effectsDocumentation: Function to create a table of documentation of effect names,...

View source: R/effectsDocumentation.r

effectsDocumentationR Documentation

Function to create a table of documentation of effect names, short names etc.


Produces a table of the shortnames and other information for effects, either in html or latex.


effectsDocumentation(effects = NULL, type = "html", display = (type=="html"),
     filename = ifelse(is.null(effects), "effects", deparse(substitute(effects))))



A Siena effects object, or NULL.


Type of output required. Valid options are "html" or "latex".


Boolean: should the output be displayed after creation. Only applicable to html output.


Character string denoting file name.


If effects=NULL, the allEffects object is written to a table, either latex or html. This table presents all the available effects present in this version of RSiena, not delimited by a particular data set. The default file name is "effects.tex" or "effects.html", respectively.

The table lists all effects, with their name, shortName, whether an endowment (and creation) effect exists, the value of an effect parameter - if any -, and the interactionType (which can be empty or: "ego" or "dyadic" for dependent network variables; "OK" for dependent behavior variables). The latter is important for knowing how the effects can be used in interaction effects. (See includeInteraction).

If an existing effects object is specified for effects, then all available effects in this effects object are listed. This table lists the name (i.e., dependent variable), effect name, shortName, type (rate/evaluation/endowment/creation), the variables defined as interaction1 and interaction2 (see includeEffects) that specify this effect, the value of an effect parameter - if any -, and the interactionType.
The GMoM effects, which are those with type=gmm, are listed at the end. For these, the distinction between the fields name and interaction1, referring to the dependent and the explanatory roles of the variables, has no meaning.
The default root file name is the name of the input effects object.


Nothing returned. Output files are created in the current working directory.


Ruth Ripley, Tom A.B. Snijders


See https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/

See Also

getEffects, includeEffects, summary.sienaEffects, includeInteraction.


## Not run: effectsDocumentation()

RSiena documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:05 a.m.