setEffect: Function to set various columns in an effects object in a...

View source: R/sienaeffects.r

setEffectR Documentation

Function to set various columns in an effects object in a Siena model.


This function provides an interface to change various columns of a selected row of a Siena effects object.


setEffect(myeff, shortName, parameter = NULL, fix = FALSE,
test = FALSE, random=FALSE, initialValue = 0, timeDummy = ",", include = TRUE,
name = myeff$name[1], type = "eval", interaction1 = "",
interaction2 = "", effect1=0, effect2=0, effect3=0,
period=1, group=1, character=FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



a Siena effects object as created by getEffects


A short name (all with or all without quotes) to identify the effect which should be changed.


Value of internal effect parameter. If NULL, no change is made.


For fixing effects. Boolean required. Default FALSE.


For testing effects by score-type tests. Boolean required. Default FALSE.


For specifying that effects will vary randomly; not relevant for RSiena at this moment. Boolean required. Default FALSE.


Initial value for estimation. Default 0.


string: Comma delimited string of which periods to dummy. Alternatively, use includeTimeDummy.


Boolean. default TRUE, but can be switched to FALSE to turn off an effect.


Name of dependent variable (network or behavior) for which effects are being modified. Defaults to the first in the effects object.


Character string indicating the type of the effect to be changed : currently "rate", "eval", "endow", or "creation". Default "eval".


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effect e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effect e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Only for shortName=unspInt, which means this is a user-defined interaction effect: effect1 is a natural number indicating the first component of the interaction effect; the number is the one listed when applying print() to myeff.


Only for shortName=unspInt: second component of interaction effect (see effect1).


Only for shortName=unspInt: third component of interaction effect, if any (see effect1).


Number of period if basic rate. Use numbering within groups.


Number of group if basic rate. Only relevant for sienaGroup data sets.


Boolean: whether the short name is a character string.


Boolean: should the print of altered effects be produced.


Recall from the help page for getEffects that a Siena effects object (class sienaEffects or sienaGroupEffects) is a data.frame; the rows in the data frame are the effects for this data set; some of the columns/variables of the data frame are used to identify the effect, other columns/variables define how this effect is used in the estimation.
The function includeEffects can operate on several effects simultaneously, but in a less detailed way. The main use of setEffect is that it can change not only the value of the column include, but also those of initialValue and parm. The arguments shortName, name, type, interaction1, interaction2, effect1, effect2, effect3, period, and group should identify one effect completely. (Not all of them are needed; see getEffects.)
The call of setEffect will set, for this effect, the column elements of the resulting effects object for parm, fix, test, randomEffects, initialValue, timeDummy, and include to the values requested.
The shortName must not be set between quotes, unless you use character=TRUE.

The input names interaction1 and interaction2 do not themselves refer to created interactions, but to dependence of the base effects on other variables in the data set. They are used to completely identify the effects.


An object of class sienaEffects or sienaGroupEffects. This will be an updated version of the input effects object, with one row updated. Details of the row altered will be printed, unless verbose=FALSE.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

getEffects, includeEffects, includeInteraction, includeGMoMStatistics, updateSpecification, print.sienaEffects,effectsDocumentation.


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
# Specify an effect parameter:
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, outTrunc, parameter=1)
# Set the initial rate parameter for one period:
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, Rate, initialValue=1.5, name="mybeh",
                   type="rate", period=2)

RSiena documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:05 a.m.