
writeModel = function(object, writeDraws = FALSE, path = getwd()) {

  if (!"RSGHB" %in% class(object)) {
    stop("'object' is not of class RSGHB")
  orig.path <- getwd()
  gSIGDIG <- object[["gSIGDIG"]]
  modelname <- object[["modelname"]]
  orig <- modelname
  i <- 1
  while (any(file.exists(paste0(modelname, c(".log", "_A.csv", "_B.csv", "_Bsd.csv", "_C.csv", "_Csd.csv", "_D.csv", "_F.csv"))))) {
    modelname <- paste0(orig, "~", i)
    i <- i + 1
  if (modelname != orig) {
    warning(paste0("Model files associated with '", orig, "' already exist. Writing results as '", modelname, "'"))
  orig.options <- options()
  options(width = 1000)
  sink(paste0(object[["modelname"]], ".log"))
  cat("Model Name:", object[["modelname"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  cat("Number of individuals:", object[["gNP"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  cat("Number of observations:", object[["gNOBS"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  cat("Number of preliminary iterations:", object[["gNCREP"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  cat("Number of draws used per individual:", object[["gNEREP"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  cat("Random Seed:", object[["gSeed"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  cat("Total iterations:", object[["gNCREP"]] + object[["gNEREP"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  if (!is.null(object[["df"]])) {
    cat("Degrees of Freedom:", object[["df"]], "\n", sep = "\t")
  cat("Number of parameters:", length(object$params.vary) + length(object$params.fixed), "\n\n", sep = "\t")
  if (length(object[["params.fixed"]]) > 0) {
    cat("Fixed parameters estimated:\n")
    cat(paste0(object[["params.fixed"]], "\n", collapse = ""))
  if (length(object[["params.vary"]]) > 0) {
    cat("Random parameters estimated (Distribution):", "\n")
    cat(paste0(paste(object[["params.vary"]], "(", object[["distributions"]], ")"), "\n"), collapse = "", sep = "")
  if (!is.null(object[["constraints"]])) {
    cond <- c("<", ">")
    cat("Constraints applied to random parameters (param1 - inequality - param2):\n")
    for (i in 1:length(object[["constraints"]])) {
      if (object[["constraints"]][[i]][3] == 0) {
        cat(object[["params.vary"]][object[["constraints"]][[i]][1]], cond[object[["constraints"]][[i]][2]],0, "\n")
      if (object[["constraints"]][[i]][3] != 0) {
        cat(object[["params.vary"]][object[["constraints"]][[i]][1]], cond[object[["constraints"]][[i]][2]], object[["params.vary"]][object[["constraints"]][[i]][3]], "\n")
  if (!is.null(object[["pv"]])) {
    cat("Prior Variance-Covariance Matrix:\n")
  print(object[["iter.detail"]], row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["pv"]])) {
    write.table(object[["pv"]], paste0(modelname, "_pvMatrix.csv"), sep = ",", col.names = NA)
  if (!is.null(object[["A"]])) {
    write.table(signif(object[["A"]], gSIGDIG), paste0(modelname, "_A.csv"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["B"]])) {
    write.table(signif(object[["B"]], gSIGDIG), paste0(modelname, "_B.csv"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["Bsd"]])) {
    write.table(signif(object[["Bsd"]], gSIGDIG), paste0(modelname, "_Bsd.csv"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["C"]])) {
    write.table(signif(object[["C"]], gSIGDIG), paste0(modelname, "_C.csv"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["Csd"]])) {
    write.table(signif(object[["Csd"]], gSIGDIG), paste0(modelname, "_Csd.csv"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["F"]])) {
    write.table(signif(object[["F"]], gSIGDIG), paste0(modelname, "_F.csv"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["D"]])) {
    labelmatrix <- matrix(1:(length(object[["params.vary"]])^2), 
                          length(object[["params.vary"]]), length(object[["params.vary"]]))
    rownames(labelmatrix) <- colnames(labelmatrix) <- object[["params.vary"]]
    dlabels <- paste0(rownames(labelmatrix)[row(labelmatrix)[lower.tri(labelmatrix, diag = TRUE)]], " x ", colnames(labelmatrix)[col(labelmatrix)[lower.tri(labelmatrix, diag = TRUE)]])
    md.write <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(object[["D"]])[3], ncol = length(dlabels) + 1)
    colnames(md.write) <- c("Iteration", dlabels)
    md.write[, "Iteration"] <- as.numeric(dimnames(object[["D"]])[[3]])
    for (i in 1:dim(object[["D"]])[3]){ 
      md.write[i, -1] <- object[["D"]][, , i][lower.tri(object[["D"]][, , i], diag = TRUE)]
    write.table(signif(md.write, gSIGDIG), paste0(modelname, "_D.csv"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(object[["Draws"]]) & writeDraws) {
    cat("Creating individual draw files, this may take a few minutes.\n")
    for (i in 1:length(object[["Draws"]])) {
      fn <- paste0("Draws_", names(object[["Draws"]])[[i]], ".csv")
      write.table(signif(object[["Draws"]][[i]], gSIGDIG), fn, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RSGHB documentation built on July 4, 2019, 1:02 a.m.