### Weka classifiers.
## Note that all schemes for numeric or nominal prediction (i.e.,
## classifiers) in Weka extend abstract class "Classifier", and *must*
## provide either distributionForInstance() or classifyInstance().
## Note also that class Classifier provides methods
## getOptions()
## listOptions()
## setOptions()
## (in fact, Weka's OptionHandler interface) so that we should be able
## to safely call these methods.
make_Weka_classifier <-
function(name, class = NULL, handlers = list(), init = NULL,
package = NULL)
## Return a function interfacing the Weka classification learner
## class 'name'.
## Eventually, add support for more handlers, including:
## * a formula handler (e.g., are interactions allowed? etc.)
## * a data handler (e.g., are numeric or categorical responses
## allowed? etc.)
## Add to registry.
classes <- c(class, "Weka_classifier")
kind <- "R_Weka_classifier_interface"
name <- as_JNI_name(name)
meta <- make_R_Weka_interface_metadata(name, kind, classes, init,
Weka_interfaces[[Java_class_base_name(name)]] <- meta
## Provide a default data handler.
if("data", names(handlers))))
handlers$data <- .default_data_handler_for_classifiers
out <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action,
control = Weka_control(), options = NULL)
## The "usual" way of creating a model frame from the call.
mc <-
mf <- mc[c(1L, match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
names(mc), 0L))]
## Need 'stats::' for non-standard evaluation:
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
.structure(c(RWeka_build_classifier(mf, control, name, handlers,
options, init, package),
list(call = mc, handlers = handlers,
levels = levels(mf[[1L]]),
terms = attr(mf, "terms"))),
class = classes)
make_R_Weka_interface(out, meta)
RWeka_build_classifier <-
function(mf, control, name, handlers, options, init, package)
else if(!is.null(package))
WPM(".check-installed-and-load", package)
out <- list()
options <- .expand_Weka_classifier_options(options)
## If needed save original model frame first, as data handlers might
## modify it.
if(identical(options$model, TRUE))
out$model <- mf
mf <- .compose_and_funcall(handlers$data, mf)
instances <- read_model_frame_into_Weka(mf)
## Build the classifier.
classifier <- Weka_object_for_name(name, package)
control <- as.character(.compose_and_funcall(handlers$control,
.jcall(classifier, "V", "setOptions", .jarray(control))
.jcall(classifier, "V", "buildClassifier", instances)
## And classify the training instances.
predictions <- .predictions_for_instances(classifier, instances)
if(!is.null(levels <- levels(mf[[1L]])))
predictions <- factor(levels[predictions + 1L], levels = levels)
out <- c(out,
list(classifier = classifier, predictions = predictions))
if(identical(options$instances, TRUE))
out$instances <- instances
.expand_Weka_classifier_options <-
x <- as.list(x)
## List of currently supported options with defaults.
out <- list(model = FALSE, instances = FALSE)
## Now match.
pos <- charmatch(names(x), names(out), nomatch = 0L)
out[pos] <- x[pos != 0L]
print.Weka_classifier <-
function(x, ...)
writeLines(.jcall(x$classifier, "S", "toString"))
summary.Weka_classifier <-
function(object, ...)
evaluate_Weka_classifier(object, ...)
.predictions_for_instances <-
function(classifier, instances)
## Get the predictions for a fitted Weka classifier.
## Weka uses NaN for missing values as we do in RWekaInterfaces.
## So we have to map to NA.
if(.has_method(classifier, "classifyInstance")) {
class <- .jcall("RWekaInterfaces", "[D",
.jcast(classifier, "weka/classifiers/Classifier"),
instances) <- is.nan(class)
else {
## If there is no classifyInstance() method, the Weka classifier
## must provide a distributionForInstance() method.
.distribution_for_instances(classifier, instances)
.distribution_for_instances <-
function(classifier, instances)
## Predict the "memberships" for given instances from a fitted Weka
## classifier. (Note that in principle a numeric classifier could
## provide just a distributionForInstance() method which in that
## case would return the (numeric) predictions.)
out <- .jcall("RWekaInterfaces", "[D",
.jcast(classifier, "weka/classifiers/Classifier"),
matrix(out, nrow = .jcall(instances, "I", "numInstances"),
byrow = TRUE)
predict.Weka_classifier <-
function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("class", "probability"), ...)
## This should work as a general-purpose interface to getting
## predictions from Weka.
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "probability" && is.null(object$levels))
stop("Can only compute class probabilities for classification problems.")
instances <- NULL
if(is.null(newdata)) {
## Currently only the class predictions for the training data
## are stored:
if(type == "class") return(object$predictions)
## but not the probabilities. Hence, check whether instances or
## the model frame are already known, or try something fancy.
else {
instances <- object$instances
if(is.null(instances)) {
if(!is.null(mf <- object$model))
instances <- read_model_frame_into_Weka(mf)
newdata <-
if(is.null(instances)) {
mf <- model.frame(delete.response(terms(object)), newdata,
na.action = object$call$na.action)
mf <- .compose_and_funcall(object$handlers$data, mf)
## Seems that Weka always needs to have a "class" with its
## instances, and even know a factor by its levels ...
classes <- if(!is.null(object$levels))
factor(NA, levels = object$levels)
else {
## Use anything *numeric* (could also use NaN or 0). Just
## 'NA' (logical by default) does not always work, as
## spotted by Fernando Cela Diaz <> for
## learner weka/classifiers/functions/MultilayerPerceptron.
mf <- cbind(CLASS = classes, mf)
## Get new instances into Weka.
instances <- read_model_frame_into_Weka(mf)
"class" = {
## Get predictions from Weka.
out <- .predictions_for_instances(object$classifier,
## Post-process predictions for factors.
out <- factor(object$levels[out + 1L],
levels = object$levels)
"probability" = {
## Get predictions from Weka.
out <- .distribution_for_instances(object$classifier,
## No Weka_instances class and dimnames method for now.
rnms <- attr(instances, ".dimnames")[[1L]]
dimnames(out) <- list(rnms, object$levels)
fitted.Weka_classifier <-
function (object, ...)
predict(object, ...)
model.frame.Weka_classifier <-
function(formula, ...)
if(!is.null(mf <- formula$model)) return(mf)
dots <- list(...)
nargs <- dots[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"),
names(dots), 0L)]
mf <- formula$call
mf <- mf[c(1L, match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
names(mf), 0L))]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
## Need 'stats::' for non-standard evaluation:
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf[names(nargs)] <- nargs
if(is.null(env <- environment(formula$terms)))
env <- parent.frame()
eval(mf, env)
.default_data_handler_for_classifiers <-
## A default data handler for classifiers which rejects interaction
## terms and drops unused variables, so that e.g.
## J48(Species ~ . - Petal.Width, data = iris)
## works "as expected".
## Issue raised by David Gleich <>.
terms <- attr(mf, "terms")
## No interactions.
if(any(attr(terms, "order") > 1L))
stop("Interactions are not allowed.")
factors <- attr(terms, "factors")
varnms <- rownames(factors)[c(TRUE, rowSums(factors)[-1L] > 0)]
## Remove backticks from non-syntactic names.
mf[, sub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", varnms), drop = FALSE]
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