Man pages for SDraw
Spatially Balanced Samples of Spatial Objects

bas.lineDraws a Balanced Acceptance Sample (BAS) from a linear...
bas.pointDraws a Balanced Acceptance Sample (BAS) from a discrete...
bas.polygonDraws a Balanced Acceptance Sample (BAS) from an area...
extended.gcdExtended Greatest Common Denominator (GCD) algorithm.
grts.lineDraw a equi-probable GRTS sample from a linear (line)...
grts.pointDraw a equi-probable GRTS sample from a discrete (point)...
grts.polygonDraw a equi-probable GRTS sample from an area (polygon)...
haltonCompute points in the Halton sequence.
halton.frameConstruct a Halton sampling frame.
halton.indicesHalton indices
halton.indices.CRTHalton indices by the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
halton.indices.vectorHalton indices for an entire vector of coordinates
halton.latticeHalton lattice inside a rectangle
halton.lattice.polygonHalton lattice inside a 'SpatialPolygon*' object.
HI.coastSpatialLinesDataFrame of the coastline of Hawaii, USA
hip.lattice.polygonHalton Iterative Partition lattice inside a 'bbox' (bounding...
hip.plot.latticePlot a Halton Lattice over a polygon resource
hip.pointhip.point - Halton Iterative Partition (HIP) of point...
hip.polygonDraws a Halton Iterative Partition (HIP) sample from a...
lineLengthLine length
maxUMaximum integer used in the BAS routines
plotSamplePlot sample and frame
polygonAreaPolygon area
primesPrime numbers
sdrawSample draws from spatial objects.
SDraw-packageSelection of spatially balanced samples.
srs.lineDraw a Simple Random Sample (SRS) from a linear resource.
srs.pointDraw a Simple Random Sample (SRS) from a point resource or...
srs.polygonDraws a Simple Random Sample (SRS) from an area resource...
sss.lineDraw a Simple Systematic Sample (SSS) from a linear resource.
sss.pointDraw a Simple Systematic Sample (SSS) from a point resource...
sss.polygonDraws a Simple Systematic Sample (SSS) from an area resource...
voronoi.polygonsCalculate Voronoi polygons for a set of points
WASpatialPolygonsDataFrame for the state of Washington, USA
WA.citiesSpatialPointsDataFrame of cities in Washington state, USA
WYSpatialPolygonsDataFrame of counties in the state of Wyoming,...
SDraw documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:23 p.m.