Defines functions RealVAMS

Documented in RealVAMS

#The arguments of this function are described in the package documentation
#This function only performs some formatting on the provided data: the model
#estimation occurs in the function vp_cp
RealVAMS <- function(score.data, outcome.data, persistence = "CP", school.effects = FALSE, 
    REML = TRUE, score.fixed.effects = formula(~as.factor(year) + 0), outcome.fixed.effects = formula(~1), 
    max.iter.EM = 10, outcome.family = binomial(link = "probit"), tol1 = 1e-07, max.PQL.it = 30, 
    pconv = .Machine$double.eps * 1e+09, var.parm.hessian = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, 
    independent.responses = FALSE,cpp.benchmark=FALSE) {
    if(cpp.benchmark) independent.responses=FALSE
    control <- list(persistence = persistence, school.effects = school.effects, REML = REML, 
        score.fixed.effects = score.fixed.effects, outcome.fixed.effects = outcome.fixed.effects, 
        max.iter.EM = max.iter.EM, outcome.family = outcome.family, tol1 = tol1, 
        max.PQL.it = max.PQL.it, pconv = pconv, verbose = TRUE, independent.responses = independent.responses)
    Z_mat <- score.data
    if (control$school.effects) 
        Z_mat$schoolID <- factor(Z_mat$schoolID)
    B.mat <- outcome.data
    control$max.iter.EM <- c(control$max.iter.EM, 5)
    #hes.method="simple": see documentation for R package numDeriv
    control$hes.method <- "simple"
    control$hessian <- var.parm.hessian
    if(independent.responses) control$hessian <- FALSE
    Z_mat <- Z_mat[order(Z_mat$year, Z_mat$teacher), ]
    max.PQL.it <- control$max.PQL.it
    if (inherits(try(na.fail(Z_mat[, !(names(Z_mat) %in% c("teacher", "y"))]), silent = TRUE),
        "try-error")) {
        cat("*Error: NA values present.\n*NA values are allowed for the 'teacher; and 'y' variables, but no others.\n*
            Please remove these observations from your data frame.\n")
    if (identical(sort(unique(outcome.data$r)), c(0, 1)) | !inherits(outcome.data$r, "integer")) {
        cat("*Error: outcome.data$r should be a numeric column of 0's and 1's, with 1 representing the positive class")
    if (!inherits("student.side","character")|!inherits("persistence","character")) {
        cat("*Error: student.side and persistence must be characters (using quotation marks)")
    original_year <- Z_mat$year
    tyear <- factor(Z_mat$year, ordered = TRUE)
    pyear <- original_year
    nyear.score <- nlevels(tyear)
    for (i in 1:nyear.score) {
        pyear[Z_mat$year == levels(tyear)[i]] <- i
    Z_mat$year <- factor(pyear, ordered = TRUE)
    key <- unique(cbind(as.numeric(original_year), as.numeric(pyear)))
    key <- key[order(key[, 2]), ]
    control$key <- key
    for (j in 1:nyear.score) {
        Z_mat[Z_mat$year == levels(Z_mat$year)[j], ]$teacher <- paste(Z_mat[Z_mat$year == 
            levels(Z_mat$year)[j], ]$teacher, "(year", levels(Z_mat$year)[j], ")", 
            sep = "")
    if (persistence == "CP" | persistence == "VP") {
        res <- vp_cp(Z_mat = Z_mat, B.mat = B.mat, control = control)
    } else {
        cat("Error in specification of student.side or persistence\n")
    res$outcome.family <- control$outcome.family
    class(res) <- "RealVAMS"

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RealVAMS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:13 a.m.