Man pages for SACOBRA
Self-Adjusting COBRA

cobraInitInitial phase for SACOBRA optimizer
cobraPhaseIFind a feasible solution.
cobraPhaseIIImprove the feasible solution by searching new infill points
COPConstraint Optimization Problem Benchmark (G Function Suite)
debugVisualizeRBFOptional visualization of surrogate models for 2-dimensional...
defaultCADefault settings for online whitening functionality
defaultDebugRBFDefault settings for debug visualization RBF (only for...
defaultEquMuDefault settings for equality handling mechanism
defaultMSDefault settings for the model-selection part of SACOBRA.
defaultRIDefault settings for 'repairInfeasRI2' and 'repairChootinan'.
defaultSACDefault settings for the SACOBRA part of SACOBRA.
defaultTRDefault settings for the trust-region part of COBRA.
distLineEuclidean distance of 'x' to all 'xp'
DRCLDistance Requirement Cycle, long version
DRCSDistance Requirement Cycle, short version
evalRealEvaluate new iterate on real function(s)
fnArchiveFactoryconstruct wrapper 'fnArchiveF' for a function 'fn'
forwardRescaleForward Rescaling
getFbestReturn best objective function value
getXbestReturn best feasible solution in original space
intern.archive.envArchiving Environment
interpRBFApply the trained cubic, MQ or Gaussian RBF interpolation to...
inverseRescaleInverse Rescaling
modifyMuModify equality margin mu
multiCOBRAPerform multiple COBRA runs
multiRunPlotPlot the results from multipe COBRA runs.
multiRunPlot_2Plot the results from multipe COBRA runs.
plogMonotonic transform
plogReverseInverse of 'plog'
predict.RBFinterApply cubic or Gaussian or MQ RBF interpolation
RandomStartRandom start Algorithm
repairChootinanRepair an infeasible solution with the method of Chootinan.
repairInfeasibleWWrapper for 'repairInfeasRI2' (needed by RBFsearch.R).
repairInfeasRI2Repair an infeasible solution with the method RI2
rescaleWrapperReturn a rescaled function
SACOBRA-packageSelf-adjusting Constrained Optimization with RBF Surrogates
setOptsMerge the options from a partial list and the default list
startCobraStart COBRA (constraint-based optimization) phase I and/or...
trainCubicRBFFit cubic RBF interpolation to training data X for d>1.
trainGaussRBFFit Gaussian RBF model to training data for d>1.
trainMQRBFFit multiquadric RBF model to training data for d>1.
trainSurrogatesTraining surrogates for objective and constraint functions
trustRegionPerforms trust region refinement
updateCobraEquCalculate cobra$xbest,fbest,ibest given the currently...
updateSaveCobraUpdate and save cobra
SACOBRA documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:15 p.m.