doHB: Estimate a Hierarchical Bayesian Model

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples


The user can initiate the model estimation by calling the doHB function. The function will optionally perform initial diagnostic tests to look for common errors in specifying the model. Upon completion, the function will optionally write a number of output files with the model parameters and convergence statistics to the user's working directory.

The flexibility comes in allowing the user to specify the likelihood function directly instead of assuming predetermined model structures. Types of models that can be estimated with this code include the family of discrete choice models (Multinomial Logit, Mixed Logit, Nested Logit, Error Components Logit and Latent Class) as well as ordered response models like ordered probit and ordered logit. In addition, the package allows for flexibility in specifying parameters as either fixed (non-varying across individuals) or random with continuous distributions. Parameter distributions supported include normal, positive/negative log-normal, positive/negative censored normal and the Johnson SB distribution.

Kenneth Train's Matlab and Gauss code for doing Hierarchical Bayesian estimation has served as the basis for a few of the functions included in this package. (See references below).


doHB(likelihood_user, choicedata, control = list())



A function that returns likelihood values for each observation in your data set. This function must accept arguments fc and b, representing the fixed parameters and individual parameters, respectively, and computes the likelihood of observing the data given those values.


A data.frame of choice data to be used in estimation. Minimally requires an 'ID' column associated with the vector of likelihoods returned by likelihood_user.


A list of estimation controls. See below for more details.


The fc argument to the likelihood_user function is a numeric vector of length length(gVarNamesFixed). It is NULL if gVarNamesFixed is NULL.

The b argument to the likelihood_user function is a numeric matrix with length(gVarNamesNormal) columns and length(likelihood_user(...)) rows. In other words, one column per random parameter and one row per choice task. It is NULL if gVarNamesNormal is NULL.

There are a number of global variables that can be set to control the model estimation. Some need to be specified directly in the model control list while others have default values that can be adjusted by the analyst if something other than the default is desired.

User-specified controls

constraintsNorm - A list of monotonic constraints to be applied during estimation. The structure of the constraints is c(param1number, inequality, param2number). For constraints relative to 0, use 0 instead of param2number. For inequality, use 1 for < and 2 for >.

For example constraintsNorm = list(c(5,1,0), c(6,1,5), c(7,1,6)) would constrain the 5th parameter < 0, the 6th parameter < 5th parameter, and the 7th parameter < the 6th parameter. If NULL, no constraints are used. (Defaults to NULL)

degreesOfFreedom - Additional degrees of freedom for the prior variance-covariance matrix, not including the number of parameters. (Defaults to 5)

FC - A vector of starting values for the fixed parameters. There should be an element for each name in gVarNamesFixed. (Defaults to rep(0, length(gVarNamesFixed)))

fixedA - Fixes the means of the underlying normal distribution of random variables to certain values as opposed to estimating them. This would be important for example in an error components logit model or an integrated choice and latent variable model. The format for this input is a vector of length equal to the number of random parameters. Use NA for variables that should be estimated, e.g., fixedA = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0). In this case, the mean of the underlying normal for the 8th random variable would be fixed to 0. If NULL, all means are estimated. (Defaults to NULL)

fixedD - Fixes the variance of the underlying normal distribution of the random variables to certain values as opposed to estimating them. This would be important for example in an integrated choice and latent variable model. The format for this input is a vector of length equal to the number of random parameters. Use NA for variables that should be estimated, e.g., fixedD = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1). In this case, the variance of the underlying normal for the 8th random variable would be fixed to 1. If NULL, all variances are estimated. (Defaults to NULL)

gDIST - A vector of integers (1-6) that indicate which type of distribution should be applied to the random parameters. 1 = Normal, 2 = Postive Log-Normal, 3 = Negative Log-Normal, 4 = Positive Censored Normal, 5 = Negative Censored Normal, 6 = Johnson SB. There should be an element for each name in gVarNamesNormal. (Defaults to rep(1, length(gVarNamesNormal)))

gFULLCV - Indicates whether a full variance-covariance structure should be used for the random parameters. (Defaults to TRUE)

gINFOSKIP - Number of iterations between printing/plotting information about the iteration process. (Defaults to 250)

gMAXCOEF - A vector of maximums for the Johnson SB distributions. If Johnson SB is used, each random coefficent needs an element but only the elements that correspond to a JSB in gDIST are used. (Defaults to 0)

gMINCOEF - A vector of minimums for the Johnson SB distributions. If Johnson SB is used, each random coefficent needs an element but only the elements that correspond to a JSB in gDIST are used. (Defaults to 0)

gNCREP - Number of burn-in iterations to use prior to convergence. (Defaults to 100000)

gNEREP - Number of iterations to keep for averaging after convergence has been reached. (Defaults to 100000)

gNSKIP - Number of iterations in between retaining draws for averaging. (Defaults to 1)

gVarNamesFixed - A character vector of names for the fixed parameters. (REQUIRED)

gVarNamesNormal - A character vector of names for the random parameters. (REQUIRED)

gStoreDraws - Whether to store the draws for the individual level parameters. Doing so can dramatically increase the memory usage of the model if there are a large number of individuals or draws. (Defaults to FALSE)

hIW - A boolean indicating if a hierarchical Inverted Wishart should be used when sampling in posterior distribution for the covariance matrix. New in version 1.2.0. (Defaults to FALSE)

modelname - The model name which is used for creating output files. (Defaults to "HBModel")

nodiagnostics - If TRUE, an initial diagnostic report and prompt is not reported to the screen. This makes batch processing more seamless. (Defaults to FALSE)

priorVariance - The prior variance assumed. Ignored if pvMatrix is not NULL. (Defaults to 2)

pvMatrix - A custom prior variance-covariance matrix to be used in estimation. The prior variance-covariance matrix needs to be a matrix object and of the correct size: length(gVarNamesNormal) by length(gVarNamesNormal). If provided, overrides priorVariance. (Defaults to NULL)

rho - The initial proportionality fraction for the jumping distribution of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the random parameters. This fraction is adjusted after each iteration to target an acceptance rate of targetAcceptanceNormal. (Defaults to 0.1)

rhoF - The proportionality fraction for the jumping distribution for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the fixed parameters. This fraction is adjusted after each iteration to target an acceptance rate of targetAcceptanceFixed. (Defaults to 0.0001)

svN - A vector of starting values for the means of the underlying normals for the random parameters. There should be an element for each name in gVarNamesNormal. (Defaults to rep(0, length(gVarNamesNormal)))

targetAcceptanceFixed - The target acceptance rate in the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the fixed parameters. (Defaults to 0.3)

targetAcceptanceNormal - The target acceptance rate in the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the random parameters. (Defaults to 0.3)

verbose - Whether estimation information should be printed/plotted during the iteration process. (Defaults to TRUE)

writeModel - Indicates whether the model results should be written as a series of CSV files to the working directory upon estimation completion. (Defaults to FALSE, see writeModel)


a model object of class RSGHB. Contains:


A character string identifying the model.


A character vector naming the estimated fixed parameters.


A character vector naming the estimated random parameters.


A character vector of assumed distributions for each random parameter.


The prior variance-covariance matrix assumed for estimation.


Additional degrees of freedom in the model.


The number of individuals in the model.


The number of observations in the model.


The number of burn-in iterations used prior to convergence.


The number of iterations used for averaging.


A list of constraints. (see 'Details' above)


A data.frame of model statistics at every gINFOSKIP'th iteration.


A matrix containing the sample-level means of the underlying normals at each iteration. Is NULL if no random parameters were estimated.

B, Bsd

A matrix containing the mean individual-level draws across iterations for the underlying normals. The Bsd object provides the standard deviations of these individual draws. Is NULL if no random parameters were estimated.

C, Csd

A matrix containing the mean individual-level draws across iterations for the underlying normals while including the appropriate distribution transformations. The Csd object provides the standard deviations of these individual draws. Is NULL if no random parameters were estimated.


An array of the sample variance-covariance matrix for each iteration. Is NULL if no random parameters were estimated.


A matrix containing the set of fixed (non-random) parameters at each iteration. Is NULL if no fixed parameters were estimated.


A vector of choices if provided.


A vector of probabilities at the mean values of C and F.


The initial log-likelihood given the starting values of sVN and FC.


The final log-likelihood at the mean values of C and F.


Jeffrey Dumont <>, Jeff Keller <>


Train, K. (2009) Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation. Cambridge University Press.

Train, K. and Sonnier G. (2005) Mixed Logit with Bounded Distributions of Correlated Partworths, Applications of Simulation Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics. Edited by Anna Alberini and Riccardo Scarpa.

Train, K. Original Gauss and Matlab code:

See Also

plot.RSGHB, writeModel


# Organize choicedata for modeling
tt1 <- choicedata$tt1
tt2 <- choicedata$tt2
toll2 <- choicedata$toll2
choice1 <- (choicedata$Choice==1)
choice2 <- (choicedata$Choice==2)

# The model likelihood function
likelihood <- function(fc, b) {  
     # Assign Beta vectors to named parameters for convenience
     cc    <- 1
     wtp1  <- b[, cc]; cc <- cc + 1
     price <- b[, cc]; cc <- cc + 1
     # Discrete choice utility in WTP-space
     v1 <-                 price * wtp1 * tt1
     v2 <- price * toll2 + price * wtp1 * tt2
     # Return the probability of choice
     p  <- (exp(v1)*choice1 + exp(v2)*choice2) / (exp(v1) + exp(v2))

# Estimation controls/settings
control <- list(
     modelname = "MNL_WTPSpace",
     gVarNamesNormal = c("WTP", "Price"),
     gNCREP = 300,
     gNEREP = 100,
     gINFOSKIP = 10,
     gNSKIP = 2,
     nodiagnostics = TRUE

# Estimate the model
          model <- doHB(likelihood, choicedata, control)

Example output

Loading required package: MCMCpack
Loading required package: coda
Loading required package: MASS
## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack)
## Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jong Hee Park
## Support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation
## (Grants SES-0350646 and SES-0350613)

Diagnostic checks passed. Please review before proceeding
                      Number of Individuals:         1138
                     Number of Observations:        10242
                             Prior variance:            2
                 Target Acceptance (Normal):          0.3
                         Degrees of Freedom:            5
 Avg. Number of Observations per Individual:            9
                     Initial Log-Likelihood: -7099.213423


 Random Parameters Start Dist.
               WTP     0     N
             Price     0     N


 Choice Matrix 
  Count    %
1  6682 0.65
2  3560 0.35

Iteration: 	1	
             RHO (Normal):          0.11
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):           0.5
            Parameter RMS:  0.2443457094
            Avg. Variance: 0.04734285079
           Log-Likelihood:  -6957.584041
                      RLH:  0.5086367502


 Random Parameters     Estimate
              WTP:  0.009371821
            Price: -0.025427158

Time per iteration: Calculating...
Time to completion: Calculating...

Iteration: 	10	
             RHO (Normal):   0.259374246
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.6862917399
            Parameter RMS:   0.262517561
            Avg. Variance: 0.04615571446
           Log-Likelihood:  -6590.010923
                      RLH:  0.5289412398


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05101558
            Price: -0.05761182

Time per iteration: 0.0244 secs
Time to completion: 0.199 mins

Iteration: 	20	
             RHO (Normal):  0.6727499949
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.5755711775
            Parameter RMS:  0.2758766024
            Avg. Variance: 0.04602836272
           Log-Likelihood:  -6492.524467
                      RLH:  0.5352811079


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04534017
            Price: -0.11236858

Time per iteration: 0.00518 secs
Time to completion: 0.0414 mins

Iteration: 	30	
             RHO (Normal):   1.744940227
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.3857644991
            Parameter RMS:  0.2753653717
            Avg. Variance: 0.04471576586
           Log-Likelihood:   -6417.76856
                      RLH:  0.5394821602


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04952143
            Price: -0.13688866

Time per iteration: 0.00511 secs
Time to completion: 0.04 mins

Iteration: 	40	
             RHO (Normal):   2.478887852
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.3207381371
            Parameter RMS:  0.2720625985
            Avg. Variance: 0.05147839875
           Log-Likelihood:  -6397.076152
                      RLH:  0.5402388242


 Random Parameters   Estimate
              WTP:  0.0462136
            Price: -0.1733574

Time per iteration: 0.0139 secs
Time to completion: 0.106 mins

Iteration: 	50	
             RHO (Normal):   2.357397682
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.2855887522
            Parameter RMS:  0.2722019479
            Avg. Variance: 0.05063214595
           Log-Likelihood:  -6339.856731
                      RLH:  0.5439869765


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.01953859
            Price: -0.21579848

Time per iteration: 0.00483 secs
Time to completion: 0.0362 mins

Iteration: 	60	
             RHO (Normal):   2.241861739
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.3567662566
            Parameter RMS:  0.2764390867
            Avg. Variance: 0.06313342568
           Log-Likelihood:  -6347.651173
                      RLH:  0.5430444561


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.01141959
            Price: -0.23790466

Time per iteration: 0.0048 secs
Time to completion: 0.0352 mins

Iteration: 	70	
             RHO (Normal):   2.605763364
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.3312829525
            Parameter RMS:  0.2710969876
            Avg. Variance: 0.06143699572
           Log-Likelihood:  -6362.973162
                      RLH:  0.5422146586


 Random Parameters     Estimate
              WTP:  0.009828258
            Price: -0.250698586

Time per iteration: 0.00483 secs
Time to completion: 0.0346 mins

Iteration: 	80	
             RHO (Normal):   2.027499572
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.2996485062
            Parameter RMS:  0.2764993471
            Avg. Variance: 0.06769038661
           Log-Likelihood:  -6325.983248
                      RLH:  0.5443907577


 Random Parameters     Estimate
              WTP:  0.008622545
            Price: -0.282523399

Time per iteration: 0.00503 secs
Time to completion: 0.0352 mins

Iteration: 	90	
             RHO (Normal):   2.356605679
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.3260105448
            Parameter RMS:  0.2839082366
            Avg. Variance: 0.07329111296
           Log-Likelihood:  -6285.719778
                      RLH:  0.5462002534


 Random Parameters     Estimate
              WTP: -0.009063934
            Price: -0.319521571

Time per iteration: 0.00477 secs
Time to completion: 0.0326 mins

Iteration: 	100	
             RHO (Normal):   2.739132674
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.3066783831
            Parameter RMS:  0.2938470669
            Avg. Variance: 0.08237665634
           Log-Likelihood:  -6305.936849
                      RLH:  0.5453471285


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.01012956
            Price: -0.32946904

Time per iteration: 0.00481 secs
Time to completion: 0.0321 mins

Iteration: 	110	
             RHO (Normal):   2.604887919
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):   0.295254833
            Parameter RMS:  0.2946394543
            Avg. Variance: 0.08322545039
           Log-Likelihood:  -6291.331493
                      RLH:  0.5461513284


 Random Parameters     Estimate
              WTP: -0.001526503
            Price: -0.325496441

Time per iteration: 0.0049 secs
Time to completion: 0.0318 mins

Iteration: 	120	
             RHO (Normal):   2.477222492
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.2917398946
            Parameter RMS:  0.3001366273
            Avg. Variance: 0.09002404864
           Log-Likelihood:  -6312.697449
                      RLH:  0.5447851977


 Random Parameters   Estimate
              WTP:  0.0023286
            Price: -0.3501747

Time per iteration: 0.00479 secs
Time to completion: 0.0303 mins

Iteration: 	130	
             RHO (Normal):   2.87932815
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3198594025
            Parameter RMS:  0.317051085
            Avg. Variance: 0.1053465311
           Log-Likelihood: -6284.707853
                      RLH: 0.5463612097


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.01375754
            Price: -0.38822913

Time per iteration: 0.00505 secs
Time to completion: 0.0311 mins

Iteration: 	140	
             RHO (Normal):   3.34670407
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3014059754
            Parameter RMS: 0.3195821539
            Avg. Variance: 0.1115147892
           Log-Likelihood: -6279.501021
                      RLH: 0.5461415314


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.01438638
            Price: -0.39086709

Time per iteration: 0.00487 secs
Time to completion: 0.0292 mins

Iteration: 	150	
             RHO (Normal):  2.604012767
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2724077329
            Parameter RMS: 0.3308794156
            Avg. Variance: 0.1208708807
           Log-Likelihood: -6284.016778
                      RLH: 0.5459580514


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03457599
            Price: -0.40813379

Time per iteration: 0.00486 secs
Time to completion: 0.0283 mins

Iteration: 	160	
             RHO (Normal):  3.026699172
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3031634446
            Parameter RMS:  0.323654504
            Avg. Variance: 0.1130006151
           Log-Likelihood: -6251.300867
                      RLH: 0.5478097461


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.02113844
            Price: -0.39927396

Time per iteration: 0.00485 secs
Time to completion: 0.0275 mins

Iteration: 	170	
             RHO (Normal):   2.35502247
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2961335677
            Parameter RMS: 0.3293062923
            Avg. Variance: 0.1196142668
           Log-Likelihood: -6255.468032
                      RLH:  0.547786205


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.02745202
            Price: -0.40345593

Time per iteration: 0.00485 secs
Time to completion: 0.0267 mins

Iteration: 	180	
             RHO (Normal):  2.737292477
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3189806678
            Parameter RMS: 0.3356223851
            Avg. Variance: 0.1240324656
           Log-Likelihood: -6250.325365
                      RLH: 0.5480194497


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.02135741
            Price: -0.41179847

Time per iteration: 0.00493 secs
Time to completion: 0.0263 mins

Iteration: 	190	
             RHO (Normal):   2.60313791
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3391915641
            Parameter RMS: 0.3343096851
            Avg. Variance: 0.1211071643
           Log-Likelihood: -6278.892705
                      RLH: 0.5466303187


 Random Parameters   Estimate
              WTP:  0.0158434
            Price: -0.4136840

Time per iteration: 0.0138 secs
Time to completion: 0.0713 mins

Iteration: 	200	
             RHO (Normal):  2.475558251
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2987697715
            Parameter RMS: 0.3433928396
            Avg. Variance: 0.1269764728
           Log-Likelihood: -6270.992243
                      RLH: 0.5470646818


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.01557675
            Price: -0.40061774

Time per iteration: 0.00479 secs
Time to completion: 0.0239 mins

Iteration: 	210	
             RHO (Normal):  2.877393767
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3040421793
            Parameter RMS: 0.3465950065
            Avg. Variance: 0.1307444441
           Log-Likelihood: -6267.266255
                      RLH:  0.547053059


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.01573064
            Price: -0.40481985

Time per iteration: 0.00483 secs
Time to completion: 0.0233 mins

Iteration: 	220	
             RHO (Normal):  2.736372842
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3057996485
            Parameter RMS: 0.3587176313
            Avg. Variance: 0.1436690142
           Log-Likelihood: -6202.197798
                      RLH: 0.5508132206


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03151904
            Price: -0.42015661

Time per iteration: 0.00495 secs
Time to completion: 0.0231 mins

Iteration: 	230	
             RHO (Normal):  2.602263346
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2794376098
            Parameter RMS: 0.3874735134
            Avg. Variance: 0.1680813896
           Log-Likelihood: -6209.863932
                      RLH: 0.5505157645


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.02550019
            Price: -0.47043068

Time per iteration: 0.00488 secs
Time to completion: 0.022 mins

Iteration: 	240	
             RHO (Normal):  2.474726549
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3189806678
            Parameter RMS: 0.3776896113
            Avg. Variance: 0.1596189741
           Log-Likelihood: -6222.284227
                      RLH: 0.5498800404


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03578634
            Price: -0.45992533

Time per iteration: 0.00489 secs
Time to completion: 0.0212 mins

Iteration: 	250	
             RHO (Normal):  2.353440325
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2741652021
            Parameter RMS: 0.3636392058
            Avg. Variance: 0.1493022531
           Log-Likelihood: -6242.442354
                      RLH: 0.5487430808


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03329289
            Price: -0.43999711

Time per iteration: 0.00477 secs
Time to completion: 0.0199 mins

Iteration: 	260	
             RHO (Normal):  2.735453516
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2688927944
            Parameter RMS: 0.3705459799
            Avg. Variance: 0.1559512501
           Log-Likelihood: -6235.561288
                      RLH: 0.5486691149


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03339947
            Price: -0.45816968

Time per iteration: 0.00488 secs
Time to completion: 0.0195 mins

Iteration: 	270	
             RHO (Normal):  2.601389076
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2855887522
            Parameter RMS: 0.3849031848
            Avg. Variance: 0.1630008291
           Log-Likelihood: -6228.984457
                      RLH: 0.5496331684


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.02760512
            Price: -0.47367304

Time per iteration: 0.00484 secs
Time to completion: 0.0185 mins

Iteration: 	280	
             RHO (Normal):    3.0236496
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3057996485
            Parameter RMS: 0.3947922074
            Avg. Variance: 0.1744267078
           Log-Likelihood: -6249.033566
                      RLH: 0.5483138937


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03317348
            Price: -0.47609350

Time per iteration: 0.00488 secs
Time to completion: 0.0179 mins

Iteration: 	290	
             RHO (Normal):  2.352649651
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2943760984
            Parameter RMS: 0.3967730381
            Avg. Variance: 0.1755300487
           Log-Likelihood: -6238.288487
                      RLH: 0.5491907592


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03517681
            Price: -0.47475612

Time per iteration: 0.00498 secs
Time to completion: 0.0174 mins

Iteration: 	300	
             RHO (Normal):  2.734534499
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.309314587
            Parameter RMS:  0.396286579
            Avg. Variance:  0.178924374
           Log-Likelihood: -6241.989956
                      RLH: 0.5486498317


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04380939
            Price: -0.45858404

Time per iteration: 0.00481 secs
Time to completion: 0.016 mins

Iteration: 	310	
             RHO (Normal):    2.6005151
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2776801406
            Parameter RMS: 0.4005202601
            Avg. Variance: 0.1826253697
           Log-Likelihood: -6221.174193
                      RLH: 0.5500535593


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04619759
            Price: -0.50043058

Time per iteration: 0.00494 secs
Time to completion: 0.0157 mins

Iteration: 	320	
             RHO (Normal):  2.473063985
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.295254833
            Parameter RMS: 0.4026059938
            Avg. Variance: 0.1840046035
           Log-Likelihood: -6207.475939
                      RLH:  0.550838876


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04578772
            Price: -0.49049084

Time per iteration: 0.00488 secs
Time to completion: 0.0147 mins

Iteration: 	330	
             RHO (Normal):  2.874494629
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3145869947
            Parameter RMS: 0.3903394667
            Avg. Variance: 0.1701092072
           Log-Likelihood:  -6211.49385
                      RLH: 0.5508800074


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04043269
            Price: -0.47824114

Time per iteration: 0.00489 secs
Time to completion: 0.0139 mins

Iteration: 	340	
             RHO (Normal):  2.236594738
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2943760984
            Parameter RMS: 0.3916609956
            Avg. Variance: 0.1721631282
           Log-Likelihood: -6203.357388
                      RLH: 0.5509781514


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04685106
            Price: -0.48457618

Time per iteration: 0.00492 secs
Time to completion: 0.0131 mins

Iteration: 	350	
             RHO (Normal):  2.599641418
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2891036907
            Parameter RMS: 0.3876331996
            Avg. Variance: 0.1670445092
           Log-Likelihood: -6178.188181
                      RLH: 0.5521206664


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.03520622
            Price: -0.46867893

Time per iteration: 0.0135 secs
Time to completion: 0.0338 mins

Iteration: 	360	
             RHO (Normal):  2.472233121
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2891036907
            Parameter RMS: 0.3974743256
            Avg. Variance: 0.1812562915
           Log-Likelihood: -6237.433884
                      RLH: 0.5488422421


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04847559
            Price: -0.48805959

Time per iteration: 0.00481 secs
Time to completion: 0.0112 mins

Iteration: 	370	
             RHO (Normal):    2.3510691
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2891036907
            Parameter RMS: 0.4016339987
            Avg. Variance: 0.1854971898
           Log-Likelihood: -6239.960169
                      RLH:  0.549140605


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04257693
            Price: -0.49265862

Time per iteration: 0.00477 secs
Time to completion: 0.0103 mins

Iteration: 	380	
             RHO (Normal):  2.732697391
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):   0.30228471
            Parameter RMS: 0.4100367937
            Avg. Variance: 0.1962747582
           Log-Likelihood:  -6230.07327
                      RLH: 0.5491135704


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05405504
            Price: -0.50787303

Time per iteration: 0.00498 secs
Time to completion: 0.00996 mins

Iteration: 	390	
             RHO (Normal):  2.598768029
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2873462214
            Parameter RMS:  0.417165855
            Avg. Variance: 0.2020739328
           Log-Likelihood: -6182.791457
                      RLH: 0.5519658415


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04811652
            Price: -0.51914157

Time per iteration: 0.0052 secs
Time to completion: 0.00953 mins

Iteration: 	400	
             RHO (Normal):  2.471402537
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2811950791
            Parameter RMS: 0.4165320641
            Avg. Variance:  0.203120914
           Log-Likelihood: -6200.198157
                      RLH: 0.5507549761


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04161142
            Price: -0.53561482

Time per iteration: 0.00493 secs
Time to completion: 0.00822 mins

Iteration: 	410	
             RHO (Normal):  2.872563494
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3075571178
            Parameter RMS:  0.407394919
            Avg. Variance: 0.1936872594
           Log-Likelihood: -6237.696447
                      RLH:  0.548901719


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05279738
            Price: -0.52214365

Time per iteration: 0.00482 secs
Time to completion: 0.00723 mins

Iteration: 	420	
             RHO (Normal):  2.235092155
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2987697715
            Parameter RMS: 0.4166975822
            Avg. Variance: 0.2026367784
           Log-Likelihood: -6211.456375
                      RLH: 0.5504695076


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04844027
            Price: -0.53422111

Time per iteration: 0.00488 secs
Time to completion: 0.00651 mins

Iteration: 	430	
             RHO (Normal):  2.597894933
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3101933216
            Parameter RMS: 0.4130540822
            Avg. Variance: 0.1968258702
           Log-Likelihood: -6211.278103
                      RLH: 0.5506168281


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.04932911
            Price: -0.52620975

Time per iteration: 0.00486 secs
Time to completion: 0.00567 mins

Iteration: 	440	
             RHO (Normal):  3.019588284
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3084358524
            Parameter RMS: 0.4193359481
            Avg. Variance: 0.2049347772
           Log-Likelihood:  -6215.13207
                      RLH: 0.5506200561


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05515558
            Price: -0.51345618

Time per iteration: 0.00484 secs
Time to completion: 0.00484 mins

Iteration: 	450	
             RHO (Normal):  2.871598413
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3040421793
            Parameter RMS: 0.4236825038
            Avg. Variance:  0.207800636
           Log-Likelihood:  -6219.87991
                      RLH: 0.5499500632


 Random Parameters   Estimate
              WTP:  0.0526718
            Price: -0.5310368

Time per iteration: 0.0049 secs
Time to completion: 0.00408 mins

Iteration: 	460	
             RHO (Normal):  2.730861518
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3057996485
            Parameter RMS: 0.4148841118
            Avg. Variance: 0.2024618865
           Log-Likelihood: -6205.166952
                      RLH: 0.5508063027


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05368845
            Price: -0.51361749

Time per iteration: 0.00485 secs
Time to completion: 0.00323 mins

Iteration: 	470	
             RHO (Normal):  2.597022131
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3268892794
            Parameter RMS: 0.4182879148
            Avg. Variance: 0.2016471529
           Log-Likelihood: -6198.583489
                      RLH: 0.5512758293


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05611717
            Price: -0.53006742

Time per iteration: 0.00488 secs
Time to completion: 0.00244 mins

Iteration: 	480	
             RHO (Normal):  2.469742206
 Acceptance Rate (Normal):  0.309314587
            Parameter RMS: 0.4196575616
            Avg. Variance: 0.2069126384
           Log-Likelihood: -6185.995692
                      RLH: 0.5519201977


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05772128
            Price: -0.52757466

Time per iteration: 0.0049 secs
Time to completion: 0.00163 mins

Iteration: 	490	
             RHO (Normal):  2.348700264
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.2811950791
            Parameter RMS: 0.4219524381
            Avg. Variance: 0.2122793557
           Log-Likelihood: -6191.760395
                      RLH: 0.5514095925


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.06871362
            Price: -0.53411055

Time per iteration: 0.0136 secs
Time to completion: 0.00226 mins

Iteration: 	500	
             RHO (Normal):  2.729944043
 Acceptance Rate (Normal): 0.3145869947
            Parameter RMS: 0.4156325427
            Avg. Variance: 0.2011661706
           Log-Likelihood:  -6213.70571
                      RLH: 0.5503714364


 Random Parameters    Estimate
              WTP:  0.05525883
            Price: -0.52521068

Time per iteration: 0.00482 secs
Time to completion: 0 mins
Estimation complete.

RSGHB documentation built on July 4, 2019, 1:02 a.m.