
Defines functions prep.lda

Documented in prep.lda

#' Linear discriminant function for lm.rrpp model fits
#' Function creates arguments for \code{\link[MASS]{lda}} 
#' or \code{\link[MASS]{qda}} from a \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit.
#' This function uses a \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit to produce the 
#' data and the groups to use in \code{\link[MASS]{lda}} or
#' \code{\link[MASS]{qda}}.There are two general purposes of this 
#' function that are challenging when using \code{\link[MASS]{lda}}, directly.
#' First, this function finds the inherent groups in the \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} 
#' fit, based on factor levels.  Second,
#' this function find pseudodata - rather than the observed data - 
#' that involve either or both a principal component projection
#' with appropriate (or user-prescribed) dimensions and a transformation.  
#' The principal component projection incorporates GLS 
#' mean-centering, where appropriate.  Transformation involves holding 
#' non-grouping model terms constant.  This is accomplished by using
#' the fitted values from the \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit and the residuals 
#' of a \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit with grouping factors, alone.  When,
#' the \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit contains only grouping factors, this 
#' function produces raw data projected on principal components.
#' Regardless of variables input, data are projected onto PCs.  The 
#' purpose of this function is to predict 
#' group association, and working in PC space facilitates this objective.
#' This is a new function and not all limits and scenarios have been 
#' tested before its release.  Please report 
#' any issues or limitations or strange results to the maintainer.  
#'  \subsection{Notes for RRPP 0.5.0 and subsequent versions}{ 
#'  Prior to version 0.5.0, the function, \code{\link{classify}}, was 
#'  available.  This function has been deprecated.
#'  It mimicked \code{\link[MASS]{lda}} with added features that are 
#'  largely retained with \code{prep.lda}.  However,
#'  \code{prep.lda} facilitates the much more diverse options available 
#'  with \code{\link[MASS]{lda}}.
#' }
#' @param fit A linear model fit using \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}.
#' @param tol A tolerance used to decide if the matrix of data is singular.  
#' This value is passed onto both
#' \code{\link[MASS]{lda}} and \code{\link[stats]{prcomp}}, internally.
#' @param PC.no An optional argument to define the specific number of 
#' principal components (PC) used in analysis.
#' The minimum of this value or the number of PCs resulting from the tol 
#' argument will be used.
#' @param newdata An optional matrix (or object coercible to a matrix) for 
#' classification.  If NULL,
#' all observed data are used.
#' @param inherent.groups A logical argument in case one wishes to have the 
#' inherent groups in the model fit revealed.  If 
#' TRUE, no other analysis will be done than to reveal the groups.  This 
#' argument should always be FALSE to perform 
#' a classification analysis.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link[MASS]{lda}}.  
#' See \code{\link[MASS]{lda}} for details
#' @keywords analysis
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @return A list of arguments that can be passed to \code{\link[MASS]{lda}}.  
#' As a minimum, these arguments include
#' $x, $grouping, and $tol.  If newdata is not NULL, $newdata, using the same 
#' transformation and PCs as for the data,
#' will also be included.

#' @seealso \code{\link[MASS]{lda}}, \code{\link[MASS]{predict.lda}}, 
#' \code{\link[MASS]{qda}},
#' \code{\link[MASS]{predict.qda}}
#' @examples 
#' # Using the Pupfish data (see lm.rrpp help for more detail)
#' data(Pupfish)
#' Pupfish$logSize <- log(Pupfish$CS) 
#' fit <- lm.rrpp(coords ~ logSize + Sex * Pop, SS.type = "I", 
#' data = Pupfish, print.progress = FALSE, iter = 0)
#' prep.lda(fit, inherent.groups = TRUE) # see groups available
#' lda.args <- prep.lda(fit, CV = TRUE, PC.no = 6)
#' lda.args$x
#' lda.args$grouping
#' # not run:
#' # library(MASS)
#' # LDA <- do.call(lda, lda.args)
#' # LDA$posterior
#' # table(lda.args$grouping, LDA$class)

prep.lda <- function(fit, tol = 1e-7, PC.no = NULL, newdata = NULL,
                     inherent.groups = FALSE, ...) {
  dat <- fit$LM$data
  gls <- fit$LM$gls
  w <- fit$LM$weights
  Pcov <- fit$LM$Pcov
  n <- NROW(dat)
  dat.class <- sapply(dat, class)
  fac.list <- which(dat.class == "factor")
  if(length(fac.list) == 0) group <- factor(rep(1, n)) else {
    datf <- dat[fac.list]
    group <- factor(apply(datf, 1, paste, collapse = "."))
    if(nlevels(group) == 1) 
      cat("\n There appears to be no factors in the lm.rrpp fit\n\n") else{
        cat("\n These are the apparent groups (and sizes) in the lm.rrpp fit\n\n")
        print(as.table(by(group, group, length)))
  } else {
    prep <- lda.prep(fit, tol = tol, PC.no = PC.no, newdata = newdata)
    Yn <- prep$Yn
    Yt <- prep$Yt
    group <- prep$group
    gls <- prep$gls
    out <- list(...)
    out$x <- Yn
    out$grouping <- group
    out$newdata <- Yt
    out$tol <- tol

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RRPP documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:45 p.m.