
#' CLASS errorHandler
#' class to handle errors
#' This class is an internal class used by remoteDriver and webElement. It
#'    describes how drivers may respond. With a wide range of browsers etc
#'    the response can be variable.
#' @importFrom methods setRefClass new
#' @importFrom httr parse_url build_url
#' @field statusCodes A list with status codes and their descriptions.
#' @field status A status code summarizing the result of the command. A
#'    non-zero value indicates that the command failed. A value of one is
#'    not a failure but may  indicate a problem.
#' @field statusclass Class associated with the java library underlying
#'    the server. For Example: org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response
#' @field sessionid An opaque handle used by the server to determine where
#'    to route session-specific commands. This ID should be included in
#'    all future session-commands in place of the :sessionId path segment
#'    variable.
#' @field hcode A list
#' @field value A list containing detailed information regarding possible
#'    errors:
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{\code{message}:}{A descriptive message for the command
#'        failure.}
#'      \item{\code{screen}:}{string   (Optional) If included, a
#'        screenshot of the current page as a base64 encoded string.}
#'      \item{\code{class}:}{string   (Optional) If included, specifies
#'        the fully qualified class name for the exception that was thrown
#'        when the command failed.}
#'      \item{\code{stackTrace}:}{array   (Optional) If included,
#'        specifies an array of JSON objects describing the stack trace
#'        for the exception that was thrown when the command failed. The
#'        zeroth element of the array represents the top of the stack.}
#'    }
#' @field responseheader There are two levels of error handling specified
#'    by the wire protocol: invalid requests and failed commands.
#'    Invalid Requests will probably be indicted by a status of 1.
#'    All invalid requests should result in the server returning a 4xx HTTP
#'    response. The response Content-Type should be set to text/plain and
#'    the message body should be a descriptive error message. The
#'    categories of invalid requests are as follows:
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{\code{Unknown Commands}:}{
#'        If the server receives a command request whose path is not mapped
#'        to a resource in the REST service, it should respond with a 404
#'        Not Found message.
#'      }
#'      \item{\code{Unimplemented Commands}:}{
#'        Every server implementing the WebDriver wire protocol must
#'        respond to every defined command. If an individual command has
#'        not been implemented on the server, the server should respond
#'        with a 501 Not Implemented error message. Note this is the only
#'        error in the Invalid Request category that does not return a 4xx
#'        status code.
#'      }
#'      \item{\code{Variable Resource Not Found}:}{
#'        If a request path maps to a variable resource, but that resource
#'        does not exist, then the server should respond with a 404 Not
#'        Found. For example, if ID my-session is not a valid session ID
#'        on the server, and a command is sent to GET /session/my-session
#'        HTTP/1.1, then the server should gracefully return a 404.
#'      }
#'      \item{\code{Invalid Command Method}:}{
#'        If a request path maps to a valid resource, but that resource
#'        does not respond to the request method, the server should
#'        respond with a 405 Method Not Allowed. The response must include
#'        an Allows header with a list of the allowed methods for the
#'        requested resource.
#'      }
#'      \item{\code{Missing Command Parameters}:}{
#'        If a POST/PUT command maps to a resource that expects a set of
#'        JSON parameters, and the response body does not include one of
#'        those parameters, the server should respond with a 400 Bad
#'        Request. The response body should list the missing parameters.
#'      }
#'    }
#' @field debugheader Not currently implemented
#' @export errorHandler
#' @exportClass errorHandler
#' @aliases errorHandler
errorHandler <-
    fields = list(
      statusCodes = "data.frame",
      status = "numeric",
      statusclass = "character",
      sessionid = "character",
      hcode = "numeric",
      value = "list"
    methods = list(
      initialize = function() {
        # statCodes are status codes stored in sysdata.rda
        statusCodes <<- statCodes
        status <<- 0L # initial status success
        statusclass <<- NA_character_
        sessionid <<- NA_character_
        hcode <<- NA_integer_
        value <<- list()

      queryRD = function(ipAddr, method = "GET", qdata = NULL) {
        "A method to communicate with the remote server implementing the
          JSON wire protocol."
        getUC.params <-
          list(url = ipAddr, verb = method, body = qdata, encode = "json")
        res <- tryCatch(
          do.call(httr::VERB, getUC.params),
          error = function(e) e
        if (inherits(res, "response")) {
          resContent <- httr::content(res, simplifyVector = FALSE)
        } else {

      checkStatus = function(resContent) {
        "An internal method to check the status returned by the server. If
        status indicates an error an appropriate error message is thrown."
        if (!is.null(resContent[["status"]])) {
          status <<- resContent[["status"]]
          statusclass <<- if (!is.null(resContent[["class"]])) {
          } else {
          if (!is.null(resContent[["sessionId"]])) {
            sessionid <<- resContent[["sessionId"]]
          hcode <<- if (!is.null(resContent[["hCode"]])) {
          } else {
          value <<- if (!is.null(resContent[["value"]])) {
            if (is.list(resContent[["value"]])) {
            } else {
          } else {
          errId <- which(
            statusCodes[["Code"]] == as.integer(status)
          if (length(errId) > 0 && status > 1L) {
            errMessage <- statusCodes[errId, c("Summary", "Detail")]
            errMessage[["class"]] <- value[["class"]]
            errMessage <- paste(
              paste(names(errMessage), errMessage, sep = ": ")
            errMessage[-1] <- paste("\n", errMessage[-1])
            errMessage <-
                "\n\t Further Details: run errorDetails method"
            if (!is.null(value[["message"]])) {
              message("\nSelenium message:", value[["message"]], "\n")
            stop(errMessage, call. = FALSE)
        } else {


      checkError = function(res) {
        status <<- 13L
        statusclass <<- NA_character_
        hcode <<- NA_integer_
        value <<- list()
        eMessage <- list(
          "Invalid call to server. Please check you have opened a browser.",
            "Couldnt connect to host on ",
            ".\n  Please ensure a Selenium server is running."
          function(x) {
            paste0("Undefined error in httr call. httr output: ", x)
        err <- switch(
          "Couldn't connect to server" = eMessage[[2]],

      errorDetails = function(type = "value") {
        "Return error details. Type can one of c(\"value\", \"class\",
          value = value,
          class = statusclass,
          status = status

      obscureUrlPassword = function(url) {
        "Replaces the username and password of url with ****"
        parsedUrl <- parse_url(url)
        if (!is.null(parsedUrl$username)) {
          parsedUrl$username <- "****"
        if (!is.null(parsedUrl$password)) {
          parsedUrl$password <- "****"

Try the RSelenium package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RSelenium documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 9:05 a.m.