
Defines functions calculateRSS

Documented in calculateRSS

#' @title Residual sum of squares (RSS) for all time series in a group.
#' @description SCEM uses the residual sum of squares for each group to give a sense of the error in estimation. It is defined by:
#' \loadmathjax
#' \mjdeqn{RSS(S_q) = \sum_{k \in S_q} \sum_{i = 1}^{n_k} ||y_{k,i} - \hat{\mu}_{S_q} \left(\frac{i}{n_k}\right) - \hat{c}_{k}||^2}{ASCII representation}
#' (See Chazin et al. 2019, Supplemental Materials 1).
#' The trend function for each individual time series is estimated non-parametrically
#' by the local linear estimate (as discussed in Fan and Gijbels (1996)). Then, the common trend
#' function for the group is estimated by taking the average over the group. Next, the shift functions
#' are estimated as the differences from the individual trend functions and finally, the residual sum
#' of squares are calculated  using the original values, the common trend functions and the shifts.
#' @param paths A list of data frames, where each frame contains the data for one individual. Every
#' data frame should have two columns with names 'distance' and 'oxygen'.
#' @param S A vector of integers showing which individuals are considered in the group.
#' @param bandwidth Denotes the order of the bandwidth that should be used in the estimation process.
#' bandwidth = k will mean that the bandwidth is n^k.
#' @export
#' @return A vector of length equal to the group-size, so that each element is the RSS for the
#' corresponding individual in the group.
#' @examples
#' armenia_split = split(armenia,f = armenia$ID)
#' band = -0.33
#' p = length(armenia_split)
#' calculateRSS(armenia_split,1:p,band)

calculateRSS <- function(paths,
  for(i in 1:length(paths)){
    if (!any(colnames(paths[[i]])==c("distance","oxygen"))) {stop('data frame does not contain distance and oxygen columns')}
  if (! is.atomic(S) || is.list(S)) {stop('S is not a vector')}
  if (! is.atomic(bandwidth) || !length(bandwidth)==1) {stop('bandwidth needs to be a single value')}
  for(i in 1:length(paths)){if (any(is.na(paths[[i]]))) {stop('Data has NAs')}}

  RSS = numeric(length(S))
  for (i in 1:length(S)){
    y = cbind(paths[[S[i]]]$oxygen,log(paths[[S[i]]]$distance))
    n = dim(y)[1]
    ndx = (1:n)/n
    trend = array(0,dim=c(length(S),n,2))
    for (j in 1:length(S)){
      z = paths[[S[j]]]$oxygen
      trend[j,,1] = EstTrend(z,ndx,bandwidth)
      z = log(paths[[S[j]]]$distance)
      trend[j,,2] = EstTrend(z,ndx,bandwidth)
    avgtrend = apply(trend,c(2,3),mean)
    ck = colMeans(trend[i,,]-avgtrend)
    RSS[i] = 0
    for (k in 1:n){
      RSS[i] = RSS[i] + sum((y[k,]-avgtrend[k,]-ck)^2)



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SCEM documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:50 p.m.