s501: Network 1 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle...

s501R Documentation

Network 1 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.


First timepoint network data from an excerpt of the network, alcohol consumption, and smoking data for 50 randomly chosen girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set. Useful as a small example of network and behaviour, for which models can be fitted quickly, and for which there are no missing values.


The adjacency matrix for the network at time point 1.




West, P. and Sweeting, H. (1995), Background Rationale and Design of the West of Scotland 11-16 Study. Working Paper No. 52. MRC Medical Sociology Unit Glasgow.

See https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/s50_data.htm

See Also

s502, s503, s50a, s50s

RSiena documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:05 a.m.