
Defines functions tau.estimate

#' Estimation of the optimal shrinkage parameters as described in [1,2] and
#' implemented in a more general version within the SHIP package [2].
#' @param x  Data set on which the covariance matrix is estimated.
#' @param na.rm if TRUE, calculations are made on available data
#' @return \item{tau}{Optimal shrinkage intensity parameter}
#' @title Optimal shrinkage intensity parameters.
#' @references [1] Schaefer J. and Strimmer K., 2005. A shrinkage approach to
#' large-scale covariance matrix estimation and implications for functional
#' genomics. Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 4:32.
#' @references [2] Jelizarow M., Guillemot V., Tenenhaus A., Strimmer K.,
#' Boulesteix A.-L., 2010. Over-optimism in bioinformatics: an illustration.
#' Bioinformatics 26:1990-1998.
#' @noRd
tau.estimate <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
  p <- NCOL(x)
  if (p == 1) {
  n <- NROW(x)
  corm <- cor(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

  xs <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
  v <- (n / ((n - 1)^3)) * (pm(t(xs^2), xs^2, na.rm = na.rm) -
    1 / n * pm(t(xs), xs, na.rm = na.rm)^2)
  diag(v) <- 0
  I <- diag(NCOL(x))
  d <- (corm - I)^2

  tau <- sum(v) / sum(d)
  tau <- max(min(tau, 1), 0)

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