

credential <- retrieve_credential_testing()
delay_after_download_file <- 0.5 # In seconds

test_that("NameComesFromREDCap", {

  # start_time <- Sys.time() - lubridate::seconds(1) #Knock off a second in case there's small time imprecisions
  start_time <- Sys.time() - 10 #Knock off ten seconds in case there are small time imprecisions.
  path_of_expected <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-1.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  info_expected <- file.info(path_of_expected)
  record <- 1
  field <- "mugshot"

  expected_outcome_message <- '^(Preparing to download the file `mugshot-1.jpg`\\.|.+; name="mugshot-1\\.jpg" successfully downloaded in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\, and saved as mugshot-1.jpg)'

  # expected_outcome_message <- ".+"
    returned_object <-
        record        = record,
        field         = field,
        redcap_uri    = credential$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual <- file.info(returned_object$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object$affected_ids, "1")
  expect_true(returned_object$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object$file_name, "mugshot-1.jpg", label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual$size, expected=info_expected$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  # expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

test_that("FullPathSpecified", {

  start_time <- Sys.time() - 10 #Knock off ten seconds in case there are small time imprecisions.
  path_of_expected <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-2.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  info_expected <- file.info(path_of_expected)
  record <- 2
  field <- "mugshot"

  expected_outcome_message <- '; name="mugshot-2\\.jpg" successfully downloaded in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\, and saved as .+\\.jpg'

  full_name <- base::tempfile(pattern="mugshot", fileext=".jpg")
    returned_object <-
        file_name     = full_name,
        record        = record,
        field         = field,
        redcap_uri    = credential$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual <- file.info(full_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(full_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object$affected_ids, "2")
  expect_true(returned_object$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object$file_name, full_name, label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual$size, expected=info_expected$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

test_that("RelativePath", {

  start_time <- Sys.time() - 10 #Knock off ten seconds in case there are small time imprecisions.
  path_of_expected <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-3.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  info_expected <- file.info(path_of_expected)
  record <- 3
  field <- "mugshot"

  expected_outcome_message <- '; name="mugshot-3\\.jpg" successfully downloaded in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\, and saved as .+\\.jpg'

  (relative_name <- "ssss.jpg")
    returned_object <-
        file_name   = relative_name,
        record      = record,
        field       = field,
        redcap_uri  = credential$redcap_uri,
        token       = credential$token,
        verbose     = TRUE

  info_actual <- file.info(relative_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(relative_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object$affected_ids, "3")
  expect_true(returned_object$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object$file_name, relative_name, label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual$size, expected=info_expected$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

test_that("Full Directory Specific", {

  start_time <- Sys.time() - 10 #Knock off ten seconds in case there are small time imprecisions.
  path_of_expected <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-3.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  directory <- getwd()#  base::tempfile()
  info_expected <- file.info(path_of_expected)
  record <- 3
  field <- "mugshot"

  expected_outcome_message <- '; name="mugshot-3\\.jpg" successfully downloaded in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\, and saved as .+\\.jpg'

    returned_object <-
        directory   = directory,
        record      = record,
        field       = field,
        redcap_uri  = credential$redcap_uri,
        token       = credential$token,
        verbose     = TRUE

  info_actual <- file.info(returned_object$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object$affected_ids, "3")
  expect_true(returned_object$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object$file_name, returned_object$file_name, label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual$size, expected=info_expected$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

test_that("file in longitudinal event", {
  credential_longitudinal <- retrieve_credential_testing(2629L)

  # start_time <- Sys.time() - lubridate::seconds(1) #Knock off a second in case there's small time imprecisions
  start_time <- Sys.time() - 10 #Knock off ten seconds in case there are small time imprecisions.
  path_of_expected_1_1 <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-1.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  path_of_expected_1_2 <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-2.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  path_of_expected_2_2 <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-5.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  info_expected_1_1 <- file.info(path_of_expected_1_1)
  info_expected_1_2 <- file.info(path_of_expected_1_2)
  info_expected_2_2 <- file.info(path_of_expected_2_2)
  # record <- 1
  field <- "image_profile"

  expected_outcome_message <- '^(Preparing to download the file `.+\\.jpg`\\.|.+; name=".+\\.jpg" successfully downloaded in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\, and saved as .+\\.jpg)'
  # expected_outcome_message <- ".+"

  # ---- first record, first event --------------------------
    returned_object_1_1 <-
        record        = 1L,
        event         = "intake_arm_1",
        field         = field,
        redcap_uri    = credential_longitudinal$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential_longitudinal$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual_1_1 <- file.info(returned_object_1_1$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object_1_1$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object_1_1$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$affected_ids, "1")
  expect_true(returned_object_1_1$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object_1$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$file_name, "mugshot-1.jpg", label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual_1_1$size, expected=info_expected_1_1$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual_1_1$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual_1_1$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_1$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  # expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_1$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_1$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

  # ---- first record, second event --------------------------
    returned_object_1_2 <-
        record        = 1L,
        event         = "dischage_arm_1",
        field         = field,
        redcap_uri    = credential_longitudinal$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential_longitudinal$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual_1_2 <- file.info(returned_object_1_2$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object_1_2$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object_1_2$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$affected_ids, "1")
  expect_true(returned_object_1_2$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object_1$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$file_name, "mugshot-2.jpg", label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual_1_2$size, expected=info_expected_1_2$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual_1_2$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual_1_2$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_2$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  # expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_2$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_2$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

  # ---- second record, second event --------------------------
    returned_object_2_2 <-
        record        = 2L,
        event         = "dischage_arm_1",
        field         = field,
        redcap_uri    = credential_longitudinal$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential_longitudinal$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual_2_2 <- file.info(returned_object_2_2$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object_2_2$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_2$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object_2_2$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_2$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_2$affected_ids, "2")
  expect_true(returned_object_2_2$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_2$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object_1$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_2$file_name, "mugshot-5.jpg", label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual_2_2$size, expected=info_expected_2_2$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual_2_2$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual_2_2$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_2_2$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  # expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_2_2$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_2_2$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")


test_that("file in repeating instrument", {
  credential_repeating <- retrieve_credential_testing(3181L)

  # start_time <- Sys.time() - lubridate::seconds(1) #Knock off a second in case there's small time imprecisions
  start_time <- Sys.time() - 10 #Knock off ten seconds in case there are small time imprecisions.
  path_of_expected_1_1 <- system.file("test-data/levon-and-barry.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  path_of_expected_1_2 <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-1.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  path_of_expected_2_1 <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-2.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  info_expected_1_1 <- file.info(path_of_expected_1_1)
  info_expected_1_2 <- file.info(path_of_expected_1_2)
  info_expected_2_1 <- file.info(path_of_expected_2_1)
  field <- "image_profile"

  expected_outcome_message <- '^(Preparing to download the file `.+\\.jpg`\\.|.+; name=".+\\.jpg" successfully downloaded in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\, and saved as .+\\.jpg)'
  # expected_outcome_message <- ".+"

  # ---- first record, first instance --------------------------
    returned_object_1_1 <-
        record        = 1L,
        field         = field,
        repeat_instance = "1",
        redcap_uri    = credential_repeating$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential_repeating$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual_1_1 <- file.info(returned_object_1_1$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object_1_1$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object_1_1$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$affected_ids, "1")
  expect_true(returned_object_1_1$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object_1$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_1$file_name, "levon-and-barry.jpg", label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual_1_1$size, expected=info_expected_1_1$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual_1_1$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_1$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  # expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_1$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_1$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

  # ---- first record, second instance --------------------------
    returned_object_1_2 <-
        record        = 1L,
        field         = field,
        repeat_instance = "2",
        redcap_uri    = credential_repeating$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential_repeating$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual_1_2 <- file.info(returned_object_1_2$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object_1_2$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object_1_2$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$affected_ids, "1")
  expect_true(returned_object_1_2$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object_1$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object_1_2$file_name, "mugshot-1.jpg", label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual_1_2$size, expected=info_expected_1_2$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual_1_2$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual_1_2$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_2$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  # expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_2$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_1_2$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

  # ---- second record, first instance --------------------------
    returned_object_2_1 <-
        record        = 2L,
        field         = field,
        repeat_instance = "1",
        redcap_uri    = credential_repeating$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential_repeating$token,
        verbose       = TRUE

  info_actual_2_1 <- file.info(returned_object_2_1$file_name)
  expect_true(file.exists(returned_object_2_1$file_name), "The downloaded file should exist.")

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_1$status_code, expected=200L)
  expect_match(returned_object_2_1$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_1$records_affected_count, 1L)
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_1$affected_ids, "2")
  expect_true(returned_object_2_1$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_1$raw_text, expected="", ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object_1$raw_text)
  expect_equal(returned_object_2_1$file_name, "mugshot-2.jpg", label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

  #Test the values of the file.
  expect_equal(info_actual_2_1$size, expected=info_expected_2_1$size, label="The size of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_false(info_actual_2_1$isdir, "The downloaded file should not be a directory.")
  # expect_equal(as.character(info_actual$mode), expected=as.character(info_expected$mode), label="The mode/permissions of the downloaded file should match.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_2_1$mtime, label="The downloaded file's modification time should not precede this function's start time.")
  # expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_2_1$ctime, label="The downloaded file's last change time should not precede this function's start time.")
  expect_true(start_time <= info_actual_2_1$atime, label="The downloaded file's last access time should not precede this function's start time.")

test_that("download file conflict -Error", {

  record <- 2
  field <- "mugshot"

  expected_outcome_message_1  <- '; name="mugshot-2\\.jpg" successfully downloaded in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\, and saved as mugshot-2.jpg'
  expected_outcome_message_2  <- "The operation was halted because the file `mugshot-2\\.jpg` already exists and `overwrite` is FALSE\\.  Please check the directory if you believe this is a mistake\\."

  # The first run should work.
  returned_object_1 <-
      record        = record,
      field         = field,
      redcap_uri    = credential$redcap_uri,
      token         = credential$token,
      verbose       = FALSE

  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object_1$status_code, expected=200L)

  # The second run should fail (b/c the file already exists).
    returned_object_2 <-
        record        = record,
        field         = field,
        redcap_uri    = credential$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential$token,
        overwrite     = FALSE,
        verbose       = FALSE
    regexp = expected_outcome_message_2


test_that("Download Error --bad field name", {

  start_time <- Sys.time() - 10 #Knock off ten seconds in case there are small time imprecisions.
  path_of_expected <- system.file("test-data/mugshot-3.jpg", package="REDCapR")
  directory <- getwd()#  base::tempfile()
  info_expected <- file.info(path_of_expected)
  record <- 3
  field <- "mugshotttttt"

  expected_outcome_message <- "file NOT downloaded"
  expected_raw_text        <- "ERROR: The field 'mugshotttttt' does not exist or is not a 'file' field"

    returned_object <-
        directory     = directory,
        record        = record,
        field         = field,
        redcap_uri    = credential$redcap_uri,
        token         = credential$token,
        verbose       = FALSE


  #Test the values of the returned object.
  expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, expected=400L)
  expect_match(returned_object$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
  expect_equal(returned_object$records_affected_count, 0L)
  expect_equal(returned_object$affected_ids, character(0))
  expect_true(returned_object$elapsed_seconds>0, "The `elapsed_seconds` should be a positive number.")
  expect_equal(returned_object$raw_text, expected=expected_raw_text, ignore_attr = TRUE) # dput(returned_object$raw_text)
  expect_null(returned_object$file_name, label="The name of the downloaded file should be correct.")

test_that("download w/ bad token -Error", {
  expected_outcome_message <- "file NOT downloaded."

  returned_object <-
      record      = 1,
      field       = "mugshot",
      redcap_uri  = credential$redcap_uri,
      token       = "BAD00000000000000000000000000000",
      verbose     = FALSE

  testthat::expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, 403L)
  testthat::expect_equal(returned_object$raw_text, "ERROR: You do not have permissions to use the API")

test_that("upload w/ bad token -Error", {
  expected_outcome_message <- "file NOT uploaded."

  credential_upload <- retrieve_credential_testing(213L)

  file_path <- system.file(
    package = "REDCapR"

  returned_object <-
      file_name   = file_path,
      record      = 1,
      field       = "mugshot",
      redcap_uri  = credential_upload$redcap_uri,
      token       = "BAD00000000000000000000000000000",
      verbose     = FALSE

  testthat::expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, 403L)
  testthat::expect_equal(returned_object$raw_text, "ERROR: You do not have permissions to use the API")


Try the REDCapR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

REDCapR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:46 p.m.