
Defines functions .getsoil wofost_model wofost

Documented in wofost wofost_model

wofost <- function(crop, weather, soil, control) {
    d <- .Call('_Rwofost_wofost', PACKAGE = 'Rwofost', crop, weather, soil, control)
	date <- as.Date(control$modelstart) - 1  + d[, "step"]
	d <- data.frame(date=date, d)

wofost_model <- function(crop, weather, soil, control) {
	m <- WofostModel$new()
	if (!missing(crop)) { crop(m) <- crop }
	if (!missing(soil)) { soil(m) <- soil }
	if (!missing(control)) { control(m) <- control }
	if (!missing(weather)) { weather(m) <- weather }

setMethod("run", signature("Rcpp_WofostModel"), 
	function(x, ...) {
		stopError <- isTRUE(list(...)$stopError)
		msgs <- x$messages
		nm <- length(msgs)
		if (nm > 0) {
			x$messages <- ""[0]
			if (x$fatalError) {
				x$fatalError <- FALSE
				errm <- msgs[nm]
				if (nm > 1) {
					warning(paste(msgs[-nm], collapse="\n"))
				if (stopError) stop(errm) else warning(paste("Error :", errm))
			} else {
				warning(paste(msgs, collapse="\n"))			
		out <- matrix(x$output$values, ncol=length(x$output$names), byrow=TRUE)
		colnames(out) <- x$output$names
		out <- data.frame(out)
		date <- as.Date(x$control$modelstart, origin="1970-01-01") + (out$step - 1)
		out <- data.frame(date, out)
#		out$Wtot <- out$WRT + out$WLV + out$WST + out$WSO


setMethod("crop<-", signature("Rcpp_WofostModel", "list"), 
	function(x, value) {
		if (is.null(value$IARDU)) {
			value$IAIRDU = 0
		nms <- names(value)
		if (!all(.crop_pars %in% nms)) stop(paste("parameters missing:", paste(.crop_pars[!(.crop_pars %in% nms)], collapse=", ")))
		value <- value[.crop_pars]
		nms <- names(value)
		lapply(1:length(value), function(i) eval(parse(text = paste0("x$crop$p$", nms[i], " <- ", value[i]))))

.soil_pars <- c("SMTAB", "SMW", "SMFCF", "SM0", "CRAIRC", "CONTAB", "K0", "SOPE", "KSUB", "IZT", "IFUNRN", "WAV", "ZTI", "DD", "IDRAIN", "NOTINF", "SSMAX", "SMLIM", "SSI", "RDMSOL")

setMethod("soil<-", signature("Rcpp_WofostModel", "list"), 
	function(x, value) {
		nms <- names(value)
		if (!all(.soil_pars %in% nms)) stop(paste("parameters missing:", paste(.soil_pars[!(.soil_pars %in% nms)], collapse=", ")))
		value <- value[.soil_pars]
		nms <- names(value)
		lapply(1:length(value), function(i) eval(parse(text = paste0("x$soil$p$", nms[i], " <- ", value[i]))))

.getsoil <- function(value) {
	nms <- names(value)
	if (!all(.soil_pars %in% nms)) stop(paste("parameters missing:", paste(.soil_pars[!(.soil_pars %in% nms)], collapse=", ")))
	value <- value[.soil_pars]
	nms <- names(value)
	soil <- WofostSoil$new()
	lapply(1:length(value), function(i) eval(parse(text = paste0("soil$p$", nms[i], " <- ", value[i]))))

setMethod("weather<-", signature("Rcpp_WofostModel", "data.frame"), 
	function(x, value) {
		parameters <- c("date", "srad", "tmin", "tmax", "prec", "wind", "vapr")
		nms <- colnames(value)
		if (!all(parameters %in% nms)) stop(paste("weather variables missing:", paste(parameters[!(parameters %in% nms)], collapse=", ")))

		# x$setWeather(value$date, value$tmin, value$tmax, value$srad, value$prec, value$wind, value$vapr)

		w <- new('Rcpp_WofostWeather')

		#w <- WofostWeather$new()
		w$date <- as.integer(value$date)
		w$srad <- value$srad
		w$tmin <- value$tmin
		w$tmax <- value$tmax
		w$prec <- value$prec
		w$wind <- value$wind
		w$vapr <- value$vapr
		x$weather <- w


.req_ctr_pars <- c("modelstart", "cropstart", "start_sowing", "max_duration", "water_limited", "watlim_oxygen", "latitude", "CO2", "elevation")
.opt_ctr_pars <- c("output", "ANGSTA", "AMAXTB")
.fut <- c("nutrient_limited")

setMethod("control<-", signature("Rcpp_WofostModel", "list"), 
	function(x, value) {
		nms <- names(value)
		if (!all(.req_ctr_pars %in% nms)) stop(paste("parameters missing:", paste(.req_ctr_pars[!(.req_ctr_pars %in% nms)], collapse=", ")))
		value <- value[nms %in% c(.req_ctr_pars, .opt_ctr_pars)]
		nms <- names(value)

		# value <- sapply(value, function(v) ifelse(is.character(v), paste0("\'", v, "\'"), v))
		if (!is.null(value$output)) value$output <- paste0("\'", value$output, "\'")

		lapply(1:length(value), function(i) eval(parse(text = paste0("x$control$", nms[i], " <- ", value[i]))))

if (!isGeneric("force<-")) { setGeneric("force<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("force<-")) }	

setMethod("force<-", signature("Rcpp_WofostModel", "data.frame"), 
	function(x, value) {
		fields <- colnames(value)[-1]
		for (field in fields) {
			if (!is.null(x$forcer[[field]])) {
				eval(parse(text = paste0("x$forcer$force_", field, " <- TRUE")))				
				eval(parse(text = paste0("x$forcer$", field, " <- value$", field)))
				x$control$useForce <- TRUE
			} else {
				warning("skipped: ", field)

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Rwofost documentation built on Oct. 1, 2021, 5:07 p.m.