
Defines functions get_OC.normMix get_OC.betaMix get_OC.default get_OC

Documented in get_OC get_OC.betaMix get_OC.normMix

#' Generating Operating Characteristics of SAM Priors
#' The \code{get_OC} function is designed to generate the operating
#' characteristics of SAM priors (\emph{Yang, et al., 2023}), including the
#' relative bias, relative mean squared error, and type I error and power
#' under a two-arm comparative trial design. As an option, the operating
#' characteristic of robust MAP priors (\emph{Schmidli, et al., 2014})
#' can also be generated for comparison.
#' @param if.prior Informative prior constructed from historical data,
#' represented (approximately) as a mixture of conjugate distributions.
#' @param theta.h Estimate of the treatment effect based on historical data.
#' If missing, the default value is set to be the posterior mean estimate from
#' \code{if.prior}.
#' @param method.w Methods used to determine the mixture weight for SAM priors.
#' The default method is LRT (Likelihood Ratio Test), the alternative option can
#' be PPR (Posterior Probability Ratio). See \code{\link{SAM_weight}} for more
#' details.
#' @param prior.odds The prior probability of \eqn{H_0} being true compared to
#' the prior probability of \eqn{H_1} being true using PPR method. The default
#' value is 1. See \code{\link{SAM_weight}} for more details.
#' @param nf.prior Non-informative prior used for constructing the SAM prior
#' and robust MAP prior.
#' @param delta Clinically significant difference used for the SAM prior.
#' @param n Sample size for the control arm.
#' @param n.t Sample size for the treatment arm.
#' @param decision Decision rule to compare the treatment with the control;
#' see \code{\link{decision2S}}.
#' @param ntrial Number of trials simulated.
#' @param if.MAP Whether to simulate the operating characteristics of the
#' robust MAP prior for comparison, the default value is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param weight Weight assigned to the informative prior component
#' (\eqn{0 \leq} \code{weight} \eqn{\leq 1}) for the robust MAP prior,
#' the default value is 0.5.
#' @param theta A vector of the response rate (binary endpoints) or mean
#' (continuous endpoints) for the control arm.
#' @param theta.t A vector of the response rate (binary endpoints) or mean
#' (continuous endpoints) for the treatment arm.
#' @param ... Additional parameters for continuous endpoints.
#' @details The \code{get_OC} function is designed to generate the operating
#' characteristics of SAM priors, including the relative bias, relative
#' mean squared error, and type I error, and power under a two-arm
#' comparative trial design. As an option, the operating characteristics of
#' robust MAP priors (\emph{Schmidli, et al., 2014}) can also be generated for
#' comparison.
#' The relative bias is defined as the difference between the bias of a method
#' and the bias of using a non-informative prior. The relative mean squared
#' error is the difference between the mean squared error (MSE) of a method and
#' the MES of using a non-informative prior.
#' To evaluate type I error and power, the determination of whether the
#' treatment is superior to the control is calculated based on function
#'  \code{\link{decision2S}}.
#' @return Returns dataframe that contains the relative bias, relative MSE,
#' type I error, and power for both SAM priors, as well as robust MAP priors.
#' Additionally, the mixture weight of the SAM prior is also displayed.
#' @references Yang P, Zhao Y, Nie L, Vallejo J, Yuan Y.
#' SAM: Self-adapting mixture prior to dynamically borrow information from
#' historical data in clinical trials. \emph{Biometrics} 2023; 00, 1–12.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/biom.13927
#' @references Schmidli H, Gsteiger S, Roychoudhury S, O'Hagan A, Spiegelhalter D, Neuenschwander B.
#' Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information.
#' \emph{Biometrics} 2014; 70(4):1023-1032.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' ## Example of a binary endpoint
#' ## Consider a randomized comparative trial designed to borrow information
#' ## from historical data on the control. We assumed a non-informative prior
#' ## beta(1, 1) and an informative prior beta(30, 50) after incorporating
#' ## the historical data. The treatment is regarded as superior to the control
#' ## if Pr(RR.t > RR.c | data) > 0.95, where RR.t and RR.c are response rates
#' ##  of the treatment and control, respectively. The operating characteristics
#' ##  were assessed under the scenarios of (RR.c, RR.t) = (0.3, 0.36) and (0.3, 0.56).
#' ## OC <- get_OC(## Informative prior constructed based on historical data
#' ##              if.prior = mixbeta(c(1, 30, 50)),
#' ##              ## Non-informative prior used for constructing the SAM prior
#' ##              nf.prior = mixbeta(c(1,1,1)),
#' ##              delta    = 0.2,  ## Clinically significant difference
#' ##              n = 35,          ## Sample size for the control arm
#' ##              n.t = 70,        ## Sample size for the treatment arm
#' ##              ## Decision rule to compare the whether treatment is superior
#' ##              ## than the control
#' ##              decision = decision2S(0.95, 0, lower.tail=FALSE),
#' ##              ntrial   = 1000,  ## Number of trials simulated
#' ##              ## Weight assigned to the informative component for MAP prior
#' ##              weight = 0.5,
#' ##              ## A vector of response rate for the control arm
#' ##              theta    = c(0.3, 0.36),
#' ##              ## A vector of response rate for the treatment arm
#' ##              theta.t  = c(0.3, 0.56))
#' ## OC
#' ## Example of continuous endpoint
#' ## Consider a randomized comparative trial designed to borrow information
#' ## from historical data on the control. We assumed a non-informative prior
#' ## N(0, 1e4) and an informative prior N(0.5, 2) after incorporating
#' ## the historical data. The treatment is regarded as superior to the control
#' ## if Pr(mean.t > mean.c | data) > 0.95, where mean.t and mean.c are mean
#' ##  of the treatment and control, respectively. The operating characteristics
#' ##  were assessed under the scenarios of (mean.c, mean.t) = (0.1, 0.1) and
#' ## (0.5, 1.0).
#' sigma      <- 2
#' prior.mean <- 0.5
#' prior.se   <- sigma/sqrt(100)
#' ## OC <- get_OC(## Informative prior constructed based on historical data
#' ##              if.prior = mixnorm(c(1, prior.mean, prior.se)),
#' ##              ## Non-informative prior used for constructing the SAM prior
#' ##              nf.prior = mixnorm(c(1, 0, 1e4)),
#' ##              delta    = 0.2 * sigma,  ## Clinically significant difference
#' ##              n = 100,                 ## Sample size for the control arm
#' ##              n.t = 200,               ## Sample size for the treatment arm
#' ##              ## Decision rule to compare the whether treatment is superior
#' ##              ## than the control
#' ##              decision = decision2S(0.95, 0, lower.tail=FALSE),
#' ##              ntrial   = 1000,  ## Number of trials simulated
#' ##              ## A vector of mean for the control arm
#' ##              theta    = c(0.1, 0.5),
#' ##              ## A vector of mean for the treatment arm
#' ##              theta.t  = c(0.1, 1.0),
#' ##              sigma = sigma)
#' ## OC
#' @import Metrics
#' @import RBesT
#' @import assertthat
#' @import checkmate
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import stats
#' @export
get_OC <- function(if.prior, theta.h, method.w, prior.odds, nf.prior, delta, n, n.t, decision, ntrial, if.MAP, weight, theta, theta.t, ...) UseMethod("get_OC")
#' @export
get_OC.default <- function(if.prior, theta.h, method.w, prior.odds, nf.prior, delta, n, n.t, decision, ntrial, if.MAP, weight, theta, theta.t, ...) "Unknown density"

#' @describeIn get_OC The function is designed to generate the operating
#' characteristics of SAM priors for binary endpoints.
#' @export
get_OC.betaMix <- function(if.prior, theta.h, method.w, prior.odds, nf.prior, delta, n, n.t, decision, ntrial, if.MAP, weight, theta, theta.t, ...) {

  ## Check if theta and theta.t is the same length
  if(length(theta) != length(theta.t)){
    stop('Theta under control and treatment should be the same length!')

    stop('Please input decision!')

    stop('Please input the informative prior!')

    stop('Please input the sample size for control arm!')

    stop('Please input the sample size for treatment arm!')

    stop('Please input the number of trials for simulation!')

    stop('Please input clinically significant difference!')

    message("Using the posterior mean from informative prior as the estimate of the treatment effect based on historical data.")
    theta.h <- summary(if.prior)['mean']

    message("Using the LRT (Likelihood Ratio Test) as the default method to calculate mixture weight for SAM priors.")
    method.w = 'LRT'

  if(method.w == 'PPR' & missing(prior.odds)){
    message("Missing the prior odds, set as 1.")
    prior.odds = 1

  if(missing(nf.prior)) {
    message("Using default uniform prior as non-informative prior.")
    nf.prior <- mixbeta(nf.prior = c(1,1,1))

    if.MAP <- FALSE

  if(missing(weight)) {
    if(if.MAP) message("Using default weight 0.5 to the informative component of MAP prior")
    weight <- 0.5

  n_grid <- length(theta)

  ## Across all grid of theta
  res_OC <- res_Bias <- res_RMSE <- array(0, c(n_grid, 2))
  res_weight <- rep(0, n_grid)

  ## Store the type I error or power for two results
  res_SAM <- res_Mix <- res_NP <- rep(0, n_grid)

  for(i in 1:n_grid){

    ## Treatment and control response
    theta_trt <- theta.t[i];
    theta_ctr <- theta[i]

    ## Store Bias and RMSE results for SAM and robust MAP prior
    theta_SAM <- theta_Mix <- theta_NP <- tmp_weight <- c()
    res_SAM_tmp <- res_Mix_tmp <- res_Non_tmp <- c()

    for(s in 1:ntrial){

      ## Simulate control trial and treatment
      x <- rbinom(n = 1, size = n, prob = theta_ctr)

      ## Non-informative prior
      theta_NP <- c(theta_NP, (x + 1) / (n + 1 + 1))

      ## SAM prior

      ## Calculate SAM weight
      wSAM <- SAM_weight(if.prior = if.prior,
                         theta.h = theta.h,
                         method.w = method.w,
                         prior.odds = prior.odds,
                         delta = delta, n = n, r = x)

      tmp_weight <- c(tmp_weight, wSAM)

      ## Construct SAM prior
      SAM.prior <- SAM_prior(if.prior = if.prior,
                             nf.prior = nf.prior,
                             weight = wSAM,
                             delta = delta)

      ## Poerior inference
      SAM.post <- postmix(SAM.prior, n = n, r = x)

      theta_SAM <- c(theta_SAM, summary(SAM.post)['mean'])

      ## Robust MAP prior

      prior.Mix <- robustify(priormix = if.prior, weight = 1 - weight,
                             mean = 1/2)

      posterior.Mix <- postmix(prior.Mix, n = n, r = x)

      theta_Mix <- c(theta_Mix, summary(posterior.Mix)['mean'])

      ## Compute type I error/power
      ## Simulate treatment trial
      y <- rbinom(n = 1, size = n.t, prob = theta_trt)

      ## Posterior of theta
      post_theta_t <- postmix(nf.prior, n = n.t, r = y)
      post_theta_c <- postmix(nf.prior, n = n, r = x)

      res_SAM_tmp <- c(res_SAM_tmp, decision(post_theta_t, SAM.post))
      res_Mix_tmp <- c(res_Mix_tmp, decision(post_theta_t, posterior.Mix))
      res_Non_tmp <- c(res_Non_tmp, decision(post_theta_t, post_theta_c))


    ## Store the type I error or power
    res_SAM[i] <- mean(res_SAM_tmp)
    res_Mix[i] <- mean(res_Mix_tmp)
    res_NP[i]  <- mean(res_Non_tmp)

    ## Store the data for bias
    res_Bias[i,1]   <- mean(theta_SAM) - mean(theta_NP)
    res_Bias[i,2]   <- mean(theta_Mix) - mean(theta_NP)

    ## Store the data for RMSE
    res_RMSE[i,1]   <- mse(theta_SAM, theta_ctr) - mse(theta_NP, theta_ctr)
    res_RMSE[i,2]   <- mse(theta_Mix, theta_ctr) - mse(theta_NP, theta_ctr)

    res_weight[i] <- mean(tmp_weight)



    return(data.frame(scenarios = 1:n_grid,
                      Bias_SAM  = res_Bias[,1],
                      Bias_rMAP = res_Bias[,2],
                      RMSE_SAM  = res_RMSE[,1],
                      RMSE_rMAP = res_RMSE[,2],
                      wSAM      = res_weight,
                      res_SAM   = res_SAM,
                      res_rMAP  = res_Mix,
                      res_NP    = res_NP))


    return(data.frame(scenarios = 1:n_grid,
                      Bias_SAM = res_Bias[,1],
                      RMSE_SAM = res_RMSE[,1],
                      wSAM = res_weight,
                      res_SAM = res_SAM,
                      res_NP   = res_NP))



#' @describeIn get_OC The function is designed to generate the operating
#' characteristics of SAM priors for continuous endpoints.
#' @param sigma Variance to simulate the continuous endpoint under normality
#' assumption.
#' @export
get_OC.normMix <- function(if.prior, theta.h, method.w, prior.odds, nf.prior, delta, n, n.t, decision, ntrial, if.MAP, weight, theta, theta.t, ..., sigma) {

  ## Check if theta and theta.t is the same length
  if(length(theta) != length(theta.t)){
    stop('Theta under control and treatment should be the same length!')

    stop('Please input decision!')

    stop('Please input the informative prior!')

    stop('Please input the non-informative prior!')

    stop('Please input the sample size for control arm!')

    stop('Please input the sample size for treatment arm!')

    stop('Please input the number of trials for simulation!')

    stop('Please input clinically significant difference!')

    assertthat::assert_that(all(method.w %in% c('LRT', 'PPR')))
    assertthat::assert_that(length(method.w) == 1)

    message("Using the posterior mean from informative prior as the estimate of the treatment effect based on historical data.")
    theta.h <- summary(if.prior)['mean']

    message("Using the LRT (Likelihood Ratio Test) as the default method to calculate mixture weight for SAM priors.")
    method.w = 'LRT'

  if(method.w == 'PPR' & missing(prior.odds)){
    message("Missing the prior odds, set as 1.")
    prior.odds = 1

    if.MAP <- FALSE

  if(missing(weight)) {
    if(if.MAP) message("Using default weight 0.5 to the informative component of MAP prior")
    weight <- 0.5

  if(missing(sigma)) {
    message("Using default prior reference scale ", RBesT::sigma(if.prior))
    sigma <- RBesT::sigma(if.prior)
  if(missing(nf.prior)) {
    message(paste("Using default unit-information prior as non-informative prior"))
    nf.prior <- mixnorm(nf.prior = c(1,summary(if.prior)['mean'],sigma),
                        param = 'ms')

  n_grid <- length(theta)

  ## Across all grid of theta
  res_OC <- res_Bias <- res_RMSE <- array(0, c(n_grid, 2))
  res_weight <- rep(0, n_grid)

  ## Store the type I error or power for two results
  res_SAM <- res_Mix <- res_NP <- rep(0, n_grid)

  for(i in 1:n_grid){

    ## Treatment and control response
    theta_trt <- theta.t[i];
    theta_ctr <- theta[i]

    ## Store Bias and RMSE results for SAM and robust MAP prior
    theta_SAM <- theta_Mix <- theta_NP <- tmp_weight <- c()
    res_SAM_tmp <- res_Mix_tmp <- res_Non_tmp <- c()

    for(s in 1:ntrial){

      ## Simulate control trial and treatment
      x <- rnorm(n, mean = theta_ctr, sd = sigma)
      theta_c_hat <- mean(x)

      ## Non-informative prior
      theta_NP <- c(theta_NP, n*sigma^2 *theta_c_hat / (n*sigma^2  + sigma^2))

      ## SAM prior

      ## Calculate SAM weight
      wSAM <- SAM_weight(if.prior = if.prior,
                         theta.h = theta.h,
                         method.w = method.w, prior.odds = prior.odds,
                         delta = delta, data = x)

      tmp_weight <- c(tmp_weight, wSAM)

      ## Construct SAM prior
      SAM.prior <- SAM_prior(if.prior = if.prior,
                             nf.prior = nf.prior,
                             weight = wSAM, sigma = sigma)

      ## Poerior inference
      SAM.post <- postmix(SAM.prior, data = x)

      theta_SAM <- c(theta_SAM, summary(SAM.post)['mean'])

      ## Robust MAP prior

      prior.Mix <- robustify(priormix = if.prior, weight = 1 - weight,
                             mean = summary(if.prior)[1], sigma = sigma)

      posterior.Mix <- postmix(prior.Mix, data = x)

      theta_Mix <- c(theta_Mix, summary(posterior.Mix)['mean'])

      ## Compute type I error/power
      ## Simulate treatment trial
      y <- rnorm(n = n.t, mean = theta_trt, sd = sigma)

      ## Posterior of theta
      post_theta_t <- postmix(nf.prior, data = y)
      post_theta_c <- postmix(nf.prior, data = x)

      res_SAM_tmp <- c(res_SAM_tmp, decision(post_theta_t, SAM.post))
      res_Mix_tmp <- c(res_Mix_tmp, decision(post_theta_t, posterior.Mix))
      res_Non_tmp <- c(res_Non_tmp, decision(post_theta_t, post_theta_c))


    ## Store the type I error or power
    res_SAM[i] <- mean(res_SAM_tmp)
    res_Mix[i] <- mean(res_Mix_tmp)
    res_NP[i]  <- mean(res_Non_tmp)

    ## Store the data for bias
    res_Bias[i,1]   <- mean(theta_SAM) - mean(theta_NP)
    res_Bias[i,2]   <- mean(theta_Mix) - mean(theta_NP)

    ## Store the data for RMSE
    res_RMSE[i,1]   <- mse(theta_SAM, theta_ctr) - mse(theta_NP, theta_ctr)
    res_RMSE[i,2]   <- mse(theta_Mix, theta_ctr) - mse(theta_NP, theta_ctr)

    res_weight[i] <- mean(tmp_weight)



    return(data.frame(scenarios = 1:n_grid,
                      Bias_SAM  = res_Bias[,1],
                      Bias_rMAP = res_Bias[,2],
                      RMSE_SAM  = res_RMSE[,1],
                      RMSE_rMAP = res_RMSE[,2],
                      wSAM      = res_weight,
                      res_SAM   = res_SAM,
                      res_rMAP  = res_Mix,
                      res_NP    = res_NP))


    return(data.frame(scenarios = 1:n_grid,
                      Bias_SAM  = res_Bias[,1],
                      RMSE_SAM  = res_RMSE[,1],
                      wSAM      = res_weight,
                      res_SAM   = res_SAM,
                      res_NP    = res_NP



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SAMprior documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 1:07 a.m.