Rsampletrees-package: MCMC sampling of gene genealogies conditional on genetic data

Description Details Author(s) References


Sample ancestral trees conditional on phased or unphased SNP genotype data. The actual tree sampling is done using a C++ program that is launched within R. The package also contains functions for specifying the tree-sampling settings (pre-processing) and for storing and manipulating the sampled trees (post-processing). More information about sampletrees can be found at


Package: Rsampletrees
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2020-02-21
License: GPL-2


Kelly Burkett


Burkett KM, McNeney B, Graham J. Sampletrees and Rsampletrees: sampling gene genealogies conditional on SNP genotype data. Bioinformatics. 32:1580-2, 2016.

Rsampletrees documentation built on March 3, 2020, 1:07 a.m.