
if (!file.exists("earth_day.jpg")) download.file("", "earth_day.jpg")
# mask the oceans and large water bodies with black color
GpimageRGBchange("earth_day.jpg", "earth_dayWATERmask.png", "PNG", NULL, "(r>2 & r<32 & g>26 & g<52 & b<106 & b>50)?0:r", "(r>2 & r<32 & g>26 & g<52 & b<106 & b>50)?0:g", "(r>2 & r<32 & g>26 & g<52 & b<106 & b>50)?0:b")

# turn the map into 2 colors: land=white, water=black
GpimageRGBchange("earth_day.jpg", "earth_dayWATERland.png", "PNG", NULL, "(r>2 & r<32 & g>26 & g<52 & b<106 & b>50)?0:255", "(r>2 & r<32 & g>26 & g<52 & b<106 & b>50)?0:255", "(r>2 & r<32 & g>26 & g<52 & b<106 & b>50)?0:255")

# The desired resolution is two degrees, therefore the image is resized to 180 by 90 pixels the image can be edited with GIMP for better results
GpimageResize("earth_dayWATERland.png", "earth_dayWATER2deg.png", 180, 90)

# create a squarish map from the PNG
PNGfile = "earth_dayWATER2deg.png"
landoutlinefile = "earth_dayWATER2deg.dat"
GpmapPNG2lines("earth_dayWATER2deg.png", "earth_dayWATER2deg.dat")

# GISS Surface Temperature Analysis based on data from NASA

# 2D map
anomalyData <- "GHCN_GISS_HR2SST_1200km_Anom11_2012_2012_1951_1980.txt"
if (!file.exists(anomalyData)) file.copy(system.file("extdata/" %s% anomalyData, package = "Rgnuplot"), getwd())
Gprun("#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN1.png\"\nunset key\nunset xtics\nunset ytics\nset size ratio -1\nset cbrange [-4.3:8.1]\nset xrange[-179:179]\nset yrange[-89:89]\nset palette defined ( -4.3 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#d8fdd8\",  -.2 \"#d8fdd8\", -.2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#7e0000\", 8.1 \"#7e0000\", 8.2 \"#9d9d9d\")\nset format \"%g\"\nplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyData %s% "\" every ::2 u (int($3)):(int($4)):(($5>8 & $5<9999)?8:$5) w image, \"worldRmap.dat\" u 1:2 w l lc rgb \"black\" notit", TRUE)  #skip the first 2 lines, trim to max 8

# modifying an existing palette
if (!file.exists("GrMg_16.txt")) download.file("", "GrMg_16.txt")
pl1 <- read.table("GrMg_16.txt", header = F, skip = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)
pl1 <- pl1[, 1:3]
pl2 <- c(t(data.matrix(pl1)))
# saving the palette with solid colors
Gpmatrix2palette(pl2, "GrMg_16.pal", paletteIndec = -7:8, SolidColor = TRUE)
Gprun("#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN1b.png\"\nunset key\nunset xtics\nunset ytics\nset size ratio -1\nset xrange[-179:179]\nset yrange[-89:89]\nset cbrange [-8:8]\nset palette model RGB file \"GrMg_16.pal\" u 4:1:2:3\nset format \"%g\"\nplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyData %s% "\" every ::2 u (int($3)):(int($4)):(($5>8)?8:$5) w image notit,\\\n\"worldRmap.dat\" u 1:2 w l lc rgb \"black\" notit,\\\n\"" %s% anomalyData %s% "\" every ::2 u (int($3)):(int($4)):(0):(0):(0):(($5<999)?0:500) w rgba notit", 

# the data must be changed so that splot can use it
z <- read.table(anomalyData, header = F, skip = 2, strip.white = TRUE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
z <- z[, c(4, 3, 5)]  # remove the first two columns
anomalyDataXY <- substr(anomalyData, 1, nchar(anomalyData) - 4) %s% "matrixndx.dat"
GpsaveXYfile(z, anomalyDataXY)  # save with XY format

Gprun("#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN2.png\"\nset angles degrees\nunset colorbox\nunset border\nunset xtics\nunset ytics\nunset ztics\nset parametric\nset mapping spherical\nset yzeroaxis linetype 0 linewidth 1.000 \nset urange [ -90.0000 : 90.0000 ] noreverse nowriteback\nset vrange [ 0.00000 : 360.000 ] noreverse nowriteback\nset hidden3d front offset 0 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover\nset view equal xyz\nset view 80,270,1,1\nset palette defined ( -4.3 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#d8fdd8\",  -.2 \"#d8fdd8\", -.2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#7e0000\", 8.1 \"#7e0000\", 8.2 \"#9d9d9d\")\nset format \"%g\"\nset cbrange [-4.3:8.1]\nset isosamples 9\nset pm3d corners2color c1\nset multiplot layout 1,2\nset view 1,1,2,2 #Northern hemisphere\nsplot  \"" %s% 
    anomalyDataXY %s% "\" u ($2):(1+$1):(1):(($3>8 & $3<9999)?8:$3) w pm3d notit , cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) w l lc rgb \"grey\" notit,\"worldRmap.dat\" u 1:2:(1) w l lc rgb \"black\" notit\nset view 183,180,2,2 #Southern hemisphere\nsplot  \"" %s% 
    anomalyDataXY %s% "\" u ($2):(1+$1):(1):(($3>8 & $3<9999)?8:$3) w pm3d notit , cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) w l lc rgb \"grey\" notit,\"worldRmap.dat\" u 1:2:(1) w l lc rgb \"black\" notit\nunset multiplot", 

# 2D map 'squarish' with smoothing
Gprun("!awk '(FNR+1) % 2 == 0 {print \"\"} 1' earth_dayWATER2deg.dat > earth_dayWATER2degS.dat", FALSE)
Gprun("#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN3.png\"\nunset xtics\nunset ytics\nunset ztics\nset size ratio -1\nset view map\nset yzeroaxis linetype 0 linewidth 1.000 \nset urange [ -90.0000 : 90.0000 ] noreverse nowriteback\nset vrange [ -180.0000 : 180.0000 ] noreverse nowriteback\nset palette defined ( -4.3 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#d8fdd8\",  -.2 \"#d8fdd8\", -.2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#7e0000\", 8.1 \"#7e0000\", 8.2 \"#9d9d9d\")\nset format \"%g\"\nset cbrange [-4.3:8.1]\nset isosamples 9\nset pm3d interpolate 0,10\nsplot  \"" %s% 
    anomalyDataXY %s% "\" u ($2+1):($1+1):(0):(($3>8 & $3<9999)?8:$3) w pm3d notit,\\\n\"earth_dayWATER2degS.dat\" u 1:2:(0)  w l lw 0.5 lc rgb \"black\" notit", TRUE)

# 2D map 'squarish'
Gprun("#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN4.png\"\nunset key\nunset xtics\nunset ytics\nset size ratio -1\nset cbrange [-4.3:8.1]\nset xrange[-179:179]\nset yrange[-89:89]\nset palette defined ( -4.3 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#7f00ff\", -4 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#4094ff\", -2 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#78ccff\", -1 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#98ecfd\", -.5 \"#d8fdd8\",  -.2 \"#d8fdd8\", -.2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfdfd\", .2 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdfd4b\", .5 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fdcb00\", 1 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd7e00\", 2 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#fd0000\", 4 \"#7e0000\", 8.1 \"#7e0000\", 8.2 \"#9d9d9d\")\nset format \"%g\"\nplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyData %s% "\" every ::2 u (int($3)):(int($4)):(($5>8 & $5<9999)?8:$5) w image,\\\n\"earth_dayWATER2deg.dat\" w l lw 0.5 lc rgb \"black\" notit", TRUE)

# This is an example of how to use existing color schemes:
download.file("", "BuOrR_14.txt")
Gprun("#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN5.png\"\nunset key\nunset xtics\nunset ytics\nset size ratio -1\nset cbrange [-8:8]#[-4.3:8.1]\nset xrange[-179:179]\nset yrange[-89:89]\nset palette model RGB file \"BuOrR_14.txt\" every ::2 u 1:2:3\nset format \"%g\"\nplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyData %s% "\" every ::2 u 3:4:(($5>999)?0:$5) w image,\\\n\"earth_dayWATER2deg.dat\" w l lw 0.5 lc rgb \"black\" notit", TRUE)

# create a scheme

rgb1 <- colorspace::sRGB(0.498, 0, 1)
rgb2 <- colorspace::sRGB(0.494, 0, 0)
Prange <- c(0, 0.1, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1)
d <- colorspace::GpDivergingColormap(Prange, rgb1, rgb2)
d[d < 0.002] <- 0
d[d > 1] <- 1
d2 <- cbind(d[, 1], " ", d[, 2], " ", d[, 3], "\n")
d3 <- paste(c(t(d2)), sep = "", collapse = "")
d3 <- substr(d3, 1, nchar(d3) - 1)
Gprun("#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN6.png\"\nunset key\nunset xtics\nunset ytics\nset size ratio -1\nset cbrange [-4.3:8.1]\nset xrange[-179:179]\nset yrange[-89:89]\nset palette file \"-\"\n" %s% 
    d3 %s% "\ne\nset format \"%g\"\nplot \"" %s% anomalyData %s% "\" every ::2 u 3:4:(($5>999)?0:$5) w image,\\\n\"earth_dayWATER2deg.dat\" w l lw 0.5 lc rgb \"black\" notit,\\\n\"" %s% 
    anomalyData %s% "\" every ::2 u 3:4:(.62):(.62):(.62):(($5<999)?0:150) w rgba notit", TRUE)

GpMatrixr2gnu(d, "anomaly.pal")
# Winkel tripel projection
colorspace::Gprun("load \"projections.gnu\"\nset size ratio -1\np=WinkeltripelInit(1)\nset title \"Temperature anomalies December 2012\\n1981-2010 base period\"\nset cbrange [-4.3:8.1]\nset xrange[-179:179]\nset yrange[-89:89]\nset pm3d map\nsplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyDataXY %s% "\" using (WinkeltripelYC($1,$2)):(WinkeltripelXC($1,$2)):(($2>167 | $2<-167 | $1>85 | $1<-75 )?0/0:1)  w p pt 7 ps 1 lc rgb \"grey\" notit\nset palette model RGB file \"anomaly.pal\" u 1:2:3\nset format \"%g\"\nreplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyDataXY %s% "\" using (WinkeltripelYC($1,$2)):(WinkeltripelXC($1,$2)):(1):(($3<9999)?$3:0/0) w pm3d notit ,\\\n\"earth_dayWATER2degS.dat\" using (WinkeltripelYC($2,$1)):(WinkeltripelXC($2,$1)):(1) w l lw 0.5 lc rgb \"black\" notit\n#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN7.png\";replot", 

# Robinson projection
Gprun("load \"projections.gnu\"\nset size ratio -1\np=RobinsonInit(60)\nset title \"Temperature anomalies December 2012\\n1981-2010 base period\"\nset cbrange [-4.3:8.1]\nset xrange[-179:179]\nset yrange[-89:89]\nset pm3d map\nsplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyDataXY %s% "\" using (RobinsonYC($1,$2)):(RobinsonXC($1,$2)):(($2>170 | $2<-170 | $1>85 | $1<-84 )?0/0:1)  w p pt 7 ps 1 lc rgb \"grey\" notit\nset palette model RGB file \"anomaly.pal\" u 1:2:3\nset format \"%g\"\nreplot \"" %s% 
    anomalyDataXY %s% "\" using (RobinsonYC($1,$2)):(RobinsonXC($1,$2)):(1):(($3<9999)?$3:0/0) w pm3d notit ,\\\n\"earth_dayWATER2degS.dat\" using (RobinsonYC($2,$1)):(RobinsonXC($2,$1)):(1) w l lw 0.5 lc rgb \"black\" notit\n#set term pngcairo;set output \"GHCN7.png\";replot", 

Try the Rgnuplot package in your browser

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Rgnuplot documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:17 p.m.