Extension method: mixture distribution

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
showplots <- FALSE

Probability distribution for the extension variable


Conditional probability judgements

l <- params$fit$limits[, 1]
u <- params$fit$limits[, 2]
expert <- 1
sf <- 3
n.experts <- nrow(params$fit$probs)
expertnames <- colnames(params$probY)
mydf <- data.frame(params$fit$probs[expert, ],  t(params$fit$vals) )
colnames(mydf)[1] <- "quantiles"
colnames(mydf)[-1] <- expertnames
rownames(mydf) <- NULL
if(params$entry == "Quantiles"){
  subsection = ""
if(params$entry == "Roulette"){
  subsection = "Implied cumulative probabilities:"

r subsection

if(params$entry == "Roulette"){
  mydf <- data.frame(values = params$fit$vals[1, ], 
  rownames(mydf) <- c("bin", expertnames)
if(params$fit$limits[expert, 1] == 0){
  x <- paste0("x")
  lower <- "`"}else{
    lower <- paste0("`", params$fit$limits[expert, 1], " + ")}

if(params$fit$limits[expert, 1] > 0){
  x <- paste0("(x-", params$fit$limits[expert, 1],")")}
if(params$fit$limits[expert, 1] < 0){
  x <- paste0("(x+", abs(params$fit$limits[expert, 1]),")")}
lx <- min(params$fit$vals[expert, ])
ux <- max(params$fit$vals[expert, ])

Conditional distributions for the target variable

All parameter values reported to 3 significant figures.


mu <- signif(params$fit$Normal[, 1], sf)
sigsq <- signif(params$fit$Normal[, 2]^2, sf)

$$ f_{X|Y}(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2 \sigma^2}(x - \mu)^2\right),\quad -\infty<x<\infty, $$ with

normaldf <- data.frame(mu, sigsq)
colnames(normaldf) <- c("$\\mu$", "$\\sigma^2$")
rownames(normaldf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(normaldf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

rnorm(n = 1000, mean =r mu[1], sd = sqrt(r sigsq[1]))


m <- signif(params$fit$Student.t[, 1], 3)
s <- signif(params$fit$Student.t[, 2], 3)
tdf <- params$fit$Student.t[, 3]

$$ f_{X|Y}(x) = \frac{\Gamma((\nu + 1)/2)}{\Gamma(\nu/2)\sigma\sqrt{\nu \pi}} \left(1 + \frac{1}{\nu}\left(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}\right)^2\right)^{-(\nu + 1)/2},\quad -\infty<x<\infty, $$ with

tdataf <- data.frame(m, s, tdf)
colnames(tdataf) <- c("$\\mu$", "$\\sigma$", "$\\nu$")
rownames(tdataf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(tdataf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r m[1]+r s[1]* rt(n = 1000, df =r tdf[1])

Skew normal

xi <- signif(params$fit$Skewnormal[, 1], sf)
omega <- signif(params$fit$Skewnormal[, 2], sf)
alpha <- signif(params$fit$Skewnormal[, 3], sf)

$$f_{X|Y}(x)=\frac{2}{\omega}\phi\left(\frac{x-\xi}{\omega}\right)\Phi\left(\alpha\left(\frac{x-\xi}{\omega}\right)\right),\quad -\infty<x<\infty,$$ where $\phi(.)$ and $\Phi(.)$ are the probability density function and cumulative distribution function respectively of the standard normal distribution, and with

skewnormaldf <- data.frame(xi, omega, alpha)
colnames(skewnormaldf) <- c("$\\xi$", "$\\omega$", "$\\alpha$")
rownames(skewnormaldf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(skewnormaldf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

sn::rsn(n = 1000, xi =r xi[1], omega =r omega[1], alpha =r alpha[1])

Log normal

$$f_{X|Y}(x) = \frac{1}{x-L} \times \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\ln (x-L) - \mu)^2\right), \quad x >L,$$

and $f_{X|Y}(x)=0$ otherwise, with

mu <- signif(params$fit$Log.normal[, 1], 3)
sigsq <- signif(params$fit$Log.normal[, 2]^2, 3)  
lnormdf <- data.frame(mu, sigsq, l)
colnames(lnormdf) <- c("$\\mu$", "$\\sigma^2$", "$L$")
rownames(lnormdf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(lnormdf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r l[1]+ rlnorm(n = 1000, meanlog =r mu[1], sdlog =r signif(sqrt(sigsq[1]), 3))


$$f_{X|Y}(x) =\frac{\beta ^ {\alpha}}{\Gamma(\alpha)}(x-L)^{\alpha - 1} \exp\left(- \beta (x-L)\right), \quad x >L,$$ and $f_{X|Y}(x)=0$ otherwise, with

shape <- signif(params$fit$Gamma[, 1], 3)
rate <- signif(params$fit$Gamma[, 2], 3)  
gammadf <- data.frame(shape, rate, l)
colnames(gammadf) <- c("$\\alpha$", "$\\beta$", "$L$")
rownames(gammadf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(gammadf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r l[1]+ rgamma(n = 1000, shape =r shape[1], rate =r rate[1])

Log Student$-t$

$$f_{X|Y}(x) =\frac{1}{x-L} \times \frac{\Gamma((\nu + 1)/2)}{\Gamma(\nu/2)\times\sigma\times \sqrt{\nu \pi}} \left(1 + \frac{1}{\nu}\left(\frac{\ln (x-L) - \mu}{\sigma}\right)^2\right)^{-(\nu + 1)/2}, \quad x >L,$$ and $f_{X|Y}(x)=0$ otherwise, with

m <- signif(params$fit$Log.Student.t[, 1], 3)
s <- signif(params$fit$Log.Student.t[, 2], 3)
tdf <- params$fit$Log.Student.t[, 3]

logtdf <- data.frame(m, s, tdf, l)
colnames(logtdf) <- c("$\\mu$", "$\\sigma$", "$\\nu$", "$L$")
rownames(logtdf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(logtdf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r l[1]+ exp(r m[1]+r s[1]* rt(n = 1000, df =r tdf[1]))


$$f_{X|Y}(x) = \frac{1}{U-L}\times\frac{\Gamma(\alpha + \beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha)\Gamma(\beta)} \left(\frac{x-L}{U-L}\right) ^{\alpha - 1} \left(1 - \left(\frac{x-L}{U-L}\right)\right)^{\beta - 1}, \quad L < x <U,$$ and $f_{X|Y}(x) = 0$ otherwise, with

shape1 <- signif(params$fit$Beta[, 1], 3)
shape2 <- signif(params$fit$Beta[, 2], 3)

betadf <- data.frame(shape1, shape2, l, params$fit$limits[, 2])
colnames(betadf) <- c("$\\alpha$", "$\\beta$", "$L$", "$U$")
rownames(betadf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(betadf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r l[1]+ (r params$fit$limits[1, 2] - l[1] ) * rbeta(n = 1000, shape1 =r shape1[1], shape2 =r shape2[1])

Mirror log normal

$$f_{X|Y}(x) = \frac{1}{U-x} \times \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\ln (U-x) - \mu)^2\right), \quad x <U,$$

and $f_{X|Y}(x)=0$ otherwise, with

mu <- signif(params$fit$mirrorlognormal[, 1], 3)
sigsq <- signif(params$fit$mirrorlognormal[, 2]^2, 3)  
lnormdf <- data.frame(mu, sigsq, u)
colnames(lnormdf) <- c("$\\mu$", "$\\sigma^2$", "$U$")
rownames(lnormdf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(lnormdf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r u[1]- rlnorm(n = 1000, meanlog =r mu[1], sdlog =r signif(sqrt(sigsq[1]), 3))

Mirror gamma

$$f_{X|Y}(x) =\frac{\beta ^ {\alpha}}{\Gamma(\alpha)}(U-x)^{\alpha - 1} \exp\left(- \beta (U-x)\right), \quad x <U,$$ and $f_{X|Y}(x)=0$ otherwise, with

shape <- signif(params$fit$mirrorgamma[, 1], 3)
rate <- signif(params$fit$mirrorgamma[, 2], 3)  
gammadf <- data.frame(shape, rate, u)
colnames(gammadf) <- c("$\\alpha$", "$\\beta$", "$U$")
rownames(gammadf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(gammadf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r u[1]- rgamma(n = 1000, shape =r shape[1], rate =r rate[1])

Mirror log Student$-t$

$$f_{X|Y}(x) =\frac{1}{U-x} \times \frac{\Gamma((\nu + 1)/2)}{\Gamma(\nu/2)\times\sigma\times \sqrt{\nu \pi}} \left(1 + \frac{1}{\nu}\left(\frac{\ln (U-x) - \mu}{\sigma}\right)^2\right)^{-(\nu + 1)/2}, \quad x <U,$$ and $f_{X|Y}(x)=0$ otherwise, with

m <- signif(params$fit$mirrorlogt[, 1], 3)
s <- signif(params$fit$mirrorlogt[, 2], 3)
tdf <- params$fit$mirrorlogt[, 3]

logtdf <- data.frame(m, s, tdf, u)
colnames(logtdf) <- c("$\\mu$", "$\\sigma$", "$\\nu$", "$U$")
rownames(logtdf) <- expertnames
knitr::kable(logtdf, escape = FALSE)

Sample n = 1000 random values (for r expertnames[1]) with the command

r u[1]- exp(r m[1]+r s[1]* rt(n = 1000, df =r tdf[1]))

Best fitting conditional distributions

df <- data.frame(weight = params$probY[1, ],
                 bf = params$fit$best.fitting[, 1])

      colnames(df) <- c("weight", "best fit")

Marginal distribution for the target variable

makeLinearPoolPlot <-
function(fit, xl, xu, d = "best", w = 1, lwd, xlab, ylab, 
         legend_full = TRUE, ql = NULL, qu = NULL, 
         nx = 200, addquantile = FALSE, fs = 12,
         expertnames = NULL,
         lpname = "linear pool"){

  expert <- ftype <- NULL # hack to avoid R CMD check NOTE

    n.experts <- nrow(fit$vals)

    if(length(d) == 1){
      d <- rep(d, n.experts)


      if(n.experts < 27){
        expertnames <- LETTERS[1:n.experts]

      if(n.experts > 26){
        expertnames <- 1:n.experts


    nxTotal <- nx + length(c(ql, qu))

    x <- matrix(0, nxTotal, n.experts)
    fx <- x
  if(min(w)<0 | max(w)<=0){stop("expert weights must be non-negative, and at least one weight must be greater than 0.")}

      w <- rep(w, n.experts)

    weight <- matrix(w/sum(w), nxTotal, n.experts, byrow = T)

    for(i in 1:n.experts){
        densitydata <- expertdensity(fit, d[i], ex = i, xl, xu, ql, qu, nx)
        x[, i] <- densitydata$x
        fx[, i] <-densitydata$fx 

    fx.lp <- apply(fx * weight, 1, sum)
    df1 <- data.frame(x = rep(x[, 1], n.experts + 1),
                      fx = c(as.numeric(fx), fx.lp),
                      expert = factor(c(rep(expertnames,
                                            each = nxTotal),
                                        rep(lpname, nxTotal)),
                                      levels = c(expertnames,
                      ftype = factor(c(rep("individual",
                                           nxTotal * n.experts),
                                       rep(lpname, nxTotal)),
                                     levels = c("individual",


      cols <- scales::hue_pal()(n.experts + 1)
      linetypes <- c(rep("dashed", n.experts), "solid")
      sizes <- lwd * c(rep(0.5, n.experts), 1.5)
      names(cols) <- names(linetypes) <-
        names(sizes) <- c(expertnames, lpname )

      p1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = fx, 
                            colour = expert, 
                            linetype = expert, 
                            size = expert)) +
        scale_colour_manual(values = cols) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = linetypes) +
        scale_size_manual(values = sizes)}else{
          p1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = fx, 
                                colour =  ftype, 
                                linetype=ftype, size =ftype)) +
            scale_linetype_manual(name = "distribution", values = c("dashed", "solid"))+
            scale_size_manual(name = "distribution", values = lwd * c(.5, 1.5)) +
            scale_color_manual(name = "distribution", values = c("black", "red"))

    for(i in 1:n.experts){
      if(d[i] == "hist"){
        p1 <- p1 + geom_step(data = subset(df1, expert == expertnames[i]),
                             aes(colour = expert))
        p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data = subset(df1, expert == expertnames[i]),
                       aes(colour = expert))

    if(length(unique(d)) == 1 & d[1] == "hist"){
      p1 <- p1 + geom_step(data = subset(df1, expert == lpname),
                           aes(colour = expert))
      p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data = subset(df1, expert == lpname),
                     aes(colour = expert))

     p1 <- p1 + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab)

    if((!is.null(ql)) & (!is.null(qu)) & addquantile){
        ribbon_col <- scales::hue_pal()(n.experts + 1)[n.experts + 1]}else{
          ribbon_col <- "red"
      p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = with(df1, subset(df1, x <= ql  &expert == lpname)),
                             aes(ymax = fx, ymin = 0),
                             alpha = 0.2, show.legend = FALSE, colour = NA, fill =ribbon_col ) +
        geom_ribbon(data = with(df1, subset(df1, x >=qu  &expert == lpname)),
                    aes(ymax = fx, ymin = 0),
                    alpha = 0.2, show.legend = FALSE, colour = NA, fill =ribbon_col )


    if(lpname == "marginal"){
      p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.title = element_blank()) 

    p1 + theme(text = element_text(size = fs))

expertdensity <-
function(fit, d = "best", ex = 1, pl, pu, ql = NULL, qu = NULL, nx = 200){

  if(pl == -Inf){pl <- qnorm(0.001, fit$Normal[ex,1], fit$Normal[ex,2])}
  if(pu == Inf){pu <- qnorm(0.999, fit$Normal[ex,1], fit$Normal[ex,2])}

    x <- unique(sort(c(seq(from = pl, to = pu, length = nx), ql, qu)))

    if(d == "best"){
        best.index <- which.min(fit$ssq[ex, ])
    index <- switch(which(d==c("normal",
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

        fx <- dnorm(x, fit$Normal[ex,1], fit$Normal[ex,2]) 

        fx <- dt((x - fit$Student.t[ex,1])/fit$Student.t[ex,2], fit$Student.t[ex,3])/fit$Student.t[ex,2]

        xl <- fit$limits[ex,1]
        if(xl == -Inf){xl <- 0}
        fx <- dgamma(x - xl, fit$Gamma[ex,1], fit$Gamma[ex,2])  

        xl <- fit$limits[ex,1]
        if(xl == -Inf){xl <- 0}
        fx <- dlnorm(x - xl, fit$Log.normal[ex,1], fit$Log.normal[ex,2]) 

        xl <- fit$limits[ex,1]
        if(xl == -Inf){xl <- 0}
        fx <- dt( (log(abs(x - xl)) - fit$Log.Student.t[ex,1]) / fit$Log.Student.t[ex,2], fit$Log.Student.t[ex,3]) / ((x - xl) * fit$Log.Student.t[ex,2])
    fx[x<= xl] <- 0 # Hack to avoid NaN


        xl <- fit$limits[ex,1]
        xu <- fit$limits[ex,2]
        if(xl == -Inf){xl <- 0}
        if(xu == Inf){xu <- 1}
        fx <-  1/(xu - xl) * dbeta( (x - xl) / (xu - xl), fit$Beta[ex,1], fit$Beta[ex,2])


      fx <- dhist(x, c(fit$limits[ex, 1],
                       fit$limits[ex, 2]),
                  c(0, fit$probs[ex, ],1))
      fx[length(fx)] <- 0

list(x = x, fx = fx)    


dhist<-function(x, z, pz){

  h <- rep(0, length(z) -1)
  for(i in 1:length(h)){
    h[i]<-(pz[i+1] - pz[i]) / (z[i+1]-z[i])


  for(i in 1:length(x)){
    index<- (x[i]<=z[2:nz]) & (x[i]>z[1:(nz-1)])
      fx[i] <- h[index]
                         xl = min(params$fit$limits[, "lower"]), 
                         xu = min(params$fit$limits[, "upper"]), 
                         w = params$probY[1, ], lwd = 1,
                         xlab = "x",
                         ylab = expression(f[X](x)),
                         addquantile = FALSE,
                         expertnames = expertnames,
                         lpname = "marginal"))

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