
#test_01_setup <- function() {
redis <- new(Redis)

x <- data.frame(x=letters[1:5], y=rnorm(5))
y <- list(foo=list(bar="qux"))
key <- "RcppRedis:test:myset"

#test_02_sadd <- function() {
## add one element into a set
n <- redis$sadd(key, x)
expect_equal(n, 1)

#test_03_sadd_2 <- function() {
## add an already-present element to a set
n <- redis$sadd(key, x)
expect_equal(n, 0)

#test_04_smembers <- function() {
## pull back the set element
mem <- redis$smembers(key)
expect_identical(x, mem[[1]])

#test_05_sadd_3 <- function() {
## add a new element to a set
n <- redis$sadd(key, y)
expect_equal(n, 1)

#test_06_smembers_2 <- function() {
## pull back the set elements
## order not guaranteed
mem <- redis$smembers(key)
checkTrue(identical(mem, list(x, y)) |
          identical(mem, list(y, x)))

#test_07_srem <- function() {
## drop an element from set
n <- redis$srem(key, x)
expect_equal(n, 1)

#test_08_smembers_3 <- function() {
## pull back the remaining element
## order not guaranteed
mem <- redis$smembers(key)
expect_identical(y, mem[[1]])

#test_09_cleanup <- function() {
## delete set
n <- redis$exec(paste("del", key))
expect_equal(n, 1)

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RcppRedis documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 5:13 p.m.