) / nc[i]
	return(list(nc=nc, fdr=fdr))

#		Get the deltas
#	Note: tt must be unsigned, and sorted from
#	small to large beforehand.
#	Note: This function has been updated on Jan 1, 2011
#				to make dels always smaller than the true values.
Get.Dels <- function(tt, nvals)
	SMALL.VAL <- 1e-8
	ng <- length(tt)
	### get the breaks
	if (ng <= nvals)
		dels <- tt - SMALL.VAL
	} else
		dels <- tt[floor(ng / nvals * ((1 : nvals) - 1)) + 1] - SMALL.VAL
	nv.act <- length(dels)

	### make the dels increasing
	dels <- sort(dels)
	for (i in nv.act : 2)
		if (dels[i - 1] > dels[i] - SMALL.VAL)
			dels[i - 1] <- dels[i] - SMALL.VAL

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