
Defines functions tune.rf.time

Documented in tune.rf.time

tune.rf.time <- function(times, failures, group=NULL, cov.quanti=NULL,
                         cov.quali=NULL, data, cv=10, nodesize, mtry, ntree){
  .outcome <- paste("Surv(", times, ",", failures, ")")
  .cv <-10
  if(!(is.null(cv))){.cv <- cv} 
  # CAMILLE : J'integre le nopmbre de splits pour etre coherent avec les modeles de Cox penalises
  # CS cet argument est inutile, il n'y a aucun lien avec la CV dans forets
    if(is.null(cov.quanti)==F & is.null(cov.quali)==F){
      .f <- as.formula( paste(.outcome, "~", group, "+", paste( cov.quanti,  collapse = " + "), " + ", paste(cov.quali, collapse = " + "),
                              collapse = " ") )
    if(is.null(cov.quanti)==F & is.null(cov.quali)==T){
      .f <- as.formula( paste(.outcome, "~", group, "+", paste( cov.quanti, collapse = " + "),collapse = " ") )
    if(is.null(cov.quanti)==T & is.null(cov.quali)==F){
      .f <- as.formula( paste(.outcome, "~", group, "+",paste(cov.quali, collapse = " + "),collapse = " ") )
    if(is.null(cov.quanti)==T & is.null(cov.quali)==T){
      .f <- as.formula( paste(.outcome, "~", group) )
    if(is.null(cov.quanti)==F & is.null(cov.quali)==F){
      .f <- as.formula( paste(.outcome, "~", paste( cov.quanti,  collapse = " + "), " + ", paste(cov.quali, collapse = " + "),
                              collapse = " ") )
    if(is.null(cov.quanti)==F & is.null(cov.quali)==T){
      .f <- as.formula( paste(.outcome, "~", paste( cov.quanti, collapse = " + "),collapse = " ") )
    if(is.null(cov.quanti)==T & is.null(cov.quali)==F){
      .f <- as.formula( paste(.outcome, "~",  paste(cov.quali, collapse = " + "),collapse = " ") )

  options(rf.cores=1, mc.cores=1)

  # CS j'utilise ici rfsrc.fast car de toute maniere tune.rfsrc est base dessus
  # et c'est bcp plus rapide que rfsrc'
  find.tune.rf.fast<-function(param.test, f, data ){
    #res.rsf <- rfsrc.fast(f, data = data, nodesize = param.test[1], mtry = param.test[2],
    #                 ntree = param.test[3], splitrule="logrank")
    res.rsf <- rfsrc(f, data = data, nodesize = param.test[1], mtry = param.test[2],
                          ntree = param.test[3], splitrule="logrank")
    res<-c(param.test[1], param.test[2], param.test[3],  tail(res.rsf$err.rate, 1))
  .grid <-  expand.grid(nodesize=nodesize, mtry=mtry, ntree=ntree)
  .grid=cbind(.grid[,1],.grid[,2], .grid[,3])

  .tune.rf<-apply(.grid,MARGIN=1, FUN=find.tune.rf.fast, f=.f, data=data)

  .mini<-.res[which(.res$error==min(.res$error, na.rm=TRUE) & is.na(.res$error)==FALSE),]

  return(list(optimal=.optimal, results = .tune.rf))

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RISCA documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:06 p.m.