
Defines functions bayesx.construct.t2.smooth.spec

bayesx.construct.tensor.smooth.spec <- bayesx.construct.t2.smooth.spec <-
function(object, dir, prg, data)
  by <- object$term[1L]
  term <- object$term[2L]
  object <- object$margin[[1L]]
  object$term <- term
  object$by <- by
  term <- bayesx.construct(object, dir, prg, data)
  term <- gsub("psplinerw2", "pspline2dimrw2", term)
  term <- gsub("psplinerw1", "pspline2dimrw1", term)


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R2BayesX documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 9:11 a.m.