
Defines functions PT.Khmaladze.fit

Documented in PT.Khmaladze.fit

#' @title  Permutation Test for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with a Nuisance Parameter
#' @description A permutation test of the two-sample goodness-of-fit hypothesis in the presence of an estimated niusance parameter. The permutation test considered here is based on the Khmaladze transformation of the empirical process (Khmaladze (1981)), and adapted by Chung and Olivares (2020).
#' @param y1 Numeric. A vector containing the response variable of the treatment group.
#' @param y0 Numeric. A vector containing the response variable of the control group.  
#' @param alpha Numeric. Nominal level for the test. The default is 0.05.
#' @param n.perm Numeric. Number of permutations needed for the stochastic approximation of the p-values. The default is n.perm=999.

#' @return An object of class "PT.Khmaladze.fit" containing at least the following components:
#'  \item{n_populations}{Number of grups.}
#'  \item{N}{Sample Size.}
#'  \item{T.obs}{Observed test statistic.}
#'  \item{shift}{The estimated nuisance parameter (average treatment effect).}
#'  \item{cv}{Critical Value. This value is used in the general construction of a randomization test.}
#'  \item{pvalue}{P-value.}
#'  \item{T.perm}{Vector. Test statistic recalculated for all permutations used in the stochastic approximation.}
#'  \item{n_perm}{Number of permutations.}
#'  \item{sample_sizes}{Groups size.}
#' @author Maurcio Olivares
#' @references  
#' Khmaladze, E. (1981). Martingale Approach in the Theory of Goodness-of-fit Tests. Theory of Probability and its Application, 26: 240–257.
#' Chung, E. and Olivares, M. (2021). Permutation Test for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with a Nuisance Parameter. Forthcoming in Journal of Econometrics.
#' @keywords permutation test goodness-of-fit Khmaladze Transformation
#' @include group.action.R
#' @include randomization.test.R
#' @import quantreg
#' @importFrom stats quantile cor var runif 
#' @examples
#' Y0 <- rnorm(100, 1, 1)
#' # Treatment Group with constant shift equals to 1
#' Y1 <- Y0 + 1
#' Tx = sample(100) <= 0.5*(100)
#' # Observed Outcome 
#' Y = ifelse( Tx, Y1, Y0 )
#' dta <- data.frame(Y = Y, Z = as.numeric(Tx))
#' pt.GoF<-PT.Khmaladze.fit(dta$Y[dta$Z==1],dta$Y[dta$Z==0],n.perm = 49)
#' summary(pt.GoF)
#' }
#' @export

PT.Khmaladze.fit <- function(y1, y0, alpha=0.05, n.perm=999){

  if (anyNA(c(y1,y0))) stop("NAs in first or second argument")
  if (!is.numeric(c(y1,y0)))  stop("Arguments must be numeric")
  # ---------------------------- #
  #   Calculates the statistic   #
  # ---------------------------- #

  # Sample Size
  m <- length(y1)
  lengths <- list(m,N-m)
  # Calculate the shift (average treatment effect)
  shift <- mean(y1)-mean(y0) 
  # Recentering
  Y1.star <- y1- shift
  Y0.star <- y0
  Z <- c(Y1.star,Y0.star) # Stacked data
  # Grid needed for the density estimation and numeric integration
  p <- 3*N
  eps <- .Machine$double.eps
  t <- seq(eps, 1, length.out=p)
  # Generate random permutations
  S_perm <- group.action(Z,n.perm,"permutations")
  Sn <- cbind(Z,S_perm)
  # Calculation of the test statistic for all permutations. 
  stat <- apply(Sn,2, function(x) Khm.trans(x,m,N-m,t,p))
  # Observed Test statistic
  #Test statistic for the permutated samples
  # Critical Value
  cv <- randomization.test(T.obs,T.perm,alpha)
  #Indicator rule
  ind.rule<- mean(ifelse(T.perm>=T.obs,1,0))
  object_perm<-list() #Generates an empty list to collect all the required info for summary
  object_perm$shift <- shift
  object_perm$cv <- cv[2]
  object_perm$T.perm<- T.perm
  object_perm$n_perm<- n.perm

"Khm.trans" <- function(Z,m,n,t,p){
  # Define treatent and control groups (these are recentered values)
  Y1 <- Z[1:m]
  Y0 <- Z[(m+1):(m+n)]
  # Extended score, nonparametric. Calls for quantreg function akj
  score <- akj(Y0,t)
  gdot2 <- -score$psi*score$dens
  gdot0 <- cbind(rep(1, (p-1)), gdot2[1:(length(gdot2)-1)])
  # Transformations needed for the calculation of the uniform empirical process
  Y1.s <- ecdf(Y1)
  F1 <- Y1.s(Y1)
  Y0.s <- ecdf(Y0)
  F0 <- Y0.s(Y0)
  g1 <- ecdf(quantile(Y0,t))(t)
  Vn.hat1 <- ecdf(F1)
  Vn.hat0 <- ecdf(F0)
  # Calculation of the compensator 
  comp <- K.hat(t,p,Y1,Y0,gdot0)
  # The Khmaladze transformation of the uniform empirical process
  # Intuitively, this is like calculating the residuals in a regression
  # of the uniform empirical process on the (extended) score function.
  return(sqrt(n*m/(m+n))*max(abs((Vn.hat1(g1) -Vn.hat0(t)-comp ))))

"K.hat" <- function(t, p, Y1, Y0, gdot) {
  # Calculates the compensator using recursive least squares
  # The compensator is like the fitted values in a regression of the 
  # uniform empirical process on the (extended) score function.
  # The "covariates"
  dt <- diff(t)
  X <- gdot#/sqrt(dt)
  X <- X[(p-1):1, ]
  # The "dependent variable"
  Y1.s <- ecdf(Y1)
  F1 <- Y1.s(Y1)
  Y0.s <- ecdf(Y0)
  F0 <- Y0.s(Y0)
  f1 <- ecdf(quantile(Y0,t))(t)
  Vn.hat1 <- ecdf(F1)
  Vn.hat0 <- ecdf(F0)
  y <- rev((diff(Vn.hat1(f1)-Vn.hat0(t))))#*sqrt(dt)
  # Calculate the regression coefficients using recursive least squares
  bhat <- lm.fit.recursive(X,y, int=FALSE)
  bhat <- bhat[ , (p-1):1]
  # Fitted values
  dk <- diag(gdot%*%bhat)
  comp <- c(0,cumsum(dk))

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RATest documentation built on Sept. 29, 2022, 9:08 a.m.