
Defines functions setProviderCredentials sdmxdf sdmxHelp getCodes getProviders getTimeSeriesRevisions getTimeSeriesTable2 getTimeSeriesTable getTimeSeries2 getTimeSeries getDimensions addProvider getDSDIdentifier getFlows

Documented in addProvider getCodes getDimensions getDSDIdentifier getFlows getProviders getTimeSeries getTimeSeries2 getTimeSeriesRevisions getTimeSeriesTable getTimeSeriesTable2 sdmxdf sdmxHelp setProviderCredentials

# Copyright 2010,2024 Bank Of Italy
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they
# will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
# versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the
# Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
# http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
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# distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing
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# Main class for consuming SDMX web services
# Author: Attilio Mattiocco

#' get provider flow list
#' Extract the list of DataFlows of a provider. This function is used to query the list of dataflows of the provider. A matching pattern can be provided, if needed.
#' getFlows(provider, pattern)
#' @param pattern the pattern to match against the dataflow id or description. If a pattern is not provided, all dataflows are returned.
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @author Attilio Mattiocco \email{Attilio.Mattiocco@@bancaditalia.it}, Diana Nicoletti
#' @keywords rJava
#' @rdname getFlows
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## get all flows from ECB
#' flows = getFlows('ECB')
#' ## get all flows that contain the 'EXR
#' flows = getFlows('ECB','*EXR*')
#' }
getFlows <- function(provider, pattern='') {
  jlist <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getFlows(provider, pattern)
  res = convertHashTable(jlist)

#' get DSD Identifier for dataflow
#' Extract the dsd identifier of a DataFlow. This function is used to retrieve the name of the keyfamily of the input dataflow.
#' getDSDIdentifier(provider, dataflow)
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @param dataflow the identifier of the dataflow
#' @rdname getDSDIdentifier
#' @export
#' @examples
#' id = getDSDIdentifier('ECB','EXR')
#' }
getDSDIdentifier <- function(provider, dataflow) {
  res <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getDSDIdentifier(provider, dataflow)

#' add new provider
#' Configure a new data provider (only SDMX 2.1 REST providers are supported). This function can be used to configure a new (SDMX 2.1 compliant, REST based) data provider.
#' addProvider(name, endpoint, needsCredentials, needsURLEncoding, supportsCompression, description)
#' @param name the name of the provider
#' @param endpoint the URL where the provider resides
#' @param needsCredentials set this to TRUE if the user needs to authenticate to query the provider
#' @param needsURLEncoding set this to TRUE if the provider does not handle character '+' in URLs
#' @param supportsCompression set this to TRUE if the provider is able to handle compression
#' @param description a brief text description of the provider
#' @param sdmxVersion the version of the sdmx rest api ('V2' or 'V3'), defaults to V2
#' @rdname addProvider
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' addProvider('pname', 'pendpoint', F)
#' }
addProvider <- function(name, endpoint, needsCredentials=FALSE, needsURLEncoding=FALSE, supportsCompression=TRUE, description='', sdmxVersion='V2') {
	if(sdmxVersion == 'V2'){
		sdmxVersion = J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.api.SDMXVersion")$V2
		sdmxVersion = J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.api.SDMXVersion")$V3
  J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$addProvider(name, endpoint, needsCredentials, needsURLEncoding, supportsCompression, description, sdmxVersion)

#' get dsd dimensions for dataflow
#' Extract the dimensions of a DataFlow. This function is used to retrieve the list of dimensions of the input dataflow
#' getDimensions(provider, dataflow)
#' @param dataflow the identifier of the dataflow
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @rdname getDimensions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dims = getDimensions('ECB','EXR')
#' }
getDimensions <- function(provider, dataflow) {
  res <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getDimensions(provider, dataflow)
  jlist <- .jcall(res,"[Ljava/lang/Object;","toArray");
  res = convertDimList(jlist)

#' get time series (sdmx v2)
#' Extract a list of time series. This function is used to extract a list of time series identified by the parameters provided in input.
#' getTimeSeries(provider, dataflow, id, filter, start, end)
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @param id timeseries key
#' @param end the end time - optional
#' @param start the start time - optional
#' @rdname getTimeSeries
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # SDMX V2
#' ## get single time series:
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries('ECB',id='EXR.A.USD.EUR.SP00.A')
#' ## get monthly and annual frequency: 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries('ECB',id='EXR.A+M.USD.EUR.SP00.A')
#' ## get all available frequencies: 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries('ECB',id='EXR..USD.EUR.SP00.A')
#' }
getTimeSeries <- function(provider, id, start='', end='') {
  res <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getTimeSeries(provider, id, start, end, FALSE, .jnull(), FALSE)
  #convert to an R list
  res = convertTSList(res)

#' get time series (SDMX v3)
#' Extract a list of time series . 
#' This function is used to extract a list of time series identified by the parameters provided in input.
#' getTimeSeries(provider, dataflow, key, filter, start, end, attributes, measures)
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @param dataflow dataflow of the time series
#' @param key timeseries key - optional
#' @param filter optional filter to be applied - optional
#' @param end the end time - optional
#' @param start the start time - optional
#' @param attributes the comma separated list of attributes to be returned - optional, default='all', 'none' for no attributes
#' @param measures the comma separated list of measures to be returned - optional, default='all', 'none' for no measures
#' @rdname getTimeSeries2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # SDMX V3
#' ## get single time series: 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries2('ECB', dataflow='EXR', key='A.USD.EUR.SP00.A')
#' ## get all available frequencies: 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries2('ECB', dataflow='EXR', key='.USD.EUR.SP00.A')
#' #or
#' #' ## get single time series: EXR.A.USD.EUR.SP00.A
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries2('ECB', dataflow='EXR', filter='c[FREQ]=A&c[CURRENCY]=USD&c[CURRENCY_DENOM]=EUR&c[EXR_TYPE]=SP00&c[EXR_SUFFIX]=A')
#' ## get monthly and annual frequency: 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries2('ECB', dataflow='EXR', filter='c[FREQ]=A,M&c[CURRENCY]=USD&c[CURRENCY_DENOM]=EUR&c[EXR_TYPE]=SP00&c[EXR_SUFFIX]=A')
#' ## get all available frequencies: 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeries2('ECB', dataflow='EXR', filter='c[CURRENCY]=USD&c[CURRENCY_DENOM]=EUR&c[EXR_TYPE]=SP00&c[EXR_SUFFIX]=A')
#' }
getTimeSeries2 <- function(provider, dataflow, key='', filter='', start='', end='', attributes = 'all', measures = 'all') {
  res <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getTimeSeries2(provider, dataflow, key, filter, start, end, attributes, measures, .jnull(), FALSE)
  #convert to an R list
  res = convertTSList(res)

#' get time series and return a data.frame (SDMX v2)
#' Extract a list of time series identified by the parameters provided in input, and return a data.frame as result.
#' getTimeSeriesTable(provider, dataflow, id, filter, start, end)
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @param id timeseries key
#' @param end the end time - optional
#' @param start the start time - optional
#' @param gregorianTime set to true to have all daily dates - optional
#' @rdname getTimeSeriesTable
#' @export
getTimeSeriesTable <- function(provider, id, start='', end='', gregorianTime=F) {
  res <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getTimeSeriesTable(provider, id, start, end, FALSE, .jnull(), FALSE)
  #convert to an R data.frame
  res = convertTSDF(res, gregorianTime)

#' get time series and return a data.frame (SDMX v3)
#' Extract a list of time series identified by the parameters provided in input, and return a data.frame as result.
#' getTimeSeriesTable2(provider, dataflow, key, filter, start, end, attributes, measures, updatedAfter, includeHistory)
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @param dataflow dataflow of the time series
#' @param key timeseries key
#' @param filter optional filter to be applied
#' @param end the end time - optional
#' @param start the start time - optional
#' @param attributes the comma separated list of attributes to be returned - optional, default='all', 'none' for no attributes
#' @param measures the comma separated list of measures to be returned - optional, default='all', 'none' for no measures
#' @param updatedAfter return only changes after this date - optional
#' @param includeHistory include history of revisions - optional, default=false
#' @param gregorianTime set to true to have all daily dates - optional
#' @rdname getTimeSeriesTable2
#' @export
getTimeSeriesTable2 <- function(provider, dataflow, key='', filter='', start='', end='', attributes='all', measures='all', updatedAfter=.jnull(), includeHistory=FALSE, gregorianTime = F) {
  res <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getTimeSeriesTable2(provider, dataflow, key, filter, start, end, attributes, measures, updatedAfter, includeHistory)
  #convert to an R data.frame
  res = convertTSDF(res, gregorianTime)

#' get data revisions (sdmx v2)
#' Extract time series starting from a specific update time and 
#' with history of revisions. This function works as \bold{getTimeSeriesTable} but the 
#' query can be narrowed to getting only observations that
#' were updated after a specific point in time, and eventually it returns the revision history of
#' the matching time series. The result is packed into a data.frame
#' getTimeSeriesRevisions(provider, id, start, end, updatedAfter, includeHistory)
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @param id identifier of the time series
#' @param end the end time - optional
#' @param start the start time - optional
#' @param updatedAfter the updatedAfter time - optional. It has to be in the form: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
#' @param includeHistory boolean parameter - optional. If true the full list of revisions will be returned
#' @rdname getTimeSeriesRevisions 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # get single time series with history: 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeriesRevisions('ECB','EXR.A.USD.EUR.SP00.A', includeHistory=TRUE)
#' # get single time series (only observations updated after january 1st 2015): 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeriesRevisions('ECB','EXR.A.USD.EUR.SP00.A', updatedAfter='2015', includeHistory=F)
#' # get single time series (full revision history starting from january 1st 2015): 
#' my_ts=getTimeSeriesRevisions('ECB','EXR.A.USD.EUR.SP00.A', updatedAfter='2015', includeHistory=TRUE)
#' }
getTimeSeriesRevisions <- function(provider, id, start='', end='', updatedAfter='', includeHistory=TRUE) {
  res <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getTimeSeriesTable(provider, id, start, end, FALSE, updatedAfter, includeHistory)
  #convert to an R list
  res = convertTSDF(res,F)

#' get available providers
#' Extract the list of available Data Providers. This function is used to query the list of data providers.
#' getProviders()
#' @rdname getProviders
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getProviders()
#' }
getProviders <- function() {
  jmap <- J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getProviders()
	res = convertHashTable(jmap)

#' get dsd codes for dataflow
#' Extract the codes of a dimension. This function is used to retrieve the list of codes available for the input dimension and flow.
#' getCodes(provider, dataflow, dimension)
#' @param flow the identifier of the dataflow
#' @param dimension the identifier of the dimension
#' @param provider the name of the provider
#' @rdname getCodes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' codes=getCodes('ECB', 'EXR', 'FREQ')
#' }
getCodes <- function(provider, flow, dimension){
  javaKeys<-J("it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler")$getCodes(provider, flow, dimension)
  keys = convertHashTable(javaKeys)

#' open helper 
#' Open a helper graphical application. This function opens a small sdmx metadata browser that can be helpful when building queries.
#' sdmxHelp()
#' @param internalJVM true (default) if the GUI has to live in the R JVM. Set this to false in MAC, to avoid issue #41
#' @rdname sdmxHelp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #opens the helper in the R JVM
#' sdmxHelp() 
#' #opens the helper in an external JVM
#' sdmxHelp(F) 
#' }
sdmxHelp <- function(internalJVM=T){
  # fix for #41 on OS X
    JAVA = Sys.which('java')
    if(length(JAVA) > 0 && nchar(JAVA[1]) > 0){
      javaExe = JAVA[1]
      message(paste0('JVM detected: ', javaExe))
      system(paste0(javaExe, ' -classpath ', file.path(find.package('RJSDMX'), 'java', 'SDMX.jar'), ' it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.helper.SDMXHelper'), wait=FALSE)
      stop('Could not detect external JVM.')

#' convert time series to data.frame
#' This function is used to transform the output of the getSDMX (or getTimeseries) 
#' functions from a list of time series to a data.frame. The metadata can be requested by explicitly passing the
#' appropriate parameters.
#' sdmxdf()
#' @param tslist the list of time series to be converted
#' @param meta set this to TRUE if you want metadata to be included (default: F, as this may increase the size of the result quite a bit)
#' @param id set this to FALSE if you do not want the time series id to be included (default: T)
#' @rdname sdmxdf
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # a=getSDMX('ECB', 'EXR.A|Q|M|D.USD.EUR.SP00.A')
#' ddf = sdmxdf(a)
#' ddf = sdmxdf(a, meta=T)
#' }
sdmxdf <- function(tslist, meta=FALSE, id=TRUE){
  ddf = NULL
  if(!missing(tslist) && length(tslist) != 0 && is.list(tslist)){
    dflist=lapply(tslist, sdmxzoo2df, id, meta)
    ddf=Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE), dflist)
    cat('The time series list in input is missing or invalid\n')

setProviderCredentials <- function(provider, user=.jnull(), pw=.jnull()) {
  J('it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.SdmxClientHandler')$setCredentials(provider, user, pw)

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RJSDMX documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:07 p.m.