NumericOrDate <- function(dataSet=ActiveDataSet()) {#copied from John Fox's R-RcmdrPlugin.survival, needed below
setdiff(Variables(), Factors())
startStop <- function(time){#copied from John Fox's R-RcmdrPlugin.survival, needed below
times <- na.omit(eval(parse(text=paste(ActiveDataSet(), '[,c("', time[1], '", "', time[2],'")]', sep=""))))
if (all(times[[time[1]]] <= times[[time[2]]])){
return(list(start=time[1], stop=time[2], error=FALSE))
} else if (all(times[[time[2]]] <= times[[time[1]]])){
return(list(start=time[2], stop=time[1], error=FALSE))
else return(list(start="", stop="", error=TRUE))
fncCoinMaxstatSurvTest <- function(){#based on R-RcmdrPlugin.survival, survdif, and it is interlinked in this way with survival data definition
if (!activeDataSetP()) return()
currentModel <- FALSE
initializeDialog(title=gettext("Maximally Selected Statistics Test for Survival data"))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
onOK <- function(){
time <- getSelection(timeBox)
if (length(time) == 1){
time1 <- time
time2 <- numeric(0)
else if (length(time) == 2){
ss <- startStop(time)
if (ss$error) errorCondition(recall=fncCoinMaxstatSurvTest,
message=gettext("Start and stop times must be ordered."), model=TRUE)#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
time1 <- ss$start
time2 <- ss$stop
else {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinMaxstatSurvTest, message=gettext("You must select one or two time variables."))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
event <- getSelection(eventBox)
if (length(event) == 0) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinMaxstatSurvTest, message=gettext("You must select an event indicator."))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
x <- getSelection(xBox)
if (length(x) == 0) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinMaxstatSurvTest, message=gettext("You must select at least one explanatory variable."))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
subset <- tclvalue(subsetVariable)
if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettext("<all valid cases>") #, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
|| trim.blanks(subset) == ""){
subset <- ""
subset <- paste(", subset=", subset, sep="")
formula <- paste("Surv(", time1, ",",
if(length(time2) != 0) paste(time2, ",", sep=""),
event, ")", sep="")
formula <- paste(formula, " ~ ", paste(x, collapse=" + "), sep="")
command <- paste("maxstat_test(", formula, ", ",
"ytrafo = function(data) trafo(data, surv_trafo = function(x) logrank_trafo(x, ties = 'HL')) ",
', data=', ActiveDataSet(), subset, ")", sep="")
survFrame <- tkframe(top)
.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
.numeric <- NumericOrDate()
.factors <- Factors()
time1 <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "time1")', sep="")))
time1 <- if (!is.null(time1)) which(time1 == .numeric) - 1
time2 <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "time2")', sep="")))
time2 <- if (!is.null(time2)) which(time2 == .numeric) - 1
event <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "event")', sep="")))
event <- if (!is.null(event)) which(event == Numeric()) - 1
#strata <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "strata")', sep="")))
#strata <- if (!is.null(strata)) which(is.element(.factors, strata)) - 1 else -1
timeBox <- variableListBox(survFrame, NumericOrDate(),
title=gettext("Time or start/end times\n(select one or two)"),
selectmode="multiple", initialSelection=if(is.null(time1)) NULL else c(time1, time2))
eventBox <- variableListBox(survFrame, Numeric(),
title=gettext("Event indicator\n(select one)"),
xBox <- variableListBox(survFrame, Numeric(),
title=gettext("Explanatory variables\n(select one or more)"),
#rhoFrame <- tkframe(top)
#rhoValue <- tclVar("0")
#rhoSlider <- tkscale(rhoFrame, from=0, to=1, showvalue=TRUE, variable=rhoValue,
# resolution=0.1, orient="horizontal")
# modelFormula(hasLhs=FALSE)
tkgrid(getFrame(timeBox), labelRcmdr(survFrame, text=" "), getFrame(eventBox), sticky="sw")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(survFrame, text=""))
tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw")
tkgrid(survFrame, sticky="nw")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky="w")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w")
dialogSuffix(rows=9, columns=1)
fncCoinSurvTest <- function(){#based on R-RcmdrPlugin.survival, survdif, and it is interlinked in this way with survival data definition
if (!activeDataSetP()) return()
currentModel <- FALSE
initializeDialog(title=gettext("Independent Two/K Sample Test for Censored Data..."))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
onOK <- function(){
time <- getSelection(timeBox)
if (length(time) == 1){
time1 <- time
time2 <- numeric(0)
else if (length(time) == 2){
ss <- startStop(time)
if (ss$error) errorCondition(recall=fncCoinSurvTest,
message=gettext("Start and stop times must be ordered."), model=TRUE)#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
time1 <- ss$start
time2 <- ss$stop
else {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinSurvTest, message=gettext("You must select one or two time variables."))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
event <- getSelection(eventBox)
if (length(event) == 0) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinSurvTest, message=gettext("You must select an event indicator."))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
strata <- getSelection(strataBox)
if (length(strata) == 0) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinSurvTest, message=gettext("You must select strata."))#, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
block <- getSelection(blockBox) #
if (length(block) > 0) {
if (is.element(block, strata)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncCoinSurvTest, message=gettextRcmdr("The group and strata variables must be different."))
block = paste(" | ", block, " ", sep="") #
strConfintText = "" # cannot compute test for blocks !!!
} else {
block = "" #
Ties <- as.character(tclvalue(tiesmethodVariable)) #
if (Ties == "default") {
strTies = ""
} else {
strTies = paste(", ties.method='", Ties, "' ", sep="")
test <- as.character(tclvalue(testVariable))
subset <- tclvalue(subsetVariable)
if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettext("<all valid cases>") #, domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.survival"
|| trim.blanks(subset) == ""){
subset <- ""
subset <- paste(", subset=", subset, sep="")
formula <- paste("Surv(", time1, ",",
if(length(time2) != 0) paste(time2, ",", sep=""),
event, ")", sep="")
formula <- paste(formula, " ~ ", paste(strata, collapse=" + "), sep="")
if (test == "default"){
command <- paste("surv_test(", formula, block, strTies,
', data=', ActiveDataSet(), subset, ")", sep="")
} else command <- paste("surv_test(", formula, block, strTies,
', distribution="', test, '", data=', ActiveDataSet(), subset, ")", sep="")
survFrame <- tkframe(top)
.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
.numeric <- NumericOrDate()
.factors <- Factors()
time1 <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "time1")', sep="")))
time1 <- if (!is.null(time1)) which(time1 == .numeric) - 1
time2 <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "time2")', sep="")))
time2 <- if (!is.null(time2)) which(time2 == .numeric) - 1
event <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "event")', sep="")))
event <- if (!is.null(event)) which(event == Numeric()) - 1
strata <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(', .activeDataSet, ', "strata")', sep="")))
strata <- if (!is.null(strata)) which(is.element(.factors, strata)) - 1 else -1
timeBox <- variableListBox(survFrame, NumericOrDate(),
title=gettext("Time or start/end times\n(select one or two)"),
selectmode="multiple", initialSelection=if(is.null(time1)) NULL else c(time1, time2))
eventBox <- variableListBox(survFrame, Numeric(),
title=gettext("Event indicator\n(select one)"),
strataBox <- variableListBox(survFrame, Factors(),
title=gettext("Strata\n(select one)"),
blockBox <- variableListBox(survFrame, Factors(), title="Block\n(pick none or one)") #
optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
radioButtons(optionsFrame, name="test", buttons=c("default", "exact", "approximate", "asymptotic"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Default", "Exact", "Monte Carlo resampling approximation", "Asymptotic null distribution")),
title=gettextRcmdr("Type of Test"))
radioButtons(optionsFrame, name="tiesmethod",
buttons=c("default","logrank", "HL", "averagescores"), #
values=c("default","logrank", "HL", "average-scores"), initialValue="default",
labels=gettext(c("Default","Logrank", "HL", "Average-scores")),
title=gettext("Ties method"))
# modelFormula(hasLhs=FALSE)
tkgrid(getFrame(timeBox), labelRcmdr(survFrame, text=" "), getFrame(eventBox), labelRcmdr(survFrame, text=" "), getFrame(blockBox), sticky="sw")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(survFrame, text=""))
tkgrid(getFrame(strataBox), sticky="nw")
tkgrid(survFrame, sticky="nw")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
tkgrid(tiesmethodFrame, sticky="new")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="nw")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
tkgrid(testFrame, sticky="w")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky="w")
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w")
dialogSuffix(rows=9, columns=1)
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