## RUnit : A unit test framework for the R programming language
## Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Thomas Koenig, Matthias Burger, Klaus Juenemann
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
## $Id$
.newTestLogger <- function(useOwnErrorHandler) {
## creates a new, empty TestLogger 'object'.
## TestLogger is an object based on the 'closure trick'. It has the task
## to store, administrate and print the test protocol.
##@in useOwnErrorHandler : [logical]
##@ret : [list]
##@codestatus : internal
## private data:
## -----------------------
.testData <- list()
class(.testData) <- "RUnitTestData"
.currentTestSuiteName <- NULL
.currentSourceFileName <- NULL
## book keeping variables for individual test functions
## can be reset by function cleanup
.currentTraceBack <- NULL
.failure <- FALSE
.deactivationMsg <- NULL ## if non-NULL test function is deactivated
.checkNum <- 0
## verbosity level: 0: silent
.verbosity <- 1L
## define own error handler
## -----------------------
errorHandler <- function() {
## used as default error handler during test case execution iff
## the user specified 'useOwnErrorHandler' as TRUE (default).
## called in case an error condition, typically stop() has been signalled.
## tries to create a traceback object, currently only used by addError().
## not provided via testLogger but used by R's error handler.
##@ret : [NULL] used for it's side effect
##@codestatus : internal
res <- try(dump.frames())
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
.currentTraceBack <<- "traceback not available (dump.frames failed)."
} else {
.currentTraceBack <<- names(last.dump)[-length(last.dump)]
if(useOwnErrorHandler) {
## public methods:
## -----------------------
.getTestData <- function() {
## return the protocol data collected during the test runs
.setCurrentTestSuite <- function(testSuite) {
## record the test suite that is currently executed.
##@in testSuite : [testSuite - list] the current testSuite
if(is.null(testSuite)) {
.currentTestSuiteName <<- NULL
} else {
if(is.element(testSuite$name, names(.testData))) {
stop(paste("Duplicate test suite:", testSuite$name))
.currentTestSuiteName <<- testSuite$name
.testData[[testSuite$name]] <<- list(nTestFunc = 0L,
nDeactivated = 0L,
nErr = 0,
nFail = 0,
dirs = testSuite[["dirs"]],
testFileRegexp = testSuite[["testFileRegexp"]],
testFuncRegexp = testSuite[["testFuncRegexp"]],
sourceFileResults = list())
.setCurrentSourceFile <- function(sourceFileName) {
## record the source file whose test functions are currently executed
##@in sourceFileName : [character] name of current source file
if(is.null(sourceFileName)) {
.currentSourceFileName <<- NULL
} else {
.currentSourceFileName <<- sourceFileName
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$sourceFileResults[[sourceFileName]] <<- list()
.addSuccess <- function(testFuncName, secs) {
## add a successful test function run.
##@in testFuncName : [character] name of test function
##@in secs : [numeric] time in seconds needed by the test function to complete
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nTestFunc <<- 1 + .testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nTestFunc
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$sourceFileResults[[.currentSourceFileName]][[testFuncName]] <<-
list(kind="success", checkNum=.checkNum, time=secs)
.addError <- function(testFuncName, errorMsg) {
## add a test function that generated an error.
##@in testFuncName : [character] name of test function
##@in errorMsg : [character] the error message
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nTestFunc <<- 1 + .testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nTestFunc
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nErr <<- 1 + .testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nErr
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$sourceFileResults[[.currentSourceFileName]][[testFuncName]] <<-
list(kind="error", msg=errorMsg, checkNum=.checkNum, traceBack=.currentTraceBack)
.addFailure <- function(testFuncName, failureMsg) {
## add a test function that generated an error.
##@in testFuncName : [character] name of test function
##@in failureMsg : [character] the failure message
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nTestFunc <<- 1 + .testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nTestFunc
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nFail <<- 1 + .testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nFail
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$sourceFileResults[[.currentSourceFileName]][[testFuncName]] <<-
list(kind="failure", msg=failureMsg, checkNum=.checkNum, traceBack=NULL) ## traceBack is useless in this case
.addDeactivated <- function(testFuncName) {
## add a deactivated test function that generated an error.
##@in testFuncName : [character] name of test function
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nDeactivated <<- 1 + .testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$nDeactivated
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$sourceFileResults[[.currentSourceFileName]][[testFuncName]] <<-
list(kind="deactivated", msg=.deactivationMsg, checkNum=.checkNum)
.addCheckNum <- function(testFuncName) {
## add total number of checks performed
##@in testFuncName : [character] name of test function
.testData[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$sourceFileResults[[.currentSourceFileName]][[testFuncName]]$checkNum <<- .checkNum
.cleanup <- function() {
## reset book keeping variables like .failure, ...
## should be called before each test function execution
.currentTraceBack <<- NULL
.failure <<- FALSE
.deactivationMsg <<- NULL
.checkNum <<- 0
.isFailure <- function() {
## return current failure status
.setFailure <- function() {
## set failure status to TRUE
.failure <<- TRUE
.isDeactivated <- function() {
## return current deactivation message
##@ret : [logical] TRUE if deactivation msg is not NULL
.setDeactivated <- function(msg) {
## set deactivation message variable, indicating a deactivated test case
##@in msg : [character] message string
if (length(msg) > 1) {
msg <- paste(msg, collapse=" ")
.deactivationMsg <<- msg
.incrementCheckNum <- function() {
## increment internal counter of total num of test cases
.checkNum <<- 1 + .checkNum
.getCheckNum <- function() {
## return counter value for total num of test cases
.getVerbosity <- function() {
## return verbosity level for output log messages
.setVerbosity <- function(level) {
## set verbosity level for output log messages
##@in level : [integer] 0: omit output log messages, 1 >= : write begin/end comments for each test case
if (length(level) > 1) {
level <- level[1]
.verbosity <<- level
tl <- list(getTestData = .getTestData,
setCurrentTestSuite = .setCurrentTestSuite,
setCurrentSourceFile = .setCurrentSourceFile,
addSuccess = function(testFuncName, secs) .addSuccess(testFuncName, secs),
addError = function(testFuncName, errorMsg) .addError(testFuncName, errorMsg),
addFailure = function(testFuncName, failureMsg) .addFailure(testFuncName, failureMsg),
addDeactivated = function(testFuncName) .addDeactivated(testFuncName),
addCheckNum = function(testFuncName) .addCheckNum(testFuncName),
isFailure = .isFailure,
setFailure = .setFailure,
isDeactivated = .isDeactivated,
setDeactivated = function(msg) .setDeactivated(msg),
incrementCheckNum = .incrementCheckNum,
getCheckNum = .getCheckNum,
getVerbosity = .getVerbosity,
setVerbosity = .setVerbosity,
cleanup = .cleanup)
class(tl) <- "TestLogger"
getErrors <- function(testData) {
## return a brief summary of the test case execution result,
## computed from the testData listOfListsOfLists
##@in testData : [list] S3 RUnitTestData class object
##@ret : [list] containing no of errors, deactivated, failed, and total test functions
##@codestatus : testing
if(!is(testData, "RUnitTestData")) {
stop("getErrors needs an object of class 'RUnitTestData' as argument.")
ret <- list(nErr=0, nDeactivated=0, nFail=0, nTestFunc=0)
for(i in seq_along(testData)) {
ret$nErr <- ret$nErr + testData[[i]]$nErr
ret$nDeactivated <- ret$nDeactivated + testData[[i]]$nDeactivated
ret$nFail <- ret$nFail + testData[[i]]$nFail
ret$nTestFunc <- ret$nTestFunc + testData[[i]]$nTestFunc
.existsTestLogger <- function(envir=RUnitEnv) {
## Internal Function
## checks if .testLogger object is available in specified environment
## and if present if this object is of class 'TestLogger'
##@in envir : [environment] to search within
##@ret : [logical] TRUE iff .testLogger list object is found in specified environment
##@codestatus : internal
exists(".testLogger", envir=envir) && inherits(get(".testLogger", envir=envir), "TestLogger")
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