
##  RUnit : A unit test framework for the R programming language
##  Copyright (C) 2003-2009  Thomas Koenig, Matthias Burger, Klaus Juenemann
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
##  $Id$

cat("\n\nRUnit test cases for 'RUnit:inspect' functions\n\n")

.tearDown <- function() {
  if (exists("track", envir=.GlobalEnv)) {
    rm(track, envir=.GlobalEnv)

bar <- function(x) {
  y <- 0
  for(i in 1:100) {
    y <- y + i
foo <- function(x) {

  if (length(x))
    n <- length(x)

  len <- if(n==0)
  else if (n==1)
  else if (n==2)
  else if (n==3)

  cat("object contains",len, "elements")


foo2 <- function(x) {

  if (length(x))
    n <- length(x)

  ##  should not confuse tracker
  len <- ifelse(n==0, "zero", "more")

  cat("object contains",len, "elements")

testRUnit.inspect <- function() {

  foo <- function(x) {
    y <- 0
    for(i in 1:100) {
      y <- y + i

  ## the name track is necessary
  track <<- tracker()
  ## initialize the tracker
  ## inspect the function
  ## res will collect the result of calling foo
  res <- inspect(foo(10), track=track)
  checkEquals( res, 5050)


testRUnit.inspect.extended <- function() {

  ## the name track is necessary
  track <<- tracker()
  ## initialize the tracker

  # from ? svd
  hilbert <- function(n) { i <- 1:n; 1 / outer(i - 1, i, "+") }
  X <- hilbert(9)[,1:6]
  s <- svd(X)

  res <- inspect(svd(X), track=track)
  checkEquals( res, s)

testRUnit.getTrackInfo <- function() {

  ## the name track is necessary
  track <<- tracker()
  ## initialize the tracker
  ## inspect the function
  checkTrue( exists("bar"))

  ## res will collect the result of calling foo
  res <- inspect(bar(10), track=track)
  checkEquals( res, 5050)

  res <- inspect(foo(10), track=track)
  checkEquals( res, 1)

  res <- inspect(foo2(10), track=track)
  ## get the tracked function call info
  resTrack <- track$getTrackInfo()
  checkTrue( is.list(resTrack))
  checkTrue( c("R/foo2") %in% names(resTrack))

  checkEquals( names(resTrack$"R/foo2"),
              c("src", "run", "time", "graph", "nrRuns", "funcCall"))

testRUnit.printHTML <- function() {
  ## the name track is necessary
  track <<- tracker()
  ## initialize the tracker
  ## inspect the function
  checkTrue( exists("bar"))
  ## res will collect the result of calling foo
  res <- inspect(bar(10), track=track)
  checkEquals( res, 5050)

  ## get the tracked function call info
  resTrack <- track$getTrackInfo()

  outDir <- tempdir()

  ##checkTrue( is.null(printHTML(resTrack, baseDir=outDir)))
  checkTrue( is.null(printHTML(resTrack, baseDir=outDir)))
  checkTrue( "index.html" %in% dir(file.path(outDir, "results")))
  inspect(foo(1:3), track=track)
  resTrack <- track$getTrackInfo()
  checkTrue( is.null(printHTML(resTrack, baseDir=outDir)))
  ##  error handling
  ##  baseDir
  checkException(printHTML(resTrack,  baseDir=logical(1)))
  checkException(printHTML(resTrack,  baseDir=character(0)))
  checkException(printHTML(resTrack,  baseDir=character(2)))
  checkException(printHTML(resTrack,  baseDir=as.character(NA)))

testRUnit.printHTML.extended <- function() {
  ## the name track is necessary
  track <<- tracker()
  ## initialize the tracker
  # from ? svd
  hilbert <- function(n) { i <- 1:n; 1 / outer(i - 1, i, "+") }
  X <- hilbert(9)[ ,1:6]
  s <- svd(X)

  res <- inspect(svd(X, LINPACK=TRUE), track=track)

  res <- inspect(svd(X), track=track)

  res <- inspect(svd(X, nu=nrow(X)), track=track)
  res <- inspect(svd(X, nv=ncol(X)), track=track)

  res <- inspect(svd(X, nv=0L), track=track)
  resTrack <- track$getTrackInfo()

  outDir <- tempdir()
  checkTrue( is.null(printHTML(resTrack, baseDir=outDir)))

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RUnit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:30 p.m.