
Defines functions .vectrim .raw2int .verifyFolder .loadModels .getNature .verifyRwordsegEnv .getdboption .setdboption

.vectrim <- function(v, side = c("both", "left", "right"), trim = NA) {
	side <- match.arg(side)
	r1 <- rle(v)
	N <- length(r1$values)
	OUT <- v
	if (side == "both" || side == "left") {
		if (identical(r1$values[1], trim)) {
			OUT <- OUT[-(1:r1$lengths[1])]
	if (side == "both" || side == "right") {
		if (identical(r1$values[N], trim)) {
			OUT <- OUT[1:(length(OUT) - r1$lengths[N])]

.raw2int <- function(rawv) {
	if (length(rawv) %% 2 != 0) stop("length error!")
	l1 <- split(rawv, f = rep(1:(length(rawv)/2), each = 2))
	OUT <- sapply(l1, FUN = function(X) as.integer(X[2]) * 256 + as.integer(X[1]))

.verifyFolder <- function(...) {
	folderpath <- file.path(...)
	if (!file.exists(folderpath)) {
		iscreated <- try(dir.create( folderpath, recursive = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
		#if (inherits(iscreated, "try-error")) stop("Can't create new folder!")

.loadModels <- function(analyzer = c("all", "jiebaR", "hmm", "fmm", "coreNLP"), renew = FALSE) {
	analyzer <- match.arg(analyzer)
	.RwordsegEnv <- .verifyRwordsegEnv()

	if (analyzer == "all" || analyzer == "hmm") {
		if (renew || !exists("hmmAnalyzer", envir = .RwordsegEnv)) {
			hmmAnalyzer <- readRDS(file.path(getOption("model.dir"), "hmmmodel.rds"))
			assign("hmmAnalyzer", hmmAnalyzer, envir = .RwordsegEnv)
			message("HMM model has been loaded.")
	if (analyzer == "all" || analyzer == "jiebaR") {
		if (suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("jiebaR", quietly = TRUE))) {
			if (renew || !exists("jiebaAnalyzer", envir = .RwordsegEnv)) {
				jiebaAnalyzer <- jiebaR::worker(bylines = TRUE, user = file.path(getOption("app.dir"), "user.dic"))
				assign("jiebaAnalyzer", jiebaAnalyzer, envir = .RwordsegEnv)
				message("\"jiebaR\" has been loaded.")
		} else {
			message("\"jiebaR\" has not been installed.")
	if (analyzer == "all" || analyzer == "fmm") {
		if (renew || !exists("fmmAnalyzer", envir = .RwordsegEnv)) {
			dic1 <- readRDS(file.path(getOption("model.dir"), "dict.rds"))
			names(dic1) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3")
			dic2 <- read.table(file.path(getOption("app.dir"), "user.dic"), sep = " ", fileEncoding = "UTF-8", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
			dic2 <- dic2[!dic2$V1 %in% dic1$V1, ]
			dic0 <- rbind(dic1, dic2)
			dic0 <- dic0[nchar(dic0$V1) <= 8, ]
			assign("fmmAnalyzer", tmcn:::.createHashmapEnv(dic0$V1, dic0$V3), envir = .RwordsegEnv)
			message("FMM model has been loaded.")
	if (analyzer == "all" || analyzer == "coreNLP") {
		if (suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("coreNLP", quietly = TRUE))) {
			if (renew || !exists("coreNLPAnalyzer", envir = .RwordsegEnv)) {
				if (!file.exists(.getdboption("coreNLP.dir"))) {
					stop("There are no required jar files, please:\n  - run \"coreNLP::downloadCoreNLP()\" or\n  - download and unzip \"stanford-corenlp-full-2015-12-09\" and run \"setAnalyzer('coreNLP', coreNLPdir = 'thefolderpath')\" at the first time.")
				} else {
					coreNLP::initCoreNLP(.getdboption("coreNLP.dir"), type = "chinese",  mem = "2g")
					assign("coreNLPAnalyzer", TRUE, envir = .RwordsegEnv)
					message("coreNLP model has been loaded.")
		} else {
			message("\"coreNLP\" has not been installed.")

.getNature <- function(vec) {
	OUT <- rep("x", length(vec))
	.RwordsegEnv <- .verifyRwordsegEnv()
	OUT[grepl("[\u4e00-\u9fa5]", vec)] <- sapply(vec[grepl("[\u4e00-\u9fa5]", vec)], FUN = function(X) as.character(try(get(X, envir = get("fmmAnalyzer", envir = .RwordsegEnv)), silent = TRUE)))
	OUT[grepl("^Error", OUT)] <- "x"

.verifyRwordsegEnv <- function() {
	if (!exists(".RwordsegEnv", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
		envir0 = as.environment(1)
		assign(".RwordsegEnv", new.env(), envir = envir0)
	OUT <- get(".RwordsegEnv", envir = .GlobalEnv)

.getdboption <- function(var) {
	if (!file.exists(file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "Rwordseg", "option.rds"))) {
	} else {
		option <- readRDS(file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "Rwordseg", "option.rds"))

.setdboption <- function(var, val) {
	if (!file.exists(file.path(getOption("app.dir"), "option.rds"))) {
		option <- list()
	} else {
		option <- readRDS(file.path(getOption("app.dir"), "option.rds"))
	option[[var]] <- val
	try(saveRDS(option, file = file.path(getOption("app.dir"), "option.rds")), silent = TRUE)

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Rwordseg documentation built on Aug. 23, 2019, 9:03 a.m.