
#' \code{DCRuntime} will parse and extract Input/Output/Paramter, and return
#' in S3 object.
#' This function will create a runtime object(in S3) for module.
#' In order to create a DCRuntime object, we should provide the following items:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\emph{spec.json}}{which defines the inputs/outputs/parameters of the module.}
#'   \item{\emph{zetrt.json}}{the parameters at runtime.}
#'   \item{\emph{arguments}}{the arguments from command line. In the format, like "A=1".}
#' }
#' @param spec_json The path for "spec.json".
#' @param zetrt_json The path for "zetrt.json". The default is NULL, which
#'   means we can get it from system environment variable "ZETRT".
#' @param args The arguments for Input/Output with format like "A=1". The default is
#'   NULL, which means we can get it from command line arguments with "commandArgs".
#' @return A S3 object.
#' @export
#' @seealso See \href{http://screwjack.readthedocs.org/en/latest/}{Screwjack} about
#'   howto create a module.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{example to use DCRuntime
#'   rt <- DCRuntime(spec_json = "/your_path/spec.json",
#'                       zetrt_json = "/some_path/zetrt.json")
#'   # Use "rt" like this:
#'   rt$Output$o1$Val
#'   rt$Input$i1$Val
#'   rt$Param$P1$Val
#' }

DCRuntime <- function (spec_json = "spec.json",
                           zetrt_json = NULL,
                           args = NULL) {

    if (is.null(zetrt_json))
        zetrt_json <- Sys.getenv("ZETRT")
    if (is.null(args))
        args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)

    zetrt_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt=zetrt_json)
    obj <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt=spec_json)

    # Params
    param_names <- names(obj$Param)
    obj$Param <- lapply(seq_along(obj$Param), function(i) {
        o <- obj$Param[[i]]
        oname <- param_names[[i]]
        if ("Val" %in% names(zetrt_json$PARAM[[oname]])) {
            o$Val <- zetrt_json$PARAM[[oname]]$Val
        else {
            o$Val <- o$Default
    names(obj$Param) <- param_names

    # Arguments for Input/Output
    args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
    args_reg_results <- regmatches(args, regexec("([^=]*)=(.*)", args))
    args_names = sapply(args_reg_results, `[[`, 2)
    args_vals = sapply(args_reg_results, `[[`, 3)
    args_kv <- mapply(function (arg_k, arg_v) { arg_v }, args_names, args_vals, SIMPLIFY=FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

    # Check all args
    input_names <- names(obj$Input)
    output_names <- names(obj$Output)
    all_io_names <- c(input_names, output_names)
    if (! setequal(intersect(args_names, all_io_names), all_io_names)) {
        print("WARNING: not all Input/Output have values")

    # Building every Input
    obj$Input <- lapply(seq_along(obj$Input), function(i) {
        o <- list()
        o$Type <- obj$Input[[i]]
        iname <- input_names[[i]]
        o$Val <- args_kv[[ iname ]]
    names(obj$Input) <- input_names

    # Building every Output
    obj$Output <- lapply(seq_along(obj$Output), function(i) {
        o <- list()
        o$Type <- obj$Output[[i]]
        oname <- output_names[[i]]
        o$Val <- args_kv[[ oname ]]
    names(obj$Output) <- output_names

    # GlobalParams
    obj$GlobalParam <- zetrt_json$GLOBAL_PARAM

    class(obj) <- "zetrt"

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RDataCanvas documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:10 p.m.