
Defines functions is_square_matrix read_costMatrix_into_Weka print.Weka_classifier_evaluation evaluate_Weka_classifier

Documented in evaluate_Weka_classifier

### Evaluate Weka fitted model objects.

## <FIXME>
## We need to check if we got a fitted model because if Java throws R
## does not stop.
## </FIXME>

evaluate_Weka_classifier <- 
function(object, newdata = NULL,
         cost = NULL, numFolds = 0, complexity = FALSE, class = FALSE,
         seed = NULL, ...)
    ## For now the usual way ...
    if (is.null(newdata))
        mf <- model.frame(object)
    else {
        mf <- model.frame(object, data = newdata)
        levels <- levels(mf[[1L]])
        if (any(is.na(match(object$levels, levels))))
            mf[[1L]] <- factor(mf[[1L]], levels = object$levels)
    instances  <- read_model_frame_into_Weka(mf)

    ## Determine type of class attribute
    result <- .jcall(instances, "Lweka/core/Attribute;", "classAttribute")
    has_numeric_class <-
	    .jcall(result, "Z", "isNumeric")
    if (!has_numeric_class) { 
	if (!.jcall(result, "Z", "isNominal"))
	    stop("type of class attribute not supported")

	## Fix degenerate levels
	k <- .jcall(result, "I", "numValues")
	if (k != length(object$levels)) {
	    levels <- NULL
	    while(k > 0L)
		levels <- c(
		    .jcall(result, "S", "value", (k <- k - 1L)),
	    object$levels <- levels
    result <- list()
    ## Cost sensitive evaluation
    if (is.null(cost))
        evaluation <- .jnew("weka/classifiers/Evaluation", instances)
    else {
	if (has_numeric_class)
	    stop("'cost' not applicable")
	if (!is_square_matrix(cost))
	    stop("Argument 'cost' must be a square matrix.")
	costMatrix <- read_costMatrix_into_Weka(cost, ...)
	evaluation <- .jnew("weka/classifiers/Evaluation", instances, 
    ## evaluateModel returns fitted class values
    if (numFolds == 0) {
        ## Weka 3.5.8 has added a varargs argument:
        ##   public double[]
        ##   evaluateModel(Classifier classifier, Instances data,
        ##                 java.lang.Object... forPredictionsPrinting)
        .jcall(evaluation, "[D", "evaluateModel",
               .jcast(object$classifier, "weka/classifiers/Classifier"),
               instances, .jarray(list()))
    else {
        ## Cross validation
        random <- .jnew("java/util/Random")
        if (!is.null(seed))
            .jcall(random, "V", "setSeed", .jlong(seed))
               instances, as.integer(numFolds), random, .jarray(list()))
        result$string <- 
            gettextf("=== %d Fold Cross Validation ===\n", numFolds)
    result$string <-
              .jcall(evaluation, "S", "toSummaryString", complexity),
              sep = "\n" )
    ## Extractor function
    extractValues <- function(x, ...)
        vapply(x, function(x) .jcall(evaluation, "D", x, ...), 0)

    ## Numeric class
    if (has_numeric_class) {
	result$details <-
    else {
    ## Nominal class
	result$details <-
	    extractValues(c("pctCorrect", "pctIncorrect", "pctUnclassified",
			    "kappa", "meanAbsoluteError",

	if (!is.null(cost))
	    result$detailsCost <- extractValues(c("avgCost"))
	## <FIXME>
	## For classifiers which only provide hard probabilistic
	## predictions, i.e., from {0,1}, the class entropy | scheme can be
	## meaningless because, according to the source code, if a 
	## probability is zero 1074 = log2(Double.MIN_VALUE) is added to 
	## the sum instead of setting to -Inf (Weka versions 3.4.7 + 3.5.2).
	## this should be fixed in the source code because as each classifier 
	## implements a distributionForInstance method but does not provide a 
	## "type" method trapping such output seems to to be difficult ...
	## </FIXME>
	if (complexity) 
	    result$detailsComplexity <-
		extractValues(c("KBInformation", "KBRelativeInformation",
				"SFPriorEntropy", "SFSchemeEntropy")) 
	if (class) {
	    result$string <-
		      .jcall(evaluation, "S", "toClassDetailsString"),
		      sep = "\n")
	    result$detailsClass <-
			 function(l, x) {
			     k <- as.integer(which(object$levels == l) - 1L)
			     extractValues(x, k)
			 c("falsePositiveRate", "falseNegativeRate",
			   "precision", "recall", "fMeasure",
	    result$string <-
		      gettext("=== Cost Matrix ===\n"),
		      .jcall(costMatrix, "S", "toString"),
		      sep = "\n")
	result$string <-
		  .jcall(evaluation, "S", "toMatrixString"),
		  sep = "\n")
	result$confusionMatrix <-
		t(sapply(.jcall(evaluation, "[[D", "confusionMatrix"),
	if (any(dim(result$confusionMatrix) != length(object$levels)))
	    stop("Cannot set dimnames on degenerate confusion matrix.")
	dimnames(result$confusionMatrix) <-
	    list(object$levels, predicted = object$levels)
    class(result) <- "Weka_classifier_evaluation"


print.Weka_classifier_evaluation <-
function(x, ...)

## Internal functions

read_costMatrix_into_Weka <-
function(x, normalize = FALSE, ...)
    file <- tempfile()

    ## Add number of rows and columns as header.
    cat(dim(x), "\n", file = file)
    write.table(x, file, append = TRUE,
                row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

    reader <- .jnew("java/io/FileReader", file)
    x <- .jnew("weka/classifiers/CostMatrix",
               .jcast(reader, "java/io/Reader"))
    if (normalize)
       .jcall(x, "V", "normalize")


is_square_matrix <-
function(x, ...)
    is.matrix(x) && nrow(x) == ncol(x)

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RWeka documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:21 p.m.