
# setup.R
# first chunk builds the SEER binaries 
(rdf=pickFields(df)) # this uses default picks of fields
# the rest fixes tAML and rewrites the fix into cancDef.RData
load("~/data/SEER/mrgd/cancDef.RData") #loads in canc
sc=canc%>%filter(histo3==9920|histo3==9987) #tAML and tMDS  subset of cancs (sc)
d=sc%>%filter(yrdx>2000)%>%group_by(sex,yrdx,histo3)%>%summarize(cnt=n()) #count rows in sex-year-ICDO3 groups
             strip.text = element_text(size = rel(1.5)))
qplot(yrdx,cnt,data=d,facets=sex~histo3,ylab="Cases",xlab="Year of Diagnosis")+

####### SKIP below. It was moved into tMDSrepair() inside of mkSEER() 

# yearEnd=range(canc$yrdx)[2]
# sc=canc%>%filter(histo3==9920|histo3==9987) #tAML and tMDS  subset of cancs (sc)
# table(sc$yrdx,sc$histo3)  # see that they start in 2001
# table(sc$ICD9,sc$histo3)  # only 2 9920 are ICD9 9999, so cant reverse it using ICD9
# head(sc)
# sc%>%group_by(histo3)%>%summarize(age=mean(agedx))# for kicks, see that tMDS cases arrive 5 years later in life
# d=sc%>%filter(yrdx>2000)%>%group_by(sex,yrdx,histo3)%>%summarize(cnt=n()) #count rows in sex-year-ICDO3 groups
# # Zeros for MDS in 2012 do not show up in d. The next line adds them in just to make the plots look right.
# d=bind_rows(d,data.frame(sex=c("Male","Female"),yrdx=rep(2010:yearEnd,each=2),histo3=9987,cnt=0)) 
# d
# library(ggplot2)
# theme_update(axis.text=element_text(size=rel(1.2)),
#              axis.title=element_text(size=rel(1.3)),
#              strip.text = element_text(size = rel(1.5)))
# qplot(yrdx,cnt,data=d,facets=sex~histo3,ylab="Cases",xlab="Year of Diagnosis")+
#   scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(2002,2020,4))
# ggsave("~/Results/amlMDS/tAMLtMDSnotFixed.pdf")  
# #fit line to left up to 2009, predict and give right the difference
# m=lm(cnt~yrdx,subset(d,histo3==9920&yrdx<2010&sex=="Male"))
# f=lm(cnt~yrdx,subset(d,histo3==9920&yrdx<2010&sex=="Female"))
# nd=list(yrdx=2010:yearEnd)
# dm=d%>%filter(yrdx>=2010&histo3==9920,sex=="Male")
# df=d%>%filter(yrdx>=2010&histo3==9920,sex=="Female")
# (xm=dm$cnt-round(predict(m,nd))) # numbers of male tAMLs that need to become tMDSs in 2010 and higher
# (xf=df$cnt-round(predict(f,nd))) # same for females
# canc$id=1:dim(canc)[1]  # set up an id column to use to pull the random sample
# set.seed(8675309)   # Call Jenny to make it reproducible. 
# rws=NULL
# for (i in 1:length(xm)){
#   rws=c(rws,sample((canc%>%filter(histo3==9920&sex=="Male"&yrdx==(2009+i)))$id,xm[i]))
#   rws=c(rws,sample((canc%>%filter(histo3==9920&sex=="Female"&yrdx==(2009+i)))$id,xf[i]))
# } 
# canc[rws,"cancer"]="MDS" # note that we don't need tMDS and tAML as separate cancer types
# canc[rws,"histo3"]=9987 # know which were mapped via this and yrdx>2009
# canc$id=NULL # no need to save this column
# save(canc,file="~/data/SEER/mrgd/cancDefFixed.RData") # this takes a bit of time because it's writing a big file
# sc=canc%>%filter(histo3==9920|histo3==9987) #tAML and tMDS  subset of cancs (sc)
# table(sc$yrdx,sc$histo3)  # see that they start in 2001
# table(sc$ICD9,sc$histo3)  # only 2 9920 are ICD9 9999, so cant reverse it using ICD9
# head(sc)
# sc%>%group_by(histo3)%>%summarize(age=mean(agedx))# for kicks, see that tMDS cases arrive 5 years later in life
# d=sc%>%filter(yrdx>2000)%>%group_by(sex,yrdx,histo3)%>%summarize(cnt=n()) #count rows in sex-year-ICDO3 groups
# d
# library(ggplot2)
# theme_update(axis.text=element_text(size=rel(1.2)),
#              axis.title=element_text(size=rel(1.3)),
#              strip.text = element_text(size = rel(1.5)))
# qplot(yrdx,cnt,data=d,facets=sex~histo3,ylab="Cases",xlab="Year of Diagnosis")+
#   scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(2002,2015,4))
# ggsave("~/Results/amlMDS/tAMLtMDSfixed.pdf")  

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