
Defines functions xbarpmcMenu xbar2mcMenu xbar1mcMenu xbarone1Menu uchartpMenu uchart2Menu uchart1Menu SpmcMenu S2mcMenu S1mcMenu RpmcMenu R2mcMenu R1mcMenu pchartpMenu pchart2Menu pchart1Menu paretochartMenu npchartpMenu npchart2Menu npchart1Menu cchartpMenu cchart2Menu cchart1Menu .qccMenu

Documented in cchart1Menu cchart2Menu cchartpMenu npchart1Menu npchart2Menu npchartpMenu paretochartMenu pchart1Menu pchart2Menu pchartpMenu R1mcMenu R2mcMenu RpmcMenu S1mcMenu S2mcMenu SpmcMenu uchart1Menu uchart2Menu uchartpMenu xbar1mcMenu xbar2mcMenu xbarone1Menu xbarpmcMenu

### Quality control extensions

types.withsamplesize <- c('c', 'np', 'p', 'u')
types.multicolumn <- c('R', 'S', 'xbar')

gettext("Phase I...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
gettext("Phase I (multiple columns)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
gettext("Phase II (multiple columns)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
gettext("Phase II from data (multiple columns)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
gettext("Phase II from parameters (multiple columns)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")

### Auxiliary function to all quality control for attributes
.qccMenu <- function(dialogtitle, graphtitle, x1title = "", n1title = "", x2title = "", n2title = "", type, phase = c('1', '2', 'p'), help, recall, reset, apply) {
    phase = match.arg(phase)
    initializeDialog(title = dialogtitle)
    ## Parameters
    if (phase == 'p') {
        centerVar <- tclVar("")
        dataFrame <- tkframe(top)
        centerEntry <- tkentry(dataFrame, width="8", textvariable=centerVar)
        if (type %in% types.multicolumn) {
            stddevVar <- tclVar("")
            stddevEntry <- tkentry(top, width="8", textvariable=stddevVar)
    ## Phase I
    x1Box <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), selectmode=ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, "single", "multiple"), initialSelection=NULL, title = x1title)
    n1Box <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), selectmode="single", initialSelection=NULL, title = n1title)
    subsetBox(subset.expression = gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>"))
    ## Phase II
    if (phase == '2' || phase == 'p') {
        x2Box <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), selectmode=ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, "single", "multiple"), initialSelection=NULL, title = x2title)
        n2Box <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), selectmode="single", initialSelection=NULL, title = n2title)
        subset2Box(subset.expression = gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>"))
        ## Options buttons
        plotall <- tclVar()
        renumber <- tclVar()
        optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
        plotallcheckBox <- ttkcheckbutton(optionsFrame, variable = plotall)
        renumbercheckBox <- ttkcheckbutton(optionsFrame, variable = renumber)
    onOK <- function() {
        ## Setup and get options values
        if (phase == '2' || phase == 'p') {
            plotall <- (tclvalue(plotall) == "1")
            renumber <- (tclvalue(renumber) == "1")
        } else {
            plotall <- FALSE
            renumber <- FALSE
        ## Read data
        ## Read parameters
        if (phase == 'p') {
            center <- as.numeric(tclvalue(centerVar))
            if (is.na(center)) {
                errorCondition(recall = recall, message=gettext("No valid numeric value has been provided for the center parameter", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
            if (type %in% types.multicolumn) {
                stddev <- as.numeric(tclvalue(stddevVar))
        ## Read phase I data
        x1 <- getSelection(x1Box)
        if (length(x1) == 0) {
            errorCondition(recall = recall, message=gettext("No data variable was selected (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
        if (length(x1) == 1 && type %in% types.multicolumn) {
            errorCondition(recall=recall, message=gettext("Select at least two variables (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
        if (type %in% types.withsamplesize) {
            n1 <- getSelection(n1Box)
            if (length(n1) == 0) {
                errorCondition(recall = recall, message=gettext("No sample size variable was selected (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
        subset <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(subsetVariable))
        ## Read phase II data
        if (phase == '2' || phase == 'p') {
            x2 <- getSelection(x2Box)
            if (length(x2) == 0) {
                errorCondition(recall = recall, message=gettext("No data variable was selected (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
            if (length(x2) == 1 && type %in% types.multicolumn) {
                errorCondition(recall=recall, message=gettext("Select at least two variables (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
            if (type %in% types.withsamplesize) {
                n2 <- getSelection(n2Box)
                if (length(n2) == 0) {
                    errorCondition(recall = recall, message=gettext("No sample size variable was selected (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
            subset2 <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(subset2Variable))
        ## Build title
        if (phase == '1' || plotall) {
            graphtitle <- paste0(graphtitle, ' ', ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, paste0('(', paste(x1, collapse = ','), ')'), x1))
            if ((subset != gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) && (subset != "")) graphtitle <- paste0(graphtitle, '[', subset, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, ', ', ''), ']')
        if (phase == '2' || phase == 'p') {
            if (plotall) graphtitle <- paste0(graphtitle, ' ', gettext('and', domain = "R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
            graphtitle <- paste0(graphtitle, ' ', ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, paste0('(', paste(x2, collapse = ','), ')'), x2))
            if ((subset2 != gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) && (subset2 != "")) graphtitle <- paste0(graphtitle, '[', subset2, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, ', ', ''), ']')
        if (phase == 'p') {
            graphtitle <- paste0(graphtitle, '\\n', gettext('with Center', domain = "R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"), ' ', center)
        if (phase == 'p' && type %in% types.multicolumn && !is.na(stddev)) {
            graphtitle <- paste0(graphtitle, ' ', gettext('and StdDev', domain = "R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"), ' ', stddev)
        ## Build command
        command <- paste0("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", qcc(data = ")
        command <- paste0(command, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, paste0('cbind(', paste(x1, collapse = ','), ')'), x1))
        if ((subset != gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) && (subset != "")) command <- paste0(command, '[', subset, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, ', ', ''), ']') 
        if (type %in% types.withsamplesize) {
            command <- paste0(command, ", sizes = ", n1)
            if ((subset != gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) && (subset != "")) {
                command <- paste0(command, '[', subset, ']')
        if (phase == '2' || phase == 'p') {
            command <- paste0(command, ", newdata = ")
            command <- paste0(command, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, paste0('cbind(', paste(x2, collapse = ','), ')'), x2))
            if ((subset2 != gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) && (subset2 != "")) command <- paste0(command, '[', subset2, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, ', ', ''), ']')
            if (type %in% types.withsamplesize) {
                command <- paste0(command, ", newsizes = ", n2)
                if ((subset2 != gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) && (subset2 != "")) {
                    command <- paste0(command, '[', subset2, ']')
        command <- paste0(command, ", type = \"", type, "\"")
        if (phase == 'p') command <- paste0(command, ", center = ", center)
        if (phase == 'p' && type %in% types.multicolumn && !is.na(stddev)) {
            command <- paste0(command, ", std.dev =", stddev)
        command <- paste0(command, ", title = \"", graphtitle, "\"")
        if (phase == '2' || phase == 'p') {
            if (!plotall) command <- paste0(command, ", chart.all = ", plotall)
            ## Compute length of x2
            if (renumber) {
                lx2 <- paste0("with(", ActiveDataSet())
                if (type %in% types.multicolumn) {
                    lx2 <- paste0(lx2, ", nrow(")
                } else {
                    lx2 <- paste0(lx2, ", length(")
                lx2 <- paste0(lx2, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, paste0('cbind(', paste(x2, collapse = ','), ')'), x2))
                if ((subset2 != gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) && (subset2 != "")) lx2 <- paste0(lx2, '[', subset2, ifelse(type %in% types.multicolumn, ', ', ''), ']')
                lx2 <- paste0(lx2, "))")
                lx2 <- eval(parse(text = lx2))
                command <- paste0(command, ", newlabel = 1:", lx2)
        command <- paste0(command, "))")
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = help, reset = reset, apply = apply)
    deltarow <- 0
    ## Parameters
    if (phase == 'p') {
        tkgrid(tklabel(dataFrame, text = paste0(gettext("Center", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"), " ")), centerEntry, sticky = "w")
        ## tkgrid(centerEntry, sticky = "w")
        deltarow <- 1
        if (type %in% types.multicolumn) {
            tkgrid(tklabel(dataFrame, text = gettext("Standard Deviation", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")), stddevEntry, sticky = "w")
            deltarow <- deltarow + 1
        tkgrid(dataFrame, sticky = "w")
    ## Phase I
    tkgrid(getFrame(x1Box), sticky = "w")
    if (type %in% types.withsamplesize) {
        tkgrid(getFrame(n1Box), sticky = "w", row = 0 + deltarow, column = 1)
    tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky = "w")
    ## Phase II
    if (phase == '2' || phase == 'p') {
        tkgrid(getFrame(x2Box), sticky = "w")
        if (type %in% types.withsamplesize) {
            tkgrid(getFrame(n2Box), sticky = "w", row = 2 + deltarow, column = 1)
        tkgrid(subset2Frame, sticky = "w")
        ## type <- tclvalue(typeVariable)
        tkgrid(plotallcheckBox, tklabel(optionsFrame, text = gettext("Plot all data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")), sticky = "w")
        tkgrid(renumbercheckBox, tklabel(optionsFrame, text = gettext("Renumber 2nd phase data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")), sticky = "w")
        tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w", columnspan = 2)

### Function to produce a phase-I c-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
cchart1Menu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Counts", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("c-chart (rate)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("c-chart (rate)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("c-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconformities", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sizes", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "c", phase = '1', help = "c-chart", recall = cchart1Menu, reset = "cchart1Menu", apply = "cchart1Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-II c-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
cchart2Menu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Counts", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("c-chart (rate)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("c-chart (rate) from data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("c-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sizes (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sizes (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "c", phase = "2", help = "c-chart", recall = cchart2Menu, reset = "cchart2Menu", apply = "cchart2Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-II c-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
cchartpMenu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Counts", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("c-chart (rate)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("c-chart (rate) from parameter", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("c-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sizes (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sizes (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "c", phase = "p", help = "c-chart", recall = cchartpMenu, reset = "cchartpMenu", apply = "cchartpMenu")

### Function to produce a phase-I np-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
npchart1Menu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Attributes", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("np-chart (count)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("np-chart (Phase I)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("np-chart", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("np-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconforming units", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sample size", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "np", phase = "1", help = "np-chart", recall = npchart1Menu, reset = "npchart1Menu", apply = "npchart1Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-II p-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
npchart2Menu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("np-chart phase II from data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("np-chart phase II\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sample size (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sample size (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "np", phase = "2", help = "np-chart",  recall = npchart2Menu, reset = "npchart2Menu", apply = "npchart2Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-I np-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
npchartpMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("np-chart phase II from parameter", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("np-chart phase II\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sample size (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sample size (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "np", phase = "p", help = "np-chart", recall = npchartpMenu, reset = "npchartpMenu", apply = "npchartpMenu")

### Function to produce a Pareto char using paretochar function in qicharts2 package
paretochartMenu <- function() {
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Quality Control", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    initializeDialog(title=gettext("Pareto chart", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"))
    variablesBox <- variableListBox(top, Factors(), selectmode="single", initialSelection=NULL, title=gettextRcmdr("Variable"))
    onOK <- function() {
        x <- getSelection(variablesBox)
        if (length(x) == 0) {
            errorCondition(recall=paretochartMenu, message=gettextRcmdr("No variable was selected."))
        ## Apply test
        doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", paretochart(", x, "))", sep = ""))
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="paretochart", reset = "paretochartMenu", apply = "paretochartMenu")
    tkgrid(getFrame(variablesBox), sticky="nw")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w")
    dialogSuffix(rows=6, columns=1)

### Function to produce a phase-I p-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
pchart1Menu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Attributes", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("p-chart (proportion)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("Phase I...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("p-chart", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("p-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconforming units", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sample size", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "p", phase = "1", help = "p-chart", recall = pchart1Menu, reset = "pchart1Menu", apply = "pchart1Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-II p-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
pchart2Menu <- function()
    gettext("Phase II from data...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("p-chart phase II from data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("p-chart phase II\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sample size (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sample size (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "p", phase = "2", help = "p-chart",  recall = pchart2Menu, reset = "pchart2Menu", apply = "pchart2Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-I p-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
pchartpMenu <- function()
    gettext("Phase II from parameter...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("p-chart phase II from parameter", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("p-chart phase II\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sample size (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconforming units (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sample size (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "p", phase = "p", help = "p-chart", recall = pchartpMenu, reset = "pchartpMenu", apply = "pchartpMenu")

R1mcMenu <- function()
    gettext("Range", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("R-chart phase I (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("R-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "R", phase = "1", help = "R-chart", recall = R1mcMenu, reset = "R1mcMenu", apply = "R1mcMenu")

R2mcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("R-chart phase II from data (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("R-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements phase I from data (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Measurements phase II from data (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "R", phase = "2", help = "R-chart", recall = R2mcMenu, reset = "R2mcMenu", apply = "R2mcMenu")

RpmcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("R-chart phase II from parameters (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("R-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements phase I from parameters (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Measurements phase II from parameters (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "R", phase = "p", help = "R-chart", recall = RpmcMenu, reset = "RpmcMenu", apply = "RpmcMenu")

S1mcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("S-chart (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("S-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "S", phase = "1", help = "S-chart", recall = S1mcMenu, reset = "S1mcMenu", apply = "S1mcMenu")

S2mcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("S-chart phase II from data (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("S-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements phase I (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Measurements phase II (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "S", phase = "2", help = "S-chart", recall = S2mcMenu, reset = "S2mcMenu", apply = "S2mcMenu")

SpmcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("S-chart phase II from parameters (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("S-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements phase I (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Measurements phase II (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "S", phase = "p", help = "S-chart", recall = SpmcMenu, reset = "SpmcMenu", apply = "SpmcMenu")

### Function to produce a phase-I u-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
uchart1Menu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Counts", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("u-chart (average rate)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("u-chart (average rate)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("u-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconformities", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sizes", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "u", phase = "1", help = "u-chart", recall = uchart1Menu, reset = "uchart1Menu", apply = "uchart1Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-I u-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
uchart2Menu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Counts", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("u-chart (average rate)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("u-chart phase II from data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("u-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sizes (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sizes (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "u", phase = "2", help = "u-chart", recall = uchart2Menu, reset = "uchart2Menu", apply = "uchart2Menu")

### Function to produce a phase-I u-chart using cchart.p function in qcc package
uchartpMenu <- function()
    ## To ensure that menu name is included in pot file
    gettext("Counts", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("u-chart (average rate)...", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("u-chart phase II from parameter", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("u-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n1title = gettext("Sizes (Phase I)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Nonconformities (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        n2title = gettext("Sizes (Phase II)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "u", phase = "p", help = "u-chart", recall = uchartpMenu, reset = "uchartpMenu", apply = "uchartpMenu")

xbarone1Menu <- function()
    gettext("Continuous", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
    gettext("One-at-time data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
        dialogtitle = gettext("One-at-time data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "xbar.one", help = "xbar.one-chart", recall = xbarone1Menu, reset = "xbarone1Menu", apply = "xbarone1Menu")

xbar1mcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("xbar-chart (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("xbar-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "xbar", phase = "1", help = "xbar-chart", recall = xbar1mcMenu, reset = "xbar1mcMenu", apply = "xbar1mcMenu")

xbar2mcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("xbar-chart phase II from data (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("xbar-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements phase I (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Measurements phase II (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "xbar", phase = "2", help = "xbar-chart", recall = xbar2mcMenu, reset = "xbar2mcMenu", apply = "xbar2mcMenu")

xbarpmcMenu <- function()
        dialogtitle = gettext("xbar-chart phase II from parameters (multiple columns)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        graphtitle = gettext("xbar-chart\\nfor", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x1title = gettext("Measurements phase I (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        x2title = gettext("Measurements phase II (pick two variables or more)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.UCA"),
        type = "xbar", phase = "p", help = "xbar-chart", recall = xbarpmcMenu, reset = "xbarpmcMenu", apply = "xbarpmcMenu")

Try the RcmdrPlugin.UCA package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RcmdrPlugin.UCA documentation built on May 4, 2022, 9:05 a.m.