Man pages for RobustAFT
Truncated Maximum Likelihood Fit and Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression for Gaussian and Log-Weibull Case

D243Sample of 100 hospital stays for medical back problems
dfcomn2Assigns values to the ROBETH parameters included in common...
fits.compareNumerical comparison of several fits
MCISample of 75 Hospital Stays
plot.fits.comparePlot Method for "" objects
plot.TMLPlot Method for "TML" objects
predict.TMLPredict method for "TML" objects
RobustAFT-packageRobust Accelerated Failure Time Model Fitting
summary.TMLSummarizing Truncated Maximum Likelihood regression
TML1.noncensoredTruncated Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Location and Scale
TML1.noncensored.controlControl Parameters forTruncated Maximum Likelihood Estimation...
TML1.noncensored.control.SControl parameters for S-estimate of location and scale
TML.censoredTruncated Maximum Likelihood Regression With Censored...
TML.censored.control.refControl parameters for the refinement IRLS algorithm of the...
TML.censored.control.SControl parameters for the computation of the initial S...
TML.censored.control.tmlControl parameters for the IRLS algorithm of the final...
TML.noncensoredTruncated Maximum Likelihood Regression Without Censored...
TML.noncensored.controlControl Parameters for Truncated Maximum Likelihood...
Z243Sample of 100 hospital stays for medical back problems
RobustAFT documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:13 p.m.