
test_that("Output of function 'sampleSizeReplicationSuccess' stays the same.", {
    zo <- seq(-4, 4, 2)
    apply_grid <- expand.grid(
        priors = c("conditional", "predictive", "EB"),
        alt = c("one.sided", "two.sided"),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    out <- lapply(
        X = seq_len(nrow(apply_grid)),
        FUN = function(i) {
                    zo = zo,
                    power = 0.8,
                    level = 0.05,
                    designPrior = apply_grid$priors[i],
                    alternative = apply_grid$alt[i],
                    type = "nominal"
        list(c(0.407463446750989, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.407463446750989),
             c(0.469946779033606, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.469946779033606),
             c(0.544898620253259, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.544898620253259),
             c(0.549411550469594, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.549411550469594),
             c(0.654287906282666, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.654287906282666),
             c(0.769469720673271, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.769469720673271))

test_that("numeric test for sampleSizeReplicationSuccess(): 1", {
    za <- qnorm(p = 0.001 / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
        object = sampleSizeReplicationSuccess(
            zo = za, designPrior = "conditional",
            power = 0.8, level = 0.05,
            alternative = "two.sided",
            type = "nominal"
        expected = 1, tol = 0.01

## checking that sampleSizeReplicationSuccess produces sample size which
## corresponds to input power if defined. When not defined should also be
## undefined in numerical implementation
test_that("sampleSizeReplicationSuccess(): recomputing the power", {
    vec55 <- c(-5, -2.6288, 0.0427, 4)
    alternative <- c("two.sided", "one.sided")
    designPrior <- c("conditional", "predictive", "EB")
    ## power should be larger than level
    powvec <- c(0.55, 0.99)
    levelvec <- c(0.001, 0.025)
    shrinkvec <- c(0, 0.99)
    type <- c("golden", "nominal", "controlled")
    pars_grid <- expand.grid(zo = vec55,
                             power = powvec,
                             level = levelvec,
                             type = type,
                             designPrior = designPrior,
                             alternative = alternative,
                             shrinkage = shrinkvec,
                             h = 0,
                             new = NA, legacy = NA,
                             pownew = NA, powlegacy = NA,
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    ## test all configurations separately
    f_num <- ReplicationSuccess:::sampleSizeReplicationSuccessNum
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(pars_grid))){
            cnew <- try(do.call("sampleSizeReplicationSuccess", args = pars_grid[i, 1:8]),
                        silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(cnew, "try-error")) {
                pars_grid[i, "new"] <- NA
            } else {
                pars_grid[i, "new"] <- cnew
                if (!is.na(cnew)) {
                    pownew <-  try(powerReplicationSuccess(
                        zo = pars_grid[i, "zo"],
                        c = cnew,
                        level = pars_grid[i, "level"],
                        designPrior = pars_grid[i, "designPrior"],
                        alternative = pars_grid[i, "alternative"],
                        type = pars_grid[i, "type"],
                        shrinkage = pars_grid[i, "shrinkage"]
                    ), silent = TRUE)
                    if (class(pownew) == "try-error") {
                        pars_grid[i, "pownew"] <- NA
                    } else {
                        pars_grid[i, "pownew"] <- pownew
            # clegacy <- try(do.call("f_num", args = pars_grid[i, 1:8]), silent = TRUE)
            # if (inherits(clegacy, "try-error")) {
            #     pars_grid[i,"legacy"] <- NA
            # } else {
            #     pars_grid[i,"legacy"] <- clegacy
            #     if (!is.na(clegacy)) {
            #         powlegacy <-  try(powerReplicationSuccess(
            #             zo = pars_grid[i, "zo"],
            #             c = clegacy,
            #             level = pars_grid[i, "level"],
            #             designPrior = pars_grid[i, "designPrior"],
            #             alternative = pars_grid[i, "alternative"],
            #             type = pars_grid[i, "type"],
            #             shrinkage = pars_grid[i, "shrinkage"]
            #         ), silent = TRUE)
            #         if (class(powlegacy) == "try-error") {
            #             pars_grid[i, "powlegacy"] <- NA
            #         } else {
            #             pars_grid[i, "powlegacy"] <- powlegacy
            #         }
            #     }
            # }
    ## check that difference to input power small where power can be computed
    finiteNew <- is.finite(pars_grid$new)
    expect_equal(object = pars_grid$pownew[finiteNew],
                 expected = pars_grid$power[finiteNew],
                 tolerance = 1e-4)
    ## difference between legacy and analytical implementation (makes no sense
    ## to compare the two since legacy uses always two-sided power while new version
    ## always used one-sided power)
    ## finiteLegacy <- is.finite(pars_grid$legacy)
    ## View(pars_grid[which(finiteNew != finiteLegacy),c(1, 3:11, 2, 12:14)])
    ## cases where they disagree are when:
    ## 1) c > 1000 and legacy implementation can't find it
    ## 2) impossible to obtain a c with desired one-sided power, but
    ##    possible with two-sided power (usually when desired power just
    ##    below the power limit)

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ReplicationSuccess documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:42 a.m.