
Defines functions plotDelaunay

Documented in plotDelaunay

#' @title Plot 2D Delaunay triangulation
#' @description Plot a constrained or unconstrained 2D Delaunay triangulation.
#' @param del an output of \code{\link{delaunay}} without constraints 
#'   (\code{edges=NULL}) or with constraints
#' @param col_edges the color of the edges of the triangles which are not
#'   border edges nor constraint edges; \code{NULL} for no color
#' @param col_borders the color of the border edges; note that the border
#'   edges can contain the constraint edges for a constrained
#'   Delaunay triangulation; \code{NULL} for no color
#' @param col_constraints for a constrained Delaunay triangulation, the color
#'   of the constraint edges which are not border edges;
#'   \code{NULL} for no color
#' @param fillcolor controls the filling colors of the triangles, either
#'   \code{NULL} for no color, a single color, \code{"random"} to get multiple
#'   colors with \code{\link[colorsGen]{randomColor}}, \code{"distinct"}
#'   get multiple colors with \code{\link[Polychrome]{createPalette}}, 
#'   or a vector of colors, one color for each triangle; in this case the 
#'   the colors will be assigned in the order they are provided but after the 
#'   triangles have been circularly ordered (see the last example)
#' @param distinctArgs if \code{fillcolor = "distinct"}, a list of arguments
#'   passed to \code{\link[Polychrome]{createPalette}}
#' @param randomArgs if \code{fillcolor = "random"}, a list of arguments passed
#'   to \code{\link[colorsGen]{randomColor}}
#' @param lty_edges,lwd_edges graphical parameters for the edges which are not
#'   border edges nor constraint edges
#' @param lty_borders,lwd_borders graphical parameters for the border edges
#' @param lty_constraints,lwd_constraints in the case of a constrained Delaunay
#'   triangulation, graphical parameters for the constraint edges which are
#'   not border edges
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{plot}} for the vertices, such as
#'   \code{type="n"}, \code{asp=1}, \code{axes=FALSE}, etc
#' @return No value, just renders a 2D plot.
#' @seealso The \code{mesh} field in the output of \code{\link{delaunay}} 
#'   for an interactive plot. Other examples of \code{plotDelaunay} are given 
#'   in the examples of \code{\link{delaunay}}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot polygon par segments
#' @importFrom gplots col2hex
#' @examples library(RCDT)
#' # random points in a square ####
#' square <- rbind(
#'   c(-1, 1), c(1, 1), c(1, -1), c(-1, -1)
#' )
#' library(uniformly)
#' set.seed(314)
#' pts_in_square <- runif_in_cube(10L, d = 2L)
#' pts <- rbind(square, pts_in_square)
#' d <- delaunay(pts)
#' opar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
#' plotDelaunay(
#'   d, type = "n", xlab = NA, ylab = NA, axes = FALSE, asp = 1, 
#'   fillcolor = "random", lwd_borders = 3
#' )
#' par(opar)
#' # a constrained Delaunay triangulation: pentagram ####
#' # vertices
#' R <- sqrt((5-sqrt(5))/10)     # outer circumradius
#' r <- sqrt((25-11*sqrt(5))/10) # circumradius of the inner pentagon
#' k <- pi/180 # factor to convert degrees to radians
#' X <- R * vapply(0L:4L, function(i) cos(k * (90+72*i)), numeric(1L))
#' Y <- R * vapply(0L:4L, function(i) sin(k * (90+72*i)), numeric(1L))
#' x <- r * vapply(0L:4L, function(i) cos(k * (126+72*i)), numeric(1L))
#' y <- r * vapply(0L:4L, function(i) sin(k * (126+72*i)), numeric(1L))
#' vertices <- rbind(
#'   c(X[1L], Y[1L]),
#'   c(x[1L], y[1L]),
#'   c(X[2L], Y[2L]),
#'   c(x[2L], y[2L]),
#'   c(X[3L], Y[3L]),
#'   c(x[3L], y[3L]),
#'   c(X[4L], Y[4L]),
#'   c(x[4L], y[4L]),
#'   c(X[5L], Y[5L]),
#'   c(x[5L], y[5L])
#' )
#' # constraint edge indices (= boundary)
#' edges <- cbind(1L:10L, c(2L:10L, 1L))
#' # constrained Delaunay triangulation
#' del <- delaunay(vertices, edges)
#' # plot
#' opar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
#' plotDelaunay(
#'   del, type = "n", asp = 1, fillcolor = "distinct", lwd_borders = 3,
#'   xlab = NA, ylab = NA, axes = FALSE
#' )
#' par(opar)
#' # interactive plot with 'rgl'
#' mesh <- del[["mesh"]]
#' library(rgl)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(100, 100, 612, 612))
#' shade3d(mesh, color = "red", specular = "orangered")
#' wire3d(mesh, color = "black", lwd = 3, specular = "black")
#' # plot only the border edges - we could find them in `del[["edges"]]` 
#'   # but we use the 'rgl' function `getBoundary3d` instead
#' open3d(windowRect = c(100, 100, 612, 612))
#' shade3d(mesh, color = "darkred", specular = "firebrick")
#' shade3d(getBoundary3d(mesh), lwd = 3)
#' # an example where `fillcolor` is a vector of colors ####
#' n <- 50L # number of sides of the outer polygon
#' angles1 <- head(seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = n + 1L), -1L)
#' outer_points <- cbind(cos(angles1), sin(angles1))
#' m <- 5L # number of sides of the inner polygon
#' angles2 <- head(seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = m + 1L), -1L)
#' phi <- (1+sqrt(5))/2 # the ratio  2-phi  will yield a perfect pentagram
#' inner_points <- (2-phi) * cbind(cos(angles2), sin(angles2))
#' points <- rbind(outer_points, inner_points)
#' # constraint edges
#' indices <- 1L:n
#' edges_outer <- cbind(indices, c(indices[-1L], indices[1L]))
#' indices <- n + 1L:m
#' edges_inner <- cbind(indices, c(indices[-1L], indices[1L]))
#' edges <- rbind(edges_outer, edges_inner)
#' # constrained Delaunay triangulation
#' del <- delaunay(points, edges) 
#' # there are 55 triangles:
#' del[["mesh"]]
#' # we make a cyclic palette of colors:
#' colors <- viridisLite::turbo(28)
#' colors <- c(colors, rev(colors[-1L]))
#' # plot
#' opar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
#' plotDelaunay(
#'   del, type = "n", asp = 1, lwd_borders = 3, col_borders = "black", 
#'   fillcolor = colors, col_edges = "black", lwd_edges = 1.5, 
#'   axes = FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = NA
#' )
#' par(opar)
plotDelaunay <- function(
    col_edges = "black", col_borders = "red", col_constraints = "green",
    fillcolor = "random", 
    distinctArgs = list(seedcolors = c("#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff")),
    randomArgs = list(hue = "random", luminosity = "dark"),
    lty_edges = par("lty"), lwd_edges = par("lwd"),
    lty_borders = par("lty"), lwd_borders = par("lwd"),
    lty_constraints = par("lty"), lwd_constraints = par("lwd"), ...
  if(!inherits(del, "delaunay")){
      "The argument `del` must be an output of the `delaunay` function.",
      call. = TRUE
  if(isTRUE(attr(del, "elevation"))){
      "This function is not conceived for elevated Delaunay triangulations.",
      call. = TRUE
  vertices <- del[["vertices"]]
  if(ncol(vertices) != 2L){
      sprintf("Invalid dimension (%d instead of 2).", ncol(vertices)),
      call. = TRUE
  plot(vertices, ...)
  mesh <- del[["mesh"]]
    if((ncolors <- length(fillcolor)) > 1L){
      triangles <- t(mesh[["it"]])
      ntriangles <- nrow(triangles)
      if(ncolors != ntriangles){
          sprintf("The number of colors in `fillcolor` (%d) ", ncolors),
            "does not coincide with the number of triangles (%d).", ntriangles
          call. = TRUE
      centeredVertices <- sweep(vertices, 2L, colMeans(vertices))
      allTrianglesCenters <- apply(triangles, 1L, function(trgl){
        colMeans(makeTriangle(centeredVertices, trgl))
      }, simplify = TRUE)
      angles <- apply(allTrianglesCenters, 2L, function(x) atan2(x[2L], x[1L]))
      o <- order(angles)
      #colors <- fillcolor[o]
      otriangles <- triangles[o, ]
      for(i in 1L:ntriangles){
        triangle <- makeTriangle(vertices, otriangles[i, ])
        polygon(triangle, border = NA, col = fillcolor[i])
    }else if(!isFalsy(fillcolor)){
      fillcolor <- tryCatch({
      }, error = function(e){
        match.arg(fillcolor, c("random", "distinct"))
      triangles <- t(del[["mesh"]][["it"]])
      ntriangles <- nrow(triangles)
      if(fillcolor == "random"){
        colors <- rcolors(ntriangles, randomArgs)
      }else if(fillcolor == "distinct"){
        colors <- distinctColors(ntriangles, distinctArgs)
        colors <- rep(fillcolor, ntriangles)
      for(i in 1L:ntriangles){
        triangle <- makeTriangle(vertices, triangles[i, ])
        polygon(triangle, border = NA, col = colors[i])
  constraintEdges <- del[["constraints"]]
  allEdges <- del[["edges"]]
  borderEdges <- allEdges[allEdges[, "border"] == 1L, c(1L, 2L)]
  allEdges <- allEdges[, c(1L, 2L)]
  specialEdges <- unionEdges(borderEdges, constraintEdges)
  constraintEdges <- subtractEdges(specialEdges, borderEdges)
  otherEdges <- subtractEdges(allEdges, specialEdges)
    edges <- otherEdges
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(edges))){
      edge <- edges[i, ]
      p0 <- vertices[edge[1L], ]
      p1 <- vertices[edge[2L], ]
        p0[1L], p0[2L], p1[1L], p1[2L], col = col_edges, 
        lty = lty_edges, lwd = lwd_edges
    edges <- borderEdges
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(edges))){
      edge <- edges[i, ]
      p0 <- vertices[edge[1L], ]
      p1 <- vertices[edge[2L], ]
        p0[1L], p0[2L], p1[1L], p1[2L], col = col_borders,
        lty = lty_borders, lwd = lwd_borders
  if(!is.null(constraintEdges) && !isFalsy(col_constraints)){
    edges <- constraintEdges
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(edges))){
      edge <- edges[i, ]
      p0 <- vertices[edge[1L], ]
      p1 <- vertices[edge[2L], ]
        p0[1L], p0[2L], p1[1L], p1[2L], col = col_constraints,
        lty = lty_constraints, lwd = lwd_constraints

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RCDT documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:52 p.m.