
Here you'll store your raw data files. If they are encoded in a supported file format, they'll automatically be loaded when you call load.project().

Supported File Extensions .csv: CSV files that use a comma separator. .csv.bz2: CSV files that use a comma separator and are compressed using bzip2. CSV files that use a comma separator and are compressed using zip. .csv.gz: CSV files that use a comma separator and are compressed using gzip. .csv2: CSV files that use a semicolon separator. .csv2.bz2: CSV files that use a semicolon separator and are compressed using bzip2. CSV files that use a semicolon separator and are compressed using zip. .csv2.gz: CSV files that use a semicolon separator and are compressed using gzip. .tsv: CSV files that use a tab separator. .tsv.bz2: CSV files that use a tab separator and are compressed using bzip2. CSV files that use a tab separator and are compressed using zip. .tsv.gz: CSV files that use a tab separator and are compressed using gzip. .tab: CSV files that use a tab separator. .tab.bz2: CSV files that use a tab separator and are compressed using bzip2. CSV files that use a tab separator and are compressed using zip. .tab.gz: CSV files that use a tab separator and are compressed using gzip. .wsv: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator. .wsv.bz2: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using bzip2. CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using zip. .wsv.gz: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using gzip. .dat: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator. .dat.bz2: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using bzip2. CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using zip. .dat.gz: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using gzip. .txt: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator. .txt.bz2: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using bzip2. CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using zip. .txt.gz: CSV files that use an arbitrary whitespace separator and are compressed using gzip. .RData: .RData binary files produced by save(). .rda: .RData binary files produced by save(). .rds: .RDS binary files produced by saveRDS(). .R: R source code files. .r: R source code files. .url: A DCF file that contains an HTTP URL and a type specification for a remote dataset. .sql: A DCF file that contains database connection information for a MySQL database. .xls: XLS files. .xlsx: XLSX files. .sav: Binary file format generated by SPSS. .dta: Binary file format generated by Stata. .arff: Weka’s ARFF files. .dbf: DBF files. .rec: EPIInfo .rec files. .mtp: MTP files. .m: Octave files. .sys: Systat files. .syd: Systat files. .sas: SAS Xport files. .xport: SAS Xport files. .xpt: SAS Xport files .db: A SQLite3 database in binary format. .file: A DCF file describing the location of another file that should be loaded. .mp3: MP3 audio files. (Uses the tuneR package.) .ppm: PPM image files. (Uses the pixmap package.) .feather: Feather files for data frames in the Apache Arrow format (uses feather package)

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ProjectTemplate documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.