hip.polygon: Draws a Halton Iterative Partition (HIP) sample from a...

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View source: R/hip.polygon.r


Draws a Halton Iterative Partition (HIP) sample from a SpatialPoints* object.


hip.polygon(x, n, bases = c(2, 3), J = c(8, 5))



A SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame object. This object must contain at least 1 point. x is the 2-dimensional point resource from which samples are taken.


Target sample size. Target number of locations to draw from the set of points contained in x. If the sample size returned is less than the desired sample size, increase n until the desired sample size is reached.


2X1 vector of Halton bases. These must be co-prime.


A 2X1 vector of base powers. J[1] is for horizontal, J[2] for vertical dimension. J determines the size and shape of the smallest Halton boxes. There are bases[1]^J[1] vertical columns of Halton boxes over x's bounding box, and bases[2]^J[2] horizontal rows of Halton boxes over the bounding box, for a total of prod(bases^J) boxes. The dimension of each box is c(dx,dy)/ (bases^J), where c(dx,dy) are the horizontal and vertical extents of x's bounding box. If J=NULL (the default), J is chosen so that Halton boxes are as square as possible.


A brief description of Halton Iterative Partition (HIP) sampling for polygons: Given a set of Halton Iterative Partition parameters x (SpatialPoints* object), n (sample size), bases, and J, a lattice of Halton boxes is constructed iteratively over the bounding box of the input points. This results in prod(bases^J) Halton boxes on the bounding box to cover all points in the point resource. The target should be one point per box, or prod(bases^J) == n. The Halton index of all boxes is computed and assigned to points that lie in each box. Finally, a random number between 0 and the largest Halton index is drawn, and the next n coordinates in the mapped real numbers are taken as the sample.


A SpatialPoints* object containing locations in the HIP sample.

Additional attributes of the output object, beyond those which make it a SpatialPoints*, are:


Michael Kleinsasser, Aidan McDonald

See Also

hip.point, SDraw, bas.point


# Draw sample of cities in the state of Washington
samp <- hip.polygon( WA, 100, J = c(3,2))

SDraw documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:23 p.m.