
Defines functions addEllipse

Documented in addEllipse

#' Adds an ellipse around some data to an existing plot
#' This function adds an ellipse based on means and covariance to an existing 
#' plot. The ellipse can be scaled so as to represent any prediction interval of
#' the data you wish, or alternatively any confidence interval of the bivariate 
#' means.
#' @param mu a vector of length two specifying the bivariate means
#' @param sigma a 2x2 covariance matrix for the data
#' @param m is the sample size of the dataset on which the ellipse is to be 
#'   plotted. This is only informative if calculating the confidence interval of
#'   the bivariate mean, which requires a correction of `1/sqrt(m)`. 
#'   Defaults to NULL and has no effect.
#' @param n the number of data points to be used to plot the ellipse. More 
#'   points makes for a smoother ellipse, especially if it has high 
#'   eccentricity. Defaults to `n = 100`.
#' @param p.interval the quantile to be used to construct a prediction ellipse 
#'   that contains p.interval proportion of the data. By default, 
#'   `p.interval = NULL` and the Standard Ellipse is drawn which contains 
#'   approximately 40% of the data. Setting `p.interval = 0.95` will 
#'   result in an ellipse that contains approximately 95% of the data.
#' @param ci.mean a logical that determines whether the ellipse drawn is a 
#'   prediction ellipse of the entire data, or a confidence interval of the 
#'   bivariate means. Defaults to `FALSE`. If set to `TRUE`, then 
#'   `p.interval` can be used to generate an appropriate % confidence 
#'   interval of the bivariate means.
#' @param small.sample a logical that determines whether or not the small sample
#'   size correction is to be applied (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE. 
#'   This allows SEAc rather than SEA to be plotted, but the correction can be 
#'   applied to any percentile ellipse.
#' @param do.plot A logical that determines whether plotting should occur (TRUE 
#'   and default) or not (FALSE). Setting to false is useful if you want to 
#'   access the coordinates of the ellipse in order to calculate overlap between
#'   ellipses for example.
#' @param ... additional arguments as a list to be passed to [graphics::plot()].
#' @return A `n x 2` matrix comprising the x and y coordinates of the
#'   ellipse.
#' @examples
#' #-- NOT RUN --
#' # data(demo.siber.data)
#' # my.siber.data <- createSiberObject(demo.siber.data)
#' # communityMetricsML(my.siber.data)
#' # -- END --
#' @export

addEllipse <- function(mu, sigma, m = NULL, n = 100, p.interval = NULL , 
                        ci.mean = FALSE, small.sample = FALSE, 
                        do.plot = TRUE, ...){
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Some error checking
  if(small.sample & is.null(m)) message("A sample size number given by m is 
                                        required when small.sample is TRUE")
  if(ci.mean & is.null(m)) message("A sample size number given by m is 
                                        required when plotting confidence 
                                   ellipses of the mean with ci.mean is TRUE")
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # mu is the location of the ellipse (its bivariate mean)
  # sigma describes the shape and size of the ellipse
  # p can set the predction interval for the ellipse.
  # n determines how many data points are used to draw 
  #   the ellipse. More points = smoother curves.
  # if ci.mean is F (default) then we are plotting quantiles of the sample, 
  # i.e. prediction ellipses, and so we set c <- 1 so that it has no effect
  # below. Else it divides the radius calculation below by sqrt(m) to include
  # the conversion from standard deviation to standard error of the mean.
           c.scale <- m,
           c.scale <- 1
  # The small.sample toggles on and off (default) the small sample size 
  # correction to essentially plot the SEAc in place of the SEA. It can be 
  # used inconjuction with any prediction ellipse.
           q <- (m - 1) / (m - 2),
           q <- 1)
  # if p is NULL then plot a standard ellipse with r = 1
  # else generate a prediction ellipse that contains
  # approximately proportion p of data by scaling r
  # based on the chi-squared distribution.
  # p defaults to NULL.
           r <- 1, 
           r <- sqrt(stats::qchisq(p.interval, df=2))

  # get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of sigma
  # if ci.mean = T then the covariance matrix is divided by the sample size
  # so as to produce confidence ellipses for the mean. Else it has no 
  # effect with c.scale = 1.
  e = eigen(sigma / c.scale)
  SigSqrt = e$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(e$values * q)) %*% t(e$vectors)
  # create a unit radius circle to transform
  cc <- genCircle(n, r)
  # transform the unit circle according to the covariance 
  # matrix sigma
  # a function to transform the points
  back.trans <- function(x) {
    return(SigSqrt %*% x + mu)
  # apply the transformation to calculate the 
  # Maximum Likelihood estimate of the ellipse.
  ML.ellipse = t(apply(cc,1, back.trans))
  if(grDevices::dev.cur() > 1 & do.plot) {graphics::lines(ML.ellipse, ...)}

  # optional return of x and y coordinates of the plotted ellipse


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SIBER documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 5:09 p.m.