
Defines functions RRgen

Documented in RRgen

#' @title Generate randomized response data
#' @description The method \code{RRgen} generates data according to a specified
#'   RR model, e.g., \code{"Warner"}. True states are either provided by a
#'   vector \code{trueState} or drawn randomly from a Bernoulli distribution.
#'   Useful for simulation and testing purposes, e.g., power analysis.
#' @param n sample size of generated data
#' @param pi.true true proportion in population (a vector for m-categorical
#'   \code{"FR"} or \code{"custom"} model)
#' @param model specifes the RR model, one of: \code{"Warner"},
#'   \code{"UQTknown"}, \code{"UQTunknown"}, \code{"Mangat"}, \code{"Kuk"},
#'   \code{"FR"}, \code{"Crosswise"}, \code{"Triangular"}, \code{"CDM"},
#'   \code{"CDMsym"}, \code{"SLD"},  \code{"mix.norm"},  \code{"mix.exp"},
#'   \code{"custom"}. See \code{vignette("RRreg")} for details.
#' @param p randomization probability (depending on model, see
#'   \code{\link{RRuni}} for details)
#' @param complyRates vector with two values giving the proportions of carriers
#'   and non-carriers who adhere to the instructions, respectively
#' @param sysBias probability of responding 'yes' (coded as 1) in case of
#'   non-compliance for carriers and non-carriers of the sensitive attribute,
#'   respectively. If \code{sysBias=c(0,0)}, carriers and non-carriers
#'   systematically give the nonsensitive response 'no' (also known as
#'   self-protective(SP)-'no' responses). If \code{sysBias=c(0,0.5)}, carriers
#'   always respond 'no' whereas non-carriers randomly select a response
#'   category. Note that \code{sysBias = c(0.5,0.5)} might be the best choice
#'   for \code{Kuk} and \code{Crosswise}. For the m-categorical \code{"FR"} or
#'   \code{"custom"} model, \code{sysBias} can be given as a probability vector
#'   for categories 0 to (m-1).
#' @param groupRatio proportion of participants in group 1. Only required for
#'   two-group models, e.g., \code{SLD} and \code{CDM}
#' @param Kukrep Number of repetitions of Kuk's procedure (how often red and
#'   black cards are drawn)
#' @param trueState optional vector containing true states of participants
#'   (i.e., 1 for carriers and 0 for noncarriers of sensitive attribute; for
#'   \code{FR}: values from 0,1,...,M-1 (M = number of response categories)
#'   which will be randomized according to the defined procedure (if specified,
#'   \code{n} and \code{pi.true} are ignored)
#' @details If \code{trueState} is specified, the randomized response procedure
#' will be simulated for this vector, otherwise a random vector of length
#' \code{n} with true proportion \code{pi.true} is drawn. Respondents answer
#' biases can be simulated by adjusting the compliance rates: if
#' \code{complyRates} is set to \code{c(1,1)}, all respondents adhere to the
#' randomization procedure. If one or both rates are smaller than 1,
#' \code{sysBias} determines whether noncompliant respondents systematically
#' choose the nonsensitive category or whether they answer randomly.
#' \code{SLD} - to generate data according to the stochastic lie detector with
#' the proportion \code{t} of honest carriers, parameters are set to
#' \code{complyRates=c(t,1)} and \code{sysBias=c(0,0)}
#' \code{CDM} - to generate data according to the cheating detection model with
#' the proportion \code{gamma} of cheaters, parameters are set to
#' \code{complyRates=c(1-gamma,1-gamma)} and \code{sysBias=c(0,0)}
#' @return \code{data.frame} including the variables \code{true} and
#' \code{response} (and for \code{SLD} and \code{CDM} a third variable
#' \code{group})
#' @seealso see \code{vignette('RRreg')} for a detailed description of the
#'   models and \code{\link{RRlog}}, \code{\link{RRlin}} and \code{\link{RRcor}}
#'   for the multivariate analysis of RR data
#' @examples
#' # Generate responses of 1000 people according to Warner's model,
#' # every participant complies to the RR procedure
#' genData <- RRgen(n = 1000, pi.true = .3, model = "Warner", p = .7)
#' colMeans(genData)
#' # use Kuk's model with two decks of cards,
#' # p gives the proportions of red cards for carriers/noncarriers
#' genData <- RRgen(n = 1000, pi.true = .4, model = "Kuk", p = c(.4, .7))
#' colMeans(genData)
#' # Stochastic Lie Detector (SLD):
#' # Only 80% of carriers answer according to the RR procedure
#' genData <- RRgen(
#'   n = 1000, pi.true = .2, model = "SLD", p = c(.2, .8),
#'   complyRates = c(.8, 1), sysBias = c(0, 0)
#' )
#' colMeans(genData)
#' @export
RRgen <- function(
    complyRates = c(1, 1),
    sysBias = c(0, 0),
    groupRatio = .5,
    Kukrep = 1,
    trueState = NULL
) {
  model <- match.arg(model, c(
    "Warner", "UQTknown", "UQTunknown", "Mangat",
    "Kuk", "FR", "Crosswise", "Triangular", "CDM", "CDMsym", "SLD",
    "mix.norm", "mix.exp", "custom"
  true <- NULL
  if (!is.null(trueState)) {
    trueState <- as.numeric(trueState)
    RRcheck.xp(model, trueState, p, "trueState")
    n <- length(trueState)
    true <- trueState
    pi.true <- mean(trueState)
    if (model %in% c("FR", "custom") && nrow(as.matrix(p)) > 2) {
      pi.true <- table(true) / length(true)
    if (model %in% c("mix.norm")) {
      pi.true <- c(mean(trueState), sd(trueState))
    if (model %in% c("mix.exp")) {
      pi.true <- c(mean(trueState))
  if (model %in% c("custom", "FR") && length(pi.true) == 1) {
    pi.true <- c(1 - pi.true, pi.true)

  # check input
  RRcheck.p(model, p)
  RRcheck.pi(model, pi.true, n)
  if (any(complyRates != 1)) {
    if (model %in% c("custom", "FR") &&
      (length(sysBias) != nrow(as.matrix(p)) || sum(sysBias) != 1 || 
       any(sysBias < 0) || any(sysBias > 1))) {
      warning("For the m-categorical FR/custom model, the argument 'sysBias' must be a probability vector
              of the same length as 'p'. sysBias is set to equal guessing across categories automatically.")
      sysBias <- rep(1, length(pi.true)) / length(pi.true)
    } else if (!(model %in% c("custom", "FR")) && 
               (min(sysBias) < 0 || max(sysBias) > 1 || length(sysBias) != 2)) {
      stop("The argument 'sysBias' gives the probabilities of 'no'-responses in case of non-compliance
           for carriers and non-carriers, respectively (e.g., sysBias = c(0, 0.5).")
  # initialisiere
  response <- rep(0, n)
  comply <- rep(1, n)

  randNum <- runif(n) # random numbers for data generation

  # continuous mixture RR models
  if (model %in% c("mix.norm", "mix.exp")) {
    comply <- rep(1, n) # always comply
    if (model == "mix.norm") {
      if (is.null(true)) {
        true <- rnorm(n, mean = pi.true[1], sd = pi.true[2])
      mask <- rnorm(n, mean = p[2], sd = p[3])
    } else if (model == "mix.exp") {
      if (is.null(true)) {
        true <- rexp(n, rate = 1 / pi.true[1])
      mask <- rexp(n, rate = 1 / p[2])
    response <- ifelse(randNum < p[1], true, mask)
  # Forced response: multinomial response categories possible
  else if (model %in% c("FR", "custom")) { # && length(pi.true>1)){
    numCat <- nrow(as.matrix(p))
    if (numCat != length(pi.true)) {
      stop("The length of vector 'pi.true' and 'p' has to match in the 'FR'/'custom' model")
    # distribute values across categories acording to 'pi.true'
    if (is.null(trueState)) {
      true <- findInterval(runif(n), cumsum(pi.true))

    if (model == "FR") {
      # return response 'i' with probability 'p[i]', otherwise true response x
      chooseCat <- findInterval(runif(n), cumsum(p))
      responseComply <- ifelse(chooseCat == length(p),
    } else if (model == "custom") {
      pcumsum <- apply(p[, true + 1], 2, cumsum)
      responseComply <- apply(rbind(pcumsum, runif(n)), 2, 
                              function(xx) findInterval(xx[numCat + 1], xx[1:numCat]))

    if (missing(complyRates) || all(complyRates == 1)) {
      complyRates <- rep(1, numCat)
    if (any(complyRates != 1) && length(complyRates) != numCat) {
      warning("For the polytomous forced response ('FR'/'custom') model,'complyRates'
                must have the same length as 'p', defining the compliance rate for
                each of the true states separately.")
    responseNonComply <- findInterval(runif(n), cumsum(sysBias))

    # do participants follow the instructions:
    comply <- rep(NA, n)
    for (i in 1:numCat) {
      comply[true == i - 1] <- ifelse(randNum[true == i - 1] < complyRates[i], 1, 0)
    response <- ifelse(comply == 1,
      responseComply, # participants comply
    ) # participants don't comply

    # for dichotomous models
  } else {
    if (model %in% c("CDM", "CDMsym")) {
      # adjustment, so pi.true will fit to the estimation
      pi.true <- 2 * pi.true / (complyRates[1] + complyRates[2])
      if (pi.true > 1) stop("For CDM and CDMsym, change arguments complyRates and/or pi in order to generate valid data.")
    # sensitive attribute is binomiallly distributed with probabiliy pi.true
    if (is.null(trueState)) {
      true <- rbinom(n, 1, pi.true[1])

    # unbiased response according to instructions:
      "FR" = {
        chooseCat <- findInterval(runif(n), cumsum(p))
        responseComply <- ifelse(chooseCat == length(p),
          true, # true response
        ) # forced response
      "Warner" = {
        responseComply <- ifelse(randNum < p,
          true, # normal question
          1 - true
        ) # reversed question
      "Mangat" = {
        responseComply <- ifelse(true == 1,
          1, # carriers answer honestly
          ifelse(randNum < p,
            0, # true answer with prob 'p'
        ) # noncarriers forced to answer 1 with prob '1-p'
      "Kuk" = { # p[1], p[2] give proportion of red cards
        responseComply <- ifelse(true == 1,
          rbinom(n, Kukrep, p[1]), # card deck for carriers
          rbinom(n, Kukrep, p[2])
        ) # for noncarriers
      "UQTknown" = {
        responseComply <- ifelse(randNum < p[1],
          true, # answer to relevant question with probability p[1]
          ifelse(runif(n) < p[2], 1, 0)
        # answer to irrelevant question "Yes" with probability p[2]
      "UQTunknown" = {
        if (length(pi.true) == 1) {
          pi.true <- c(pi.true, runif(1, .2, .8))
          #                warning(paste0("The prevalence of the unrelated question was randomly set to ", round(pi.true[2],3),". To explicitly choose the prevalence, set 'pi.true=c(pi.sensitive, pi.unrelated)'"),call.=F)
        randUQ <- runif(n)
        nn1 <- round(n * groupRatio)
        split <- c(rep(1, nn1), rep(2, n - nn1))
        responseComply <- ifelse(split == 1,
          ifelse(randNum < p[1], # group 1: answer sens question with prob p[1]
            ifelse(randUQ < pi.true[2], 1, 0)
          ifelse(randNum < p[2], # group 2: answer sens question with prob p[2]
            ifelse(randUQ < pi.true[2], 1, 0)
      "Crosswise" = {
        responseComply <- ifelse(randNum < p, # see Warner
          1 - true
      "Triangular" = {
        responseComply <- ifelse(randNum < p, # see Mangat
      "CDM" = {
        nn1 <- round(n * groupRatio)
        split <- c(rep(1, nn1), rep(2, n - nn1))
        responseComply <- ifelse(true == 1,
          1, # honest-carriers always answer "yes"
          ifelse(split == 1, # honest non-carriers
            ifelse(randNum < p[1], 1, 0), # group 1
            ifelse(randNum < p[2], 1, 0) # group 2
      "CDMsym" = {
        nn1 <- round(n * groupRatio)
        split <- c(rep(1, nn1), rep(2, n - nn1))
        responseComply <- ifelse(true == 1,
          ifelse(split == 1, # honest-carriers
            ifelse(randNum < p[2], 0, 1), # forced No  group1
            ifelse(randNum < p[4], 0, 1)
          ), # forced No  group2
          ifelse(split == 1, # honest non-carriers
            ifelse(randNum < p[1], 1, 0), # forced Yes   group1
            ifelse(randNum < p[3], 1, 0) # forced Yes   group2
      "SLD" = {
        nn1 <- round(n * groupRatio)
        split <- c(rep(1, nn1), rep(2, n - nn1))
        responseComply <- ifelse(true == 1,
          1, # carriers are not randomized
          ifelse(split == 1, # honest non-carriers
            ifelse(randNum < p[1], 0, 1),
            ifelse(randNum < p[2], 0, 1)

    # biased answer (nonComply)
    #     if (model %in% c("Kuk" ,"Crosswise") && sysBias!=0.5){
    #       sysBias <- 0.5
    #       #warning("Parameter 'sysBias' is ignored since it is not meaningful for Kuk's or Crosswise model.")
    #     }
    if (model == "Kuk") {
      responseNonComplyC <- rbinom(n, Kukrep, sysBias[1]) # Kuk: always random answer in case of  non-compliance
      responseNonComplyNC <- rbinom(n, Kukrep, sysBias[2])
    } else {
      # cheaters always give the answer "no" (sysBias=0)
      responseNonComplyC <- rbinom(n, 1, sysBias[1]) # random answers
      responseNonComplyNC <- rbinom(n, 1, sysBias[2])
    randNum <- runif(n) # random numbers for compliance
    # do participants follow the instructions:
    response[true == 1] <- ifelse(randNum < complyRates[1],
      responseComply, # carriers comply
    )[true == 1] # carriers don't comply
    response[true == 0] <- ifelse(randNum < complyRates[2],
      responseComply, # noncarriers comply
    )[true == 0] # noncarriers don't comply
    comply[true == 1] <- ifelse(randNum < complyRates[1], 1, 0)[true == 1]
    comply[true == 0] <- ifelse(randNum < complyRates[2], 1, 0)[true == 0]

  # construct data frame
  data <- data.frame(true, comply, response)
  if (model %in% c("UQTunknown", "SLD", "CDM", "CDMsym")) {
    data$group <- split

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RRreg documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 5:05 p.m.