
#' Tanglegram of the host-symbiont frequencies
#' Maps the estimated (in)congruence metrics of the individual host-symbiont
#' associations as heatmap on a tanglegram. It also plots the average frequency
#' (or residual/corrected frequency) of occurrence of each terminal
#' and optionally, the fast maximum likelihood estimators of ancestral states
#' of each node.
#' @param treeH Host phylogeny. An object of class \code{"phylo"}.
#' @param treeS Symbiont phylogeny. An object of class \code{"phylo"}.
#' @param HS Host-symbiont association matrix.
#' @param fqtab Dataframe produced with \code{\link[=max_cong]{max_cong()}} or
#'        \code{\link[=max_incong]{max_incong()}}.
#' @param colscale Choose between \code{"diverging"}, color reflects distance
#'        from 0 (centered at 0, recommended if \code{"res.fq = TRUE"})
#'        or \code{"sequential"}, color reflects distance from minimum value
#'        (spanning from the min to max frequencies observed).
#' @param colgrad Vector of R specified colors defining the color gradient of
#'        the heatmap.
#' @param nbreaks Number of discrete values along \code{"colgrad"}.
#' @param node.tag Specifies whether maximum likelihood estimators of ancestral
#'        states are to be computed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param cexpt Size of color points at terminals and nodes.
#' @param link.lwd Line width for plotting, default to 1.
#' @param link.lty Line type. Coded as \code{lty} in
#'        \code{\link[graphics:par]{par()}}.
#' @param fsize Relative font size for tip labels.
#' @param pts Logical value indicating whether or not to plot filled circles at
#'        each vertex of the tree, as well as at transition points between
#'        mapped states. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param link.type If curved linking lines are desired, set to \code{"curved"}.
#'        Default is \code{"straight"}.
#' @param ftype Font type. Options are \code{"reg"}, \code{"i"}
#'        (italics), \code{"b"} (bold) or \code{"bi"} (bold-italics).
#' @param ... Any graphical option admissible in
#'        \code{\link[phytools:plot.cophylo]{phytools::plot.cophylo()}}
#' @return A tanglegram with quantitative information displayed as heatmap.
#' @section NOTE:
#'          In order to calculate the ancestral states in the phylogenies, all
#'          nodes of the trees (node.label) must have a value (NA or
#'          empty values are not allowed). In addition, the trees must be
#'          time-calibrated and preferably rooted. If one of these elements
#'          is missing, an error will be generated and nodes and points of
#'          terminals will be displayed as black.
#' @examples
#' data(nuc_cp)
#' N = 10 #for the example, we recommend 1e+4 value
#' n = 8
#' NPc <- max_cong(np_matrix, NUCtr, CPtr, n, N, method = "paco",
#'                 symmetric = TRUE, ei.correct = "sqrt.D",
#'                 percentile = 0.01, res.fq = FALSE,
#'                 strat = "parallel", cl = 4)
#' col = c("darkorchid4", "gold")
#' tangle_gram(NUCtr, CPtr, np_matrix, NPc, colscale = "sequential",
#'             colgrad = col, nbreaks = 50, node.tag = TRUE)
#' @import stats
#' @import phytools
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
tangle_gram <- function (treeH, treeS, HS, fqtab, colscale = "diverging",
                         colgrad, nbreaks = 50, node.tag = TRUE, cexpt = 1,
                         link.lwd = 1, link.lty = 1, fsize = 0.5, pts = FALSE,
                         link.type = "straight", ftype = "i", ...) {

  colscale.choice <- c("diverging", "sequential")
  if (colscale %in% colscale.choice == FALSE)
    stop("Invalid colscale parameter.\r\n
         Correct choices are 'diverging' and 'sequential'")
  colscale.range <- function(x) {
    rescale.range <- function(x) {
      xsq <- round(x)
      if (colscale == "sequential") {
        y <- range(xsq)
        col_lim <- (y[1]:y[2]) - y[1] + 1
        xsq <- xsq - y[1] + 1
        new.range <- list(col_lim, xsq)
      else {
        x1 <- x[which(x < 0)]
        if (length(x[which(x < 0)]) == 0) {
          warning("Not enough negative values for diverging scale.\n
                  The color scale is sequential")
          y <- range(xsq)
          col_lim <- (y[1]:y[2]) - y[1] + 1
          xsq <- xsq - y[1] + 1
          new.range <- list(col_lim, xsq)
        else {
          x2 <- x[which(x >= 0)]
          x1 <- round(x1)
          x2 <- round(x2)
          y <- max(abs(x))
          col_lim <- (-y:y) + y + 1
          y1 <- range(x1)
          y2 <- range(x2)
          x1 <- x1 - y1[1] + 1
          x2 <- x2 - y2[1] + 1
          new.range <- list(col_lim, x1, x2)
    if (colscale == "sequential" | length(x[which(x < 0)]) == 0) {
      NR <- rescale.range(x)
      rbPal <- colorRampPalette(colgrad)
      linkcolor <- rbPal(nbreaks)[as.numeric(cut(NR[[1]], breaks = nbreaks))]
      NR <- NR[[2]]
      linkcolor <- linkcolor[NR]
    else {
      NR <- rescale.range(x)
      NR.neg <- NR[[1]][which(NR[[1]] <= max(NR[[2]]))]
      NR.pos <- NR[[1]][-NR.neg] - max(NR[[2]])
      m <- median(1:length(colgrad))
      colgrad.neg <- colgrad[which(1:length(colgrad) <= m)]
      colgrad.pos <- colgrad[which(1:length(colgrad) >= m)]
      rbPal <- colorRampPalette(colgrad.neg)
      linkcolor1 <- rbPal(nbreaks)[as.numeric(cut(NR.neg, breaks = nbreaks))]
      rbPal <- colorRampPalette(colgrad.pos)
      linkcolor2 <- rbPal(nbreaks)[as.numeric(cut(NR.pos, breaks = nbreaks))]
      linkcolor1 <- linkcolor1[NR[[2]]]
      linkcolor2 <- linkcolor2[NR[[3]]]
      linkcolor <- rep(NA, length(x))
      linkcolor[which(x < 0)] <- linkcolor1
      linkcolor[which(x >= 0)] <- linkcolor2
  if (colscale == "sequential") {
    links <- fqtab[, 4]
  else {
    if (ncol(fqtab) < 5 & all(fqtab[, 4] >= 0)) {
      stop("'diverging' color scale requires residual frequencies\n
           (res.fq = TRUE or diff.fq = TURE) in max_cong() or \n
           max_incong() function, respectively")
    else {
      links <- fqtab[, ncol(fqtab)]
  LKcolor <- colscale.range(links)
  HS.lut <- which(HS == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
  linkhs <- cbind(rownames(HS)[HS.lut[, 1]], colnames(HS)[HS.lut[, 2]])
  obj <- phytools::cophylo(treeH, treeS, linkhs)
  phytools::plot.cophylo(obj, link.col = LKcolor, link.lwd = link.lwd,
                         link.lty = link.lty, fsize = fsize, link.type = link.type,
                         ftype = ftype, ...)
  Hfreq <- aggregate(links, by = list(freq = fqtab[, 1]), FUN = mean)
  Sfreq <- aggregate(links, by = list(freq = fqtab[, 2]), FUN = mean)
  Hfreq <- Hfreq[match(obj$trees[[1]]$tip.label, Hfreq$freq), ]
  Sfreq <- Sfreq[match(obj$trees[[2]]$tip.label, Sfreq$freq), ]

  if (node.tag == TRUE) {
    fit.H <- phytools::fastAnc(obj$trees[[1]], Hfreq[, 2])
    fit.S <- phytools::fastAnc(obj$trees[[2]], Sfreq[, 2])
    NLH <- colscale.range(fit.H)
    NLS <- colscale.range(fit.S)
    phytools::nodelabels.cophylo(pch = 16, col = NLH, cex = cexpt)
    phytools::nodelabels.cophylo(pch = 16, col = NLS, cex = cexpt,
                       which = "right")
  TLH <- colscale.range(Hfreq[, 2])
  TLS <- colscale.range(Sfreq[, 2])
  phytools::tiplabels.cophylo(pch = 16, col = TLH, cex = cexpt)
  phytools::tiplabels.cophylo(pch = 16, col = TLS, cex = cexpt, which = "right")

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