Man pages for RSiena
Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis

allEffectsInternal data frame used to construct effect objects.
coCovarFunction to create a constant covariate object
coDyadCovarFunction to create a constant dyadic covariate object.
edit.sienaEffectsAllow editing of a sienaEffects object if a gui is available.
effectsDocumentationFunction to create a table of documentation of effect names,...
funnelPlotPlot function for a list of sienaFit objects
getEffectsFunction to create a Siena effects object
hn3401Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set"...
includeEffectsFunction to include effects in a Siena model
includeGMoMStatisticsFunction to include GMoM statistics in a Siena model
includeInteractionFunction to create user-specified interactions for a Siena...
includeTimeDummyFunction to include time dummy effects in a Siena model
iwlsmFunction to fit an iterated weighted least squares model.
n3401Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set"...
plot.sienaTimeTestFunctions to plot assessment of time heterogeneity of...
print01ReportFunction to produce the Siena01 report from R objects
print.sienaEffectsPrint methods for Siena effects objects
print.sienaMetaMethods for processing sienaMeta objects
print.sienaTestPrint method for Wald and score tests for RSiena results
RSiena-packageSimulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
s50Network data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle...
s501Network 1 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle...
s502Network 2 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle...
s503Network 3 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle...
s50aAlcohol use data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle...
s50sSmoking data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle...
setEffectFunction to set various columns in an effects object in a...
siena07Function to estimate parameters in a Siena model
siena08Function to perform a meta analysis of a collection of Siena...
sienaAlgorithmCreateFunction to create an object containing the algorithm...
sienaCompositionChangeFunctions to create a Siena composition change object
sienaDataConstraintFunction to change the values of the constraints between...
sienaDataCreateFunction to create a Siena data object
sienaDependentFunction to create a dependent variable for a Siena model
sienaFitMethods for processing sienaFit objects, produced by...
sienaGOFFunctions to assess goodness of fit for SAOMs
sienaGOF-auxiliaryAuxiliary functions for goodness of fit assessment by...
sienaGroupCreateFunction to group together several Siena data objects
sienaNodeSetFunction to create a node set
sienaTimeTestFunctions to assess and account for time heterogeneity of...
simstats0cVersions of FRAN
summary.iwlsmSummary method for Iterative Weighted Least Squares Models
tmp3van de Bunt's Freshman dataset, time point 3
tmp4van de Bunt's Freshman dataset, time point 4
updateThetaA function to update the initial values of theta, and a...
varCovarFunction to create a changing covariate object.
varDyadCovarFunction to create a changing dyadic covariate object.
WaldWald and score tests for RSiena results
xtableAccess xtable in package xtable
RSiena documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:05 a.m.