SACOBRA-package: Self-adjusting Constrained Optimization with RBF Surrogates

Description Details Author(s) References


Self-adjusting Constrained Optimization with RBF Surrogates


Package: SACOBRA
Type: Package
Version: 1.1
Date: 16.08.2019
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes

SACOBRA is a package for numeric constrained optimization of expensive black-box functions under severely limited budgets. The problem to solve is:

\mbox{Minimize}\quad f(\vec{x}) , \vec{x} \in [\vec{a},\vec{b}] \subset \mathbf{R}^d

\mbox{subject to}\quad g_i(\vec{x}) ≤ 0, i=1,…,m

\mbox{~~~~~~~~~~}\quad\quad h_j(\vec{x}) = 0, j=1,…,r.

SACOBRA is an extension of the COBRA algorithm by Regis (R. Regis: "Constrained optimization by radial basis function interpolation for high-dimensional expensive black-box problems with infeasible initial points", Engineering Optimization, Taylor & Francis, 46, p. 218-243, 2013)

These extensions include:
1) A repair algorithm for infeasible solutions,
2) an algorithm for handling equality constraints,
3) several internal optimizers and several initial design generation methods,
4) self-adjusting random restart algorithm,
5) self-adjusting logarithmic transform for objective functions with large output ranges,
6) range normalization of constraint functions,
7) self-adjusting DRC (distance requirement cycle) selection,
8) online model selection to select the best type of RBF for objective and constraint functions,
9) online whitening for unconstrained optimization of functions with high conditioning.
(Please note that the online whitening implementation is still underway and at this stage it is not recommended to be applied to expensive problems)

SACOBRA performs optimization with a minimum of true function evaluations. It has proven to work well on problems with high dimensions (e.g. d=124) and many constraints (e.g. 60). It is usable for all kind of numerical optimization of continuous functions, but not for combinatorial optimization.

For more details see:

The main entry point functions are cobraInit and startCobra. See cobraInit for an overview of adjustable SACOBRA-parameters. Examples are found in


Samineh Bagheri (,
Wolfgang Konen (,
Patrick Koch, Thomas Baeck (


SACOBRA documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:15 p.m.