rxModelVars: All model variables for a RxODE object

rxModelVarsR Documentation

All model variables for a RxODE object


Return all the known model variables for a specified RxODE object





RxODE family of objects


These items are only calculated after compilation; they are built-into the RxODE compiled DLL.


A list of RxODE model properties including:

  • params a character vector of names of the model parameters

  • lhs a character vector of the names of the model calculated parameters

  • state a character vector of the compartments in RxODE object

  • trans a named vector of translated model properties including what type of jacobian is specified, the C function prefixes, as well as the C functions names to be called through the compiled model.

  • md5a named vector that gives the digest of the model (file_md5) and the parsed model (parsed_md5)

  • model a named vector giving the input model (model), normalized model (no comments and standard syntax for parsing, normModel), and interim code that is used to generate the final C file parseModel


Matthew L. Fidler

RxODE documentation built on March 23, 2022, 9:06 a.m.