
Defines functions .oci.ListTables .oci.ConnectionSummary .oci.ConnectionInfo .oci.GetException .oci.GetQuery .oci.oracleProc .oci.SendQuery .oci.Disconnect .oci.Connect .oci.DriverSummary .oci.DriverInfo .oci.UnloadDriver .oci.Driver

# Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
#    NAME
#      oci.R - OCI based implementaion for DBI
#      OCI based implementaion for DBI.
#    NOTES
#    ssjaiswa    08/25/16 - Handled upper and lower cases in ora.type, 
#                           ora.parameter_mode and ora.encoding attributes
#                           accept both cases (upper and lower)
#    ssjaiswa    05/12/16 - validate data of OUT parameter with NA
#    ssjaiswa    03/10/16 - add .oci.oracleProc() for stored procedure/function
#    ssjaiswa    03/08/16 - copying attributes back to object after strftime,
#                           as.data.frame, strptime and as.difftime strips them
#    rpingte     06/14/15 - [21128853] performance improvements for date time
#                                      types
#    ssjaiswa    04/29/15 - [20964968] copying attributes back to object after 
#                           as.character() strips them
#    rpingte     03/31/15 - add ora.attributes
#    rpingte     03/30/15 - remove attrib from ListFields
#    ssjaiswa    03/23/15 - [16017358] add .oci.Connect(), .oci.GetQuery() and 
#                           .oci.SendQuery() parameters validation
#    ssjaiswa    03/22/15 - [15937661] [20603162] add attribute support
#    rpingte     02/16/15 - add attribute support
#    rpingte     01/29/15 - add unicode_as_utf8 parameter to dbDriver
#    ssjaiswa    12/16/14 - [16907374] Add date argument in .oci.WriteTable
#    ssjaiswa    09/10/14 - Add bulk_write
#    rpingte     05/27/14 - use ORA_SDTZ to format binds
#    rpingte     05/02/14 - Date and Time stamp(with zone and local) are
#                           internally defined as datetime class
#    lzhang      03/20/14 - bug 18263136: for POSIXct with integer internal
#                         - type, convert to double internal first.
#    rpingte     03/10/14 - add end of result
#    rkanodia    10/03/13 - Add session mode
#    rkanodia    08/30/13 - [17383542] Enhance .oci.WriteTable() to work on
#                           tables of global space
#    qinwan      03/01/13 - avoid unnecessary data copy in type check
#    rkanodia    12/10/12 - Changed default value of bulk_read  to 1000
#    rpingte     11/28/12 - 15930335: use timestamp data type for POSIXct value
#    paboyoun    09/17/12 - add difftime support
#    demukhin    09/04/12 - add Extproc driver
#    rkanodia    08/02/12 - Removed redundant arguments passed to functions
#                           and removed LOB prefetch support bug [145082788888888]
#    paboyoun    08/01/12 - optimize .oci.data.frame
#    jfeldhau    06/18/12 - ROracle support for TimesTen.
#    paboyoun    06/04/12 - add data.frame support for list of raw vectors
#    rpingte     05/24/12 - Date time and raw support
#    rkanodia    05/13/12 - LOB prefetch
#    rkanodia    05/12/12 - Statement caching
#    demukhin    05/10/12 - translation changes
#    rpingte     04/23/12 - add interrupt enable
#    rpingte     04/21/12 - add prefetch & array fetch options
#    rkanodia    04/16/12 - Fixing review comments
#    demukhin    04/09/12 - translation
#    paboyoun    03/22/12 - fix typo
#    rkanodia    03/05/12 - obs2 bugfix (13843807)
#    rkanodia    03/05/12 - obs1_bugfix (13843805)
#    demukhin    01/20/12 - cleanup
#    paboyoun    01/04/12 - minor code cleanup
#    demukhin    12/08/11 - more OraConnection and OraResult methods
#    demukhin    12/01/11 - add support for more methods
#    paboyoun    11/30/11 - don't check column names in oraWriteTable
#    demukhin    10/12/11 - creation

##  (*) OraDriver                                                            ##

.oci.Driver <- function(drv, interruptible = FALSE, extproc.ctx = NULL,
                        unicode_as_utf8 = TRUE, ora.attributes = FALSE)
  .Call("rociDrvInit", drv@handle, interruptible, extproc.ctx, unicode_as_utf8,
        ora.attributes, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

.oci.UnloadDriver <- function(drv)
  .Call("rociDrvTerm", drv@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

.oci.DriverInfo <- function(drv, what)
  info <- .Call("rociDrvInfo", drv@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  info$connections <- lapply(info$connections,
                             function(hdl) new("OraConnection", handle = hdl))
  if (!missing(what))
    info <- info[what]

.oci.DriverSummary <- function(drv)
  info <- .oci.DriverInfo(drv)
  cat("Driver name:            ", info$driverName,      "\n")
  cat("Driver version:         ", info$driverVersion,   "\n")
  cat("Client version:         ", info$clientVersion,   "\n")
  cat("Connections processed:  ", info$conTotal,        "\n")
  cat("Open connections:       ", info$conOpen,         "\n")
  cat("Interruptible:          ", info$interruptible,   "\n")
  cat("Unicode data as utf8:   ", info$unicode_as_utf8, "\n")
  cat("Oracle type attributes: ", info$ora_attributes, "\n")

##  (*) OraConnection                                                        ##

.oci.Connect <- function(drv, username = "", password = "", dbname = "",
                         prefetch = FALSE, bulk_read = 1000L,
                         bulk_write = 1000L, stmt_cache = 0L,
                         external_credentials = FALSE, sysdba = FALSE)
  # validate if not ExtDriver
  if (class(drv)[1] != "ExtDriver")
    username <- as.character(username)
    if (length(username) != 1L)
      stop("'username' must be a single string")
    password <- as.character(password)
    if (length(password) != 1L)
      stop("'password' must be a single string")
    dbname <- as.character(dbname)
    if (length(dbname) != 1L)
      stop("'dbname' must be a single string")
    if (!is.character(username) || nzchar(username))
      stop("'username' must not given for ExtDriver")
    if (!is.character(password) || nzchar(password))
      stop("'password' must not be given for ExtDriver")
    if (!is.character(dbname) || nzchar(dbname))
      stop("'dbname' must not be given for ExtDriver")

  if (!is.logical(prefetch))
         "argument '%s' must be a single logical value and cannot be '%s'",
         "prefetch", prefetch))

  prefetch <- as.logical(prefetch)
  if (length(prefetch) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single logical value", "prefetch"))

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_read))
         "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
         "bulk_read", bulk_read))

  bulk_read <- as.integer(bulk_read)
  if (length(bulk_read) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_read"))
  if (bulk_read < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_read")) 

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_write))
      "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
      "bulk_write", bulk_write))

  bulk_write <- as.integer(bulk_write)
  if (length(bulk_write) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_write"))
  if (bulk_write < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_write")) 

  if (!is.integer(stmt_cache))
      "argument '%s' must be a single a single integer and cannot be '%s'",
      "stmt_cache", stmt_cache))

  stmt_cache <- as.integer(stmt_cache)
  if (length(stmt_cache) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "stmt_cache"))
  if (stmt_cache < 0L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a positive integer", "stmt_cache"))

  # Validate external_credentials parameter 
  if (!is.logical(external_credentials))
       "argument '%s' must be a single a single integer and cannot be '%s'",
       "external_credentials", external_credentials))

  external_credentials <- as.logical(external_credentials)
  if (length(external_credentials) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single logical value",
  # Validate sysdba parameter 
  if (!is.logical(sysdba))
       "argument '%s' must be a single a single logical and cannot be '%s'",
       "sysdba", sysdba))

  sysdba <- as.logical(sysdba)
  if (length(sysdba) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single logical value", "sysdba"))
  # connect
  params <- c(username, password, dbname)
  hdl <- .Call("rociConInit", drv@handle, params, prefetch, bulk_read,
                bulk_write, stmt_cache, external_credentials, sysdba,
                PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  timesten <- (.Call("rociConInfo", hdl, 
                      PACKAGE = "ROracle")$serverType == "TimesTen IMDB")
  new("OraConnection", handle = hdl, timesten = timesten)

.oci.Disconnect <- function(con)
  .Call("rociConTerm", con@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

.oci.SendQuery <- function(con, stmt, data = NULL, prefetch = FALSE,
                           bulk_read = 1000L, bulk_write = 1000L)
  if (!is.logical(prefetch))
         "argument '%s' must be a single logical value and cannot be '%s'",
         "prefetch", prefetch))

  prefetch <- as.logical(prefetch)
  if (length(prefetch) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single logical value", "prefetch"))

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_read))
         "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
         "bulk_read", bulk_read))

  bulk_read <- as.integer(bulk_read)
  if (length(bulk_read) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_read"))
  if (bulk_read < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_read")) 

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_write))
      "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
      "bulk_write", bulk_write))

  bulk_write <- as.integer(bulk_write)
  if (length(bulk_write) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_write"))
  if (bulk_write < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_write"))

  stmt <- as.character(stmt)

  if (!is.null(data))
    data <- .oci.data.frame(data, TRUE)

  hdl <- .Call("rociResInit", con@handle, stmt, data, prefetch,
               bulk_read, bulk_write, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  new("OraResult", handle = hdl)

.oci.oracleProc <- function(con, stmt, data = NULL, prefetch = FALSE,
                           bulk_read = 1000L, bulk_write = 1000L)
  if (!is.logical(prefetch))
         "argument '%s' must be a single logical value and cannot be '%s'",
         "prefetch", prefetch))

  prefetch <- as.logical(prefetch)
  if (length(prefetch) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single logical value", "prefetch"))

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_read))
         "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
         "bulk_read", bulk_read))

  bulk_read <- as.integer(bulk_read)
  if (length(bulk_read) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_read"))
  if (bulk_read < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_read"))

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_write))
      "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
      "bulk_write", bulk_write))

  bulk_write <- as.integer(bulk_write)
  if (length(bulk_write) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_write"))
  if (bulk_write < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_write"))

  stmt <- as.character(stmt)

  if (!is.null(data))
    data <- .oci.pls.data.frame(data, TRUE)
    mode = attr(data, "ora.parameter_mode", exact=TRUE)

    # verify ora.parameter_mode for data.frame
    if (!is.null(mode))
      mode <- toupper(mode)
      attr(data, "ora.parameter_mode") <- mode
      if ((mode != "IN") && (mode != "OUT") && (mode != "IN OUT"))
         stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be IN, OUT or IN OUT", 
      else if ((mode == "OUT") && ((length(data) && !is.na(data)) || (is.raw(data) && length(data))))
         stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be NA for argument '%s' '%s'", "data",
                        "ora.parameter_mode", mode))
    # verify maxlength for CLOB/BLOB/NCLOB 
    oratype = attr(data, "ora.type", exact=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(oratype))
      oratype <- tolower(oratype)
      attr(data, "ora.type") <- oratype
      maxlen = attr(data, "ora.maxlength", exact=TRUE)
      if ((oratype == "clob") && !is.null(maxlen))
        stop(gettextf("attribute '%s' must not be specified for CLOB", "ora.maxlength"))
      else if ((oratype == "blob") && !is.null(maxlen))
        stop(gettextf("attribute '%s' must not be specified for BLOB", "ora.maxlength"))
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(data)))
      col <- data[[i]]
      mode <- attr(col, "ora.parameter_mode", exact=TRUE)
      type <- attr(col, "ora.type", exact=TRUE)
      if (!is.null(mode))
        mode <- toupper(mode)
        attr(data[[i]], "ora.parameter_mode") <- mode
        if ((mode != "IN") && (mode != "OUT") && (mode != "IN OUT"))
           stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be IN, OUT or IN OUT",
        else if ((mode == "OUT") && ((length(col) && !is.na(col)) || (is.raw(data) && length(col))))
         stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be NA for argument '%s' '%s'", "data",
                        "ora.parameter_mode", mode))

      if (!is.null(type))
        type <- tolower(type)
        attr(data[[i]], "ora.type") <- type
        max = attr(col, "ora.maxlength", exact=TRUE)
        if ((type == "clob") && !is.null(max))
          stop(gettextf("attribute '%s' must not be specified for CLOB", "ora.maxlength"))
        else if ((type == "blob") && !is.null(max))
          stop(gettextf("attribute '%s' must not be specified for BLOB", "ora.maxlength"))

  hdl <- .Call("rociResInit", con@handle, stmt, data,
               prefetch, bulk_read, bulk_write, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  res <- try(
    eof_res <- .Call("rociEOFRes", hdl, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
    if (eof_res)
      .Call("rociResFetch", hdl, -1L, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  }, silent = TRUE)

  .Call("rociResTerm", hdl, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

  if (inherits(res, "try-error"))


.oci.GetQuery <- function(con, stmt, data = NULL, prefetch = FALSE,
                          bulk_read = 1000L, bulk_write = 1000L)
  if (!is.logical(prefetch))
         "argument '%s' must be a single logical value and cannot be '%s'",
         "prefetch", prefetch))

  prefetch <- as.logical(prefetch)
  if (length(prefetch) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single logical value", "prefetch"))

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_read))
         "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
         "bulk_read", bulk_read))

  bulk_read <- as.integer(bulk_read)
  if (length(bulk_read) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_read"))
  if (bulk_read < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_read")) 

  if (!is.numeric(bulk_write))
      "argument '%s' must be a single integer value and cannot be '%s'",
      "bulk_write", bulk_write))

  bulk_write <- as.integer(bulk_write)
  if (length(bulk_write) != 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be a single integer", "bulk_write"))
  if (bulk_write < 1L)
    stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be greater than 0", "bulk_write")) 

  stmt <- as.character(stmt)

  if (!is.null(data))
    data <- .oci.data.frame(data, TRUE)

  hdl <- .Call("rociResInit", con@handle, stmt, data,
               prefetch, bulk_read, bulk_write, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  res <- try(
    eof_res <- .Call("rociEOFRes", hdl, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
    if (eof_res)
      .Call("rociResFetch", hdl, -1L, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  }, silent = TRUE)
  .Call("rociResTerm", hdl, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  if (inherits(res, "try-error"))


.oci.GetException <- function(con)
  .Call("rociConError", con@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

.oci.ConnectionInfo <- function(con, what)
  info <- .Call("rociConInfo", con@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  info$results <- lapply(info$results,
                         function(hdl) new("OraResult", handle = hdl))
  if (!missing(what))
    info <- info[what]

.oci.ConnectionSummary <- function(con)
  info <- .oci.ConnectionInfo(con)
  cat("User name:            ", info$username,      "\n")
  cat("Connect string:       ", info$dbname,        "\n")
  cat("Server version:       ", info$serverVersion, "\n")
  cat("Server type:          ", info$serverType,    "\n")
  cat("Results processed:    ", info$resTotal,      "\n")
  cat("OCI prefetch:         ", info$prefetch,      "\n")
  cat("Bulk read:            ", info$bulk_read,     "\n")
  cat("Bulk write:           ", info$bulk_write,    "\n")
  cat("Statement cache size: ", info$stmt_cache,    "\n")
  cat("Open results:         ", info$resOpen,       "\n")

##  (*) OraConnection: Convenience methods                                   ##

.oci.ListTables <- function(con, schema = NULL, all = FALSE, full = FALSE)
  if (all)
    # validate schema
    if (!is.null(schema))
      stop("cannot specify 'schema' when 'all' is TRUE")

    #Bug 13843807 : Modify query to list views also
    qry <- "select owner, object_name \
                from all_objects where object_type = 'TABLE' \
                or object_type = 'VIEW'"
    res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry)
  else if (!is.null(schema))
    # validate schema
    schema <- as.character(schema)
    .oci.ValidateString("schema", schema, TRUE)

    bnd <- paste(':', seq_along(schema), sep = '', collapse = ',')
    #Bug 13843807 : Modify query to list views also
    qry <- paste("select owner, object_name",
                    "from all_objects",
                    "where owner in (", bnd, ")",
                    " and (object_type = 'TABLE'",
                    " or object_type = 'VIEW')")
    res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry,
                         data = data.frame(matrix(schema, nrow = 1L)))
    #Bug 13843807 : Modify query to list views also
    qry <- "select user, object_name from \
                    user_objects where (object_type = 'TABLE' \ 
                    or object_type = 'VIEW')"
    res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry)

  if (full)
    c(res[, 1L], res[, 2L])
    res[, 2L]

.oci.ReadTable <- function(con, name, schema = NULL, row.names = NULL)
  # validate name
  name <- as.character(name)
  .oci.ValidateString("name", name)

  # validate schema
  if (!is.null(schema))
    schema <- as.character(schema)
    .oci.ValidateString("schema", schema)

  # form name
  if (is.null(schema))
    tab <- sprintf('"%s"', name)
    tab <- sprintf('"%s"."%s"', schema, name)

  # read table
  qry <- paste('select *',
                 'from', tab)
  res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry)

  # add row.names
  if (!is.null(row.names))
    cols <- names(res)

    if (is(row.names, "logical") || is(row.names, "numeric"))
      row.names <- cols[row.names]
      row.names <- as.character(row.names)

    row.names <- match(row.names, cols, nomatch = 0)
    if (length(row.names) != 1L)
      stop("'row.names' must be a single column")
    if (row.names < 1L || row.names > length(cols))
      stop("'row.names' not found")

    names.col <- as.character(res[, row.names])
    res <- res[, -row.names, drop = FALSE]
    row.names(res) <- names.col


.oci.WriteTable <- function(con, name, value, row.names = FALSE,
                            overwrite = FALSE, append = FALSE,
                            ora.number = TRUE, schema = NULL, date = FALSE)
  # commit

  # validate overwite and append
  if (overwrite && append)
    stop("'overwrite' and 'append' cannot both be TRUE")

  # validate name
  name <- as.character(name)
  .oci.ValidateString("name", name)

  # validate schema
  if (!is.null(schema))
    schema <- as.character(schema)
    .oci.ValidateString("schema", schema)

  # add row.names column
  if (row.names && !is.null(row.names(value)))
    value <- cbind(row.names(value), value)
    names(value)[1L] <- "row.names"

  # coerce data
  value <- .oci.data.frame(value)

  # get column names and types
  if (con@timesten)
    ctypes <- sapply(head(value,0), .oci.dbType, ora.number = ora.number, TRUE, date)
    ctypes <- sapply(value, .oci.dbType, ora.number = ora.number, FALSE, date)

  cnames <- sprintf('"%s"', names(value))

  # create table
  drop <- TRUE
  if (.oci.ExistsTable(con, name, schema))
    if (overwrite)
      .oci.RemoveTable(con, name, FALSE, schema)
      .oci.CreateTable(con, name, cnames, ctypes, schema)
    else if (append)
      drop <- FALSE
      stop("table or view already exists")
    .oci.CreateTable(con, name, cnames, ctypes, schema)

  # insert data
  res <- try(
    # [17383542] create query to insert data in table of global space also
    if (is.null(schema))
      stmt <- sprintf('insert into "%s" values (%s)', name,
                      paste(":", seq_along(cnames), sep = "",
                      collapse = ","))
      stmt <- sprintf('insert into "%s"."%s" values (%s)', schema, name,
                      paste(":", seq_along(cnames), sep = "",
                      collapse = ","))
    .oci.GetQuery(con, stmt, data = value)
  }, silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
    if (drop)
      .oci.RemoveTable(con, name, FALSE, schema)

.oci.ExistsTable <- function(con, name, schema = NULL)
  # validate name
  name <- as.character(name)
  .oci.ValidateString("name", name)

  # validate schema
  if (!is.null(schema))
    schema <- as.character(schema)
    .oci.ValidateString("schema", schema)

  # check for existence
  if (!is.null(schema))
# Bug 13843805 : Changed table name from all_tables to all_objects
    qry <- "select 1 from all_objects \
                  where (object_name = :1 and owner = :2) \
                  and (object_type = 'TABLE' or object_type = 'VIEW')"
    res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry,
                         data = data.frame(name = name, schema = schema))
# Bug 13843805 : Changed table name from user_tables to user_objects
    qry <- "select 1 from user_objects where object_name = :1 \
                   and (object_type = 'TABLE' or object_type = 'VIEW')"
    res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry,
                         data = data.frame(name = name))
  nrow(res) == 1L

.oci.RemoveTable <- function(con, name, purge = FALSE, schema = NULL)
  # validate name
  name <- as.character(name)
  .oci.ValidateString("name", name)

  # validate schema
  if (!is.null(schema))
    schema <- as.character(schema)
    .oci.ValidateString("schema", schema)

  # remove
  parm <- if (purge) "purge" else ""

  #Bug 13843809 : Modify query to find out that given
  # name is table or view
  qry <- "select object_type from all_objects \
                    where object_name = :1 and object_type = 'VIEW'"
  res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry,  data = data.frame(name = name))

  if (nrow(res) == 1L)
    if (is.null(schema))
      stmt <- sprintf('drop view "%s"', name)
      stmt <- sprintf('drop view "%s"."%s"', schema, name)
    if (is.null(schema))
      stmt <- sprintf('drop table "%s" %s', name, parm)
      stmt <- sprintf('drop table "%s"."%s" %s', schema, name, parm)

  .oci.GetQuery(con, stmt)

.oci.ListFields <- function(con, name, schema = NULL)
  name <- as.character(name)
  if (!is.null(schema))
    schema <- as.character(schema)

  #Bug 13843805 : Check table exist or not. 
  #               If table does not exist then throw error
  validTab = .oci.ExistsTable(con,name, schema)

  if (!validTab)
    stop(gettextf('table "%s" does not exist', name))

  # get column names
  if (!is.null(schema))
    if (con@timesten)
      qry <- paste('select rtrim (columns.colname) as column_name ',
                   'from sys.tables, sys.columns ',
                   'where tables.tblid = columns.id ',
                   'and tables.tblname = :1 ',
                   'and tables.owner = :2 ',
                   'order by columns.colnum')     
      qry <- "select column_name from all_tab_columns \
                    where table_name = :1 and owner = :2 \
                    order by column_id"
    res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry,
                         data = data.frame(name = name, schema = schema))
    if (con@timesten)
      qry <- paste('select rtrim (columns.colname) as column_name ',
                   'from sys.tables, sys.columns ',
                   'where tables.tblid = columns.id ',
                   'and tables.tblname = :1 ',
                   'order by columns.colnum')     
      qry <- "select column_name from user_tab_columns \
                    where table_name = :1 order by column_id"
    res <- .oci.GetQuery(con, qry,
                         data = data.frame(name = name))
  res[, 1L]

##  (*) OraConnection: Transaction management                                ##

.oci.Commit   <- function(con)
  info <- .oci.ConnectionInfo(con)
  if (info$serverType == "Oracle Extproc")
    .oci.GetQuery(con, "commit")
    .Call("rociConCommit", con@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

.oci.Rollback <- function(con)
  info <- .oci.ConnectionInfo(con)
  if (info$serverType == "Oracle Extproc")
    .oci.GetQuery(con, "rollback")
    .Call("rociConRollback", con@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")  

##  (*) OraResult                                                            ##

.oci.fetch <- function(res, n = -1L)
  eof_res <- .Call("rociEOFRes", res@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  if (eof_res)
    stop("no more data to fetch")

  df <- try(
    .Call("rociResFetch", res@handle, n, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  }, silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(res, "try-error"))


.oci.ClearResult <- function(res)
  .Call("rociResTerm", res@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

.oci.ResultInfo <- function(res, what)
  info <- .Call("rociResInfo", res@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")
  if (!missing(what))
    info <- info[what]

.oci.EOFResult <- function(res)
  eof_res <- .Call("rociEOFRes", res@handle, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

.oci.ResultSummary <- function(res)
  info <- .oci.ResultInfo(res)
  cat("Statement:           ", info$statement,    "\n")
  cat("Rows affected:       ", info$rowsAffected, "\n")
  cat("Row count:           ", info$rowCount,     "\n")
  cat("Select statement:    ", info$isSelect,     "\n")
  cat("Statement completed: ", info$completed,    "\n")
  cat("OCI prefetch:        ", info$prefetch,     "\n")
  cat("Bulk read:           ", info$bulk_read,    "\n")
  cat("Bulk write:          ", info$bulk_write,   "\n")

##  (*) OraResult: DBI extensions                                            ##

.oci.execute <- function(res, data = NULL)
  if (!is.null(data))
    data <- .oci.data.frame(data, TRUE)

  .Call("rociResExec", res@handle, data, PACKAGE = "ROracle")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
##                            INTERNAL FUNCTIONS                             ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

.oci.drv <- function() get("ora.driver", envir = .oci.GlobalEnv)

.ext.drv <- function() get("ext.driver", envir = .oci.GlobalEnv)

.oci.dbTypeCheck <- function(obj)
  (inherits(obj, c("logical", "integer", "numeric", "character",
                    "difftime")) ||
   (inherits(obj, "POSIXct") && typeof(obj) == "double") ||
   (is.list(obj) && all(unlist(lapply(obj, is.raw), use.names = FALSE))))

.oci.data.frame <- function(obj, datetime = FALSE)
  tzone <- FALSE

  if (!is.data.frame(obj))
    if (!is.null(attr(obj, "ora.parameter_mode")))
      stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be NULL for SQL query",
    name <- attr(obj, "ora.parameter_name")
    obj <- as.data.frame(obj)
    attr(obj, "ora.parameter_name") <- name

  for (i in seq_len(ncol(obj)))
    col <- obj[[i]]
    if (!is.null(attr(col, "ora.parameter_mode")))
      stop(gettextf("argument '%s' must be NULL for SQL query",
    if (!.oci.dbTypeCheck(col))
      if (inherits(col, "Date"))
        if (!tzone)
          tzone <- TRUE

        obj[[i]] <- as.POSIXct(strptime(col, "%Y-%m-%d"))
      else if (inherits(col, "POSIXct")) # integer storage mode
        if (!tzone)
          tzone <- TRUE

        if (!datetime)
          storage.mode(obj[[i]]) <- "double"
        name <- attr(obj, "ora.parameter_name")
        typ <- attr(col, "ora.type")
        enc <- attr(col, "ora.encoding")
        mxl <- attr(col, "ora.maxlength")
        obj[[i]] <- as.character(col)
        attr(obj, "ora.parameter_name") <- name
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.type") <- typ
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.encoding") <- enc
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.maxlength") <- mxl
    else if (inherits(col, "POSIXct") && datetime)
      if (!tzone)
        tzone <- TRUE
    else if (inherits(col, "difftime"))
      obj[[i]] <- as.difftime(as.numeric(col, units = "secs"), units = "secs")
.oci.pls.data.frame <- function(obj, datetime = FALSE)
  tzone <- FALSE

# for PL/SQL queries
  if (!is.data.frame(obj))
    mode <- attr(obj, "ora.parameter_mode")
    name <- attr(obj, "ora.parameter_name")
    typ <- attr(obj, "ora.type")
    enc <- attr(obj, "ora.encoding")
    mxl <- attr(obj, "ora.maxlength")
    obj <- as.data.frame(obj)
    attr(obj, "ora.parameter_mode") <- mode
    attr(obj, "ora.parameter_name") <- name
    attr(obj, "ora.type") <- typ
    attr(obj, "ora.encoding") <- enc
    attr(obj, "ora.maxlength") <- mxl

  for (i in seq_len(ncol(obj)))
    col <- obj[[i]]
    if (!.oci.dbTypeCheck(col))
      if (inherits(col, "Date"))
        if (!tzone)
          tzone <- TRUE

        mode <- attr(col, "ora.parameter_mode")
        name <- attr(col, "ora.parameter_name")
        obj[[i]] <- as.POSIXct(strptime(col, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.parameter_mode") <- mode
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.parameter_name") <- name
      else if (inherits(col, "POSIXct")) # integer storage mode
        if (!tzone)
          tzone <- TRUE

        if (!datetime)
          storage.mode(obj[[i]]) <- "double"
        mode <- attr(col, "ora.parameter_mode")
        name <- attr(col, "ora.parameter_name")
        typ <- attr(col, "ora.type")
        enc <- attr(col, "ora.encoding")
        mxl <- attr(col, "ora.maxlength")
        obj[[i]] <- as.character(col)
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.parameter_mode") <- mode
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.parameter_name") <- name
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.type") <- typ
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.encoding") <- enc
        attr(obj[[i]], "ora.maxlength") <- mxl
    else if (inherits(col, "POSIXct") && datetime)
      if (!tzone)
         tzone <- TRUE
    else if (inherits(col, "difftime"))
      mode <- attr(col, "ora.parameter_mode")
      name <- attr(col, "ora.parameter_name")
      obj[[i]] <- as.difftime(as.numeric(col, units = "secs"), units = "secs")
      attr(obj[[i]], "ora.parameter_mode") <- mode
      attr(obj[[i]], "ora.parameter_name") <- name

.oci.dbType <- function(obj, ora.number = FALSE, timesten = FALSE, date = FALSE)

  if (timesten)
    # TimesTen type map
           logical   = if (ora.number) 
           integer   = if (ora.number)
           double  = if (inherits(obj, "POSIXct"))
                      if (date)
                     else if (ora.number)
           character = "varchar2(128) inline",
           list      = "varbinary(2000)",
           stop(gettextf("ROracle internal error [%s, %d, %s]",
                         ".oci.dbType", 1L, class(obj))))    

    oratype = attr(obj, "ora.type", exact=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(oratype))
      oratype <- tolower(oratype)
    enc = attr(obj, "ora.encoding", exact=TRUE)
    if (is.null(enc))
      enc = "unknown"
      enc <- toupper(enc)

    # Oracle type map
           logical   =,
           integer   = "integer",
           double  = if (inherits(obj, "POSIXct"))
                       if (date)
                       else if (!is.null(oratype))
                         if (oratype == "timestamp with time zone")
                          fsec = attr(obj, "ora.fractional_seconds_precision",
                          if (!is.null(fsec))
                           sprintf('timestamp(%d) with time zone', fsec)
                           "timestamp with time zone"
                         else if (oratype == "timestamp with local time zone")
                           fsec = attr(obj, "ora.fractional_seconds_precision",
                           if (!is.null(fsec))
                            sprintf('timestamp(%d) with local time zone', fsec)
                            "timestamp with local time zone"
                     else if (inherits(obj, "difftime"))
                       "interval day to second"
                     else if (ora.number)
           character = if(is.null(oratype))
                         maxlen = attr(obj, "ora.maxlength", exact=TRUE)
                         if (is.null(maxlen))
                          if (enc == "UTF-8")
                            maxlen = 2000
                            maxlen = 4000
                         if (enc == "UTF-8")
                          sprintf('nvarchar2(%d)', maxlen)
                          sprintf('varchar2(%d)', maxlen)
                       else if (oratype == "clob")
                        maxlen = attr(obj, "ora.maxlength", exact=TRUE)
                        if (is.null(maxlen))
                         if (enc == "UTF-8")
                         stop(gettextf("attribute '%s' must not be specified for CLOB", "ora.maxlength"))
                       else if (oratype == "char")
                        maxlen = attr(obj, "ora.maxlength", exact=TRUE)
                        if (is.null(maxlen))
                         if (enc == "UTF-8")
                          maxlen = 1000
                          maxlen = 2000
                        if (enc == "UTF-8")
                         sprintf('nchar(%d)', maxlen)
                         sprintf('char(%d)', maxlen)
           list      = if (!is.null(oratype) && (oratype == "blob"))
                         maxlen = attr(obj, "ora.maxlength", exact=TRUE)
                         if (is.null(maxlen))
                           stop(gettextf("attribute '%s' must not be specified for BLOB", "ora.maxlength"))
                         maxlen = attr(obj, "ora.maxlength", exact=TRUE)
                         if (is.null(maxlen))
                           maxlen = 2000
                         sprintf('raw(%d)', maxlen)
           stop(gettextf("ROracle internal error [%s, %d, %s]",
                         ".oci.dbType", 1L, class(obj))))

.oci.CreateTable <- function(con, name, cnames, ctypes, schema = NULL)
  if (is.null(schema))
    stmt <- sprintf('create table "%s" (%s)', name,
                    paste(cnames, ctypes, collapse = ","))
    stmt <- sprintf('create table "%s"."%s" (%s)', schema, name,
                    paste(cnames, ctypes, collapse = ","))
  .oci.GetQuery(con, stmt)

.oci.ValidateString <- function(name, value, multi_val = FALSE)
  if (!multi_val)
    if (length(value) != 1L)
      stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a single string", name))
    if (!nchar(value))
      stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a non-empty string", name))
    if (all(!nchar(value)))
      stop(gettextf("'%s' must be non-empty strings", name))

.oci.ValidateZoneInEnv <- function(warning = TRUE)
  sdtz <- Sys.getenv("ORA_SDTZ")
  tzone <- Sys.getenv("TZ")

  if (!nchar(sdtz) || !nchar(tzone) || (sdtz != tzone))
    if (warning)
      warning(gettextf("environment variable 'ORA_SDTZ(%s)' must be set to the same time zone region as the the environment variable 'TZ(%s)'", sdtz, tzone))
      stop(gettextf("environment variable 'ORA_SDTZ(%s)' must be set to the same time zone region as the the environment variable 'TZ(%s)'", sdtz, tzone))

# end of file oci.R

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ROracle documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 5:08 p.m.