
## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = rmarkdown::pandoc_available()

## ----reading_titers-----------------------------------------------------------
# Load the Racmacs package

# Set an option for the number of computer cores to run in parallel when optimizing maps
# The default when running on CRAN is to use 2
options(RacOptimizer.num_cores = 1)
# However you can also set the number of cores to the maximum number like this
# options(RacOptimizer.num_cores = parallel::detectCores())

# Read in the titer table
path_to_titer_file <- system.file("extdata/h3map2004_hitable.csv", package = "Racmacs")
titer_table        <- read.titerTable(path_to_titer_file)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----making_an_acmap----------------------------------------------------------
# Create the acmap object, specifying the titer table
map <- acmap(
  titer_table = titer_table

## ----optimizing_an_acmap------------------------------------------------------
# Perform some optimization runs on the map object to try and determine a best map
map <- optimizeMap(
  map                     = map,
  number_of_dimensions    = 2,
  number_of_optimizations = 500,
  minimum_column_basis    = "none"

## ----plotting_an_acmap, fig.width=10, fig.height=6, out.width="100%", fig.retina=TRUE----

## ----viewing_an_acmap, out.width = '100%'-------------------------------------

## ----making_a_3d_map, out.width = '100%'--------------------------------------
# Make the acmap object and run optimizations
map3d <- make.acmap(
  titer_table             = titer_table,
  number_of_dimensions    = 3,
  number_of_optimizations = 500,
  minimum_column_basis    = "none"

# View the result

Try the Racmacs package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Racmacs documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:33 a.m.