
checkModel = function(nodiagnostics = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, env = parent.frame()) {
  passChecks = TRUE
  if (is.null(env$gDIST) & env$gNIV > 0) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: Variable - gDIST - is undefined.\n")
  if (is.null(env$gNCREP)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: Variable - gNCREP - is undefined.\n")
  if (is.null(env$gNEREP)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: Variable - gNEREP - is undefined.\n")
  if (is.null(env$gNSKIP)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: Variable - gNSKIP - is undefined.\n")
  if (is.null(env$gINFOSKIP)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: Variable - gINFOSKIP - is undefined.\n")
  if (is.null(env$likelihood)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: The likelihood function is undefined.\n")
  if (env$gNIV + env$gFIV == 0) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: Please specify at least one coefficient to be estimated in either in gVarNamesNormal or gVarNamesFixed.\n")
  if (length(env$gDIST) != env$gNIV) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: The number of distributions specified in gDist doesn't equal the number of random coefficients in the model.\n")
  if (env$gNIV > 0) {
    for (d in env$gDIST) {
      if (d < 1 | d > length(env$distNames)) {
        passChecks <- FALSE
        cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: The specified distributions ", 
             d, " in gDist do not exist\n")
  if (env$gNIV != length(env$svN)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: There are too many/not enough starting values for the random coefficients. Check your sVN vector.\n")
  if (env$gFIV != length(env$FC)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: There are too many/not enough starting values for the fixed coefficients. Check your FC vector.\n")
  if (is.null(env$choicedata$ID)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: Expecting to find a respondent identifier column called - ID - in your dataset. None found.\n")
  if (sum(sort(env$choicedata$ID) == env$choicedata$ID) != length(env$choicedata$ID)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: The choice data is not sorted by ID.\n")
  if ((!is.null(env$fixedA)) & length(env$fixedA) != length(env$gVarNamesNormal)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: The fixedA vector is not of the same length as the gVarNamesNormal vector.\n")
  if ((!is.null(env$fixedD)) & length(env$fixedD) != length(env$gVarNamesNormal)) {
    passChecks <- FALSE
    cat("\n********FATAL ERROR: The fixedD vector is not of the same length as the gVarNamesNormal vector.\n")
  if (passChecks) prepareModel(env)
  if (passChecks & verbose) {
    cat(rep("\n", 128))
    cat("Diagnostic checks passed. Please review before proceeding\n")
    diagnostics <- data.frame(` ` = c("Number of Individuals:", 
                              "Number of Observations:", "Custom Prior Matrix Used:", 
                              "Prior variance:", "Target Acceptance (Fixed):", 
                              "Target Acceptance (Normal):", "Degrees of Freedom:", 
                              "Avg. Number of Observations per Individual:", "Initial Log-Likelihood:"), 
                              ` ` = as.character(rep(NA, 9)), check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    diagnostics[1, 2] <- env$gNP
    diagnostics[2, 2] <- env$gNOBS
    if (env$useCustomPVMatrix) {
      diagnostics[3, 2] <- TRUE
    } else {
      diagnostics[4, 2] <- signif(env$priorVariance, env$gSIGDIG)
    if (env$gFIV > 0) 
      diagnostics[5, 2] <- signif(env$targetAcceptanceFixed, env$gSIGDIG)
    if (env$gNIV > 0) 
      diagnostics[6, 2] <- signif(env$targetAcceptanceNormal, env$gSIGDIG)
      diagnostics[7, 2] <- signif(env$degreesOfFreedom, env$gSIGDIG)
      diagnostics[8, 2] <- signif(env$gNOBS/env$gNP, env$gSIGDIG)
      diagnostics[9, 2] <- signif(sum(log(env$likelihood(env$FC, env$B, env))), env$gSIGDIG)
      print(diagnostics[complete.cases(diagnostics), , drop = FALSE], row.names = FALSE)
      if (env$gFIV > 0) {
        print(data.frame(`Fixed Parameters` = env$gVarNamesFixed, Start = env$FC, check.names = FALSE), row.names = FALSE)
      if (env$gNIV > 0) {
        print(data.frame(`Random Parameters` = env$gVarNamesNormal, 
              Start = env$svN, Dist. = env$distNames[env$gDIST], 
              check.names = FALSE), row.names = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(env$constraintsNorm)) {
        cat("Constraints applied to random parameters:\n")
        diagconstraints <- data.frame(` ` = unlist(lapply(env$constraintsNorm, 
                                                          FUN = `[`, 1)), ` ` = unlist(lapply(env$constraintsNorm, 
                                                          FUN = `[`, 2)), ` ` = unlist(lapply(env$constraintsNorm, 
                                                          FUN = `[`, 3)), check.names = FALSE)
        diagconstraints[, 1] <- env$gVarNamesNormal[diagconstraints[, 1]]
        diagconstraints[, 2] <- env$constraintLabels[diagconstraints[, 2]]
        diagconstraints[diagconstraints[, 3] != 0, 3] <- env$gVarNamesNormal[diagconstraints[diagconstraints[, 3] != 0, 3]]
        print(diagconstraints, row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(env$Choice)) {
        cat("\n", "Choice Matrix", "\n")
        choiceMatrix <- cbind(table(env$Choice), round(prop.table(table(env$Choice)), 2))
        dimnames(choiceMatrix)[[2]] <- c("Count", "%")
      if (!nodiagnostics & verbose) {
        rl <- readline("Estimate Model? (Y/N): ")
        if (rl != "Y" & rl != "y") passChecks <- FALSE

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RSGHB documentation built on July 4, 2019, 1:02 a.m.