SDraw-package: Selection of spatially balanced samples.

Description Author(s) References See Also


SDraw provides a set of R functions that draw Halton-Lattice samples (HAL), Balanced-Acceptance-Samples (BAS), Generalized-Random-Tessellation-Stratified (GRTS) samples, Simple-Systematic-Samples (SSS), and Simple-Random-Samples (SRS). The types of input frames accepted are points (0-D, finite), lines (1-D, infinite), or polygons (2-D, infinite).

Package: SDraw
Type: Package
License: GNU General Public License
Imports: spsurvey,utils,rgdal,rgeos,graphics, methods,deldir,OpenStreetMap,stats
Depends: sp

The work-horse functions are named ???.point, ???.line, and ???.polygon, where '???' is either hal, bas, grts, sss, or srs. For simplicity, an S4 generic, sdraw, is provided to handle all combinations of sample and frame types (see sdraw).


Trent McDonald The GRTS routine comes from package spsurvey.


Manly, B. F. J. and Navarro-Alberto, J. A., editors, (2015), "Introduction to Ecological Sampling", CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Robertson, B.L., J. A. Brown, T. L. McDonald, and P. Jaksons (2013) "BAS: Balanced Acceptance Sampling of Natural Resources", Biometrics, v69, p. 776-784.

Stevens, D. L., Jr. and A. R. Olsen (2004) "Spatially balanced sampling of natural resources." Journal of the American Statistical Association 99, 262-278.

See Also

sdraw, bas.polygon, bas.line, bas.point, hip.polygon, hip.point, sss.line, sss.polygon, grts.polygon, grts.line, grts.point documentation for package sp.

SDraw documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:23 p.m.