# Name : print.R0.R
# Desc : A tweaked "print" function designed to print useful data on R objects
# from any of the supported estimation methods.
# Date : 2011/11/09
# Update : 2023/03/03
# Author : Boelle, Obadia
#' @title
#' Print method for objects of class `R0.R`
#' @description
#' Prints summary statistics for an estimated reproduction ratio.
#' @details
#' For internal use.
#' Displays the estimated reproduction ratio along with its confidence interval.
#' For the TD method, the time-series of \eqn{R(t)} is printed.
#' @param x An estimated object, output from `est.R0.xx()` routines (class `R0.R`).
#' @param ... Parameters passed to inner functions.
#' @return
#' This function does not return any data.
#' Called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia
# Function declaration
print.R0.R <- function(
# Code
#Make sure x is of the right class
if (!inherits(x, "R0.R")) {
stop("'x' must be of class 'R0.R'")
cat("Reproduction number estimate using ",x$method," method.\n")
#Next step should be to print the call used to compute this value... but buggy for now
#print(paste("> ", x$call,"\n", sep=""))
#If not TD/SB, then output R and its 95% CI
if (x$method.code %in% c("EG","ML","AR")) {
cat("R : ",x$R)
if (!any($ {
cat("[", x$[1],",",x$[2],"]\n")
else {
#Must be TD/SB... output first 10 values
if (x$method.code %in% c("TD","SB")) {
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