#' SIR optimally thresholded
#' Apply a single-index \eqn{SIR} on \eqn{(X,Y)} with \eqn{H} slices, with a soft/hard thresholding
#' of the interest matrix \eqn{\widehat{\Sigma}_n^{-1}\widehat{\Gamma}_n} by an optimal
#' parameter \eqn{\lambda_{opt}}. The \eqn{\lambda_{opt}} is found automatically among a vector
#' of `n_lambda` \eqn{\lambda}, starting from 0 to the maximum value of
#' \eqn{\widehat{\Sigma}_n^{-1}\widehat{\Gamma}_n}. For each feature of \eqn{X},
#' the number of \eqn{\lambda} associated with a selection of this feature is stored
#' (in a vector of size \eqn{p}). This vector is sorted in a decreasing way. Then, thanks to
#' `strucchange::breakpoints`, a breakpoint is found in this sorted vector. The coefficients
#' of the variables at the left of the breakpoint, tend to be automatically toggled to 0 due
#' to the thresholding operation based on \eqn{\lambda_{opt}}, and so should be removed (useless
#' variables). Finally, \eqn{\lambda_{opt}} corresponds to the first \eqn{\lambda} such that the
#' associated \eqn{\hat{b}} provides the same number of zeros as the breakpoint's value.
#' For example, for \eqn{X \in R^{10}} and `n_lambda=100`, this sorted vector can look like this :
#' | X10 | X3 | X8 | X5 | X7 | X9 | X4 | X6 | X2 | X1 |
#' |----- |---- |---- |---- |---- |---- |---- |---- |---- |----- |
#' | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 95 | 100 |
#' Here, the breakpoint would be 8.
#' @param X A matrix representing the quantitative explanatory variables (bind by column).
#' @param Y A numeric vector representing the dependent variable (a response vector).
#' @param H The chosen number of slices (default is 10).
#' @param n_lambda The number of lambda to test. The n_lambda tested lambdas are
#' uniformally distributed between 0 and the maximum value of the interest matrix. (default is 100).
#' @param thresholding The thresholding method to choose between hard and soft (default is hard).
#' @param graph A boolean, set to TRUE to plot graphs (default is TRUE).
#' @param output A boolean, set to TRUE to print informations (default is TRUE).
#' @param choice the graph to plot:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "estim_ind" Plot the estimated index by the SIR model versus Y.
#' \item "opt_lambda" Plot the choice of the optimal lambda.
#' \item "cos2_selec" Plot the evolution of cos^2 and variable selection according to
#' lambda.
#' \item "regul_path" Plot the regularization path of b.
#' \item "" Plot every graphs (default).
#' }
#' @return An object of class SIR_threshold_opt, with attributes:
#' \item{b}{This is the optimal estimated EDR direction, which is the principal
#' eigenvector of the interest matrix.}
#' \item{lambdas}{A vector that contains the tested lambdas.}
#' \item{lambda_opt}{The optimal lambda.}
#' \item{mat_b}{A matrix of size p*n_lambda that contains an estimation of beta
#' in the columns for each lambda.}
#' \item{n_lambda}{The number of lambda tested.}
#' \item{vect_nb_zeros}{The number of 0 in b for each lambda.}
#' \item{list_relevant_variables}{A list that contains the variables selected by
#' the model.}
#' \item{fit_bp}{An object of class breakpoints from the strucchange package,
#' that contains informations about the breakpoint which allows to deduce the
#' optimal lambda.}
#' \item{indices_useless_var}{A vector that contains p items: each variable is
#' associated with the number of lambda that selects this variable.}
#' \item{vect_cos_squared}{A vector that contains for each lambda,
#' the cosine squared between vanilla SIR and SIR thresholded.}
#' \item{Y}{The response vector.}
#' \item{n}{Sample size.}
#' \item{p}{The number of variables in X.}
#' \item{H}{The chosen number of slices.}
#' \item{M1}{The interest matrix thresholded with the optimal lambda.}
#' \item{thresholding}{The thresholding method used.}
#' \item{call}{Unevaluated call to the function.}
#' \item{X_reduced}{The X data restricted to the variables selected by the model.
#' It can be used to estimate a new SIR model on the relevant variables to improve
#' the estimation of b.}
#' \item{index_pred}{The index Xb' estimated by SIR.}
#' @examples
#' # Generate Data
#' set.seed(2)
#' n <- 200
#' beta <- c(1,1,rep(0,8))
#' X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n,sigma=diag(1,10))
#' eps <- rnorm(n)
#' Y <- (X%*%beta)**3+eps
#' # Apply SIR with soft thresholding
#' SIR_threshold_opt(Y,X,H=10,n_lambda=300,thresholding="soft")
#' @export
#' @md
#' @importFrom strucchange breakpoints
SIR_threshold_opt <- function(Y, X, H = 10, n_lambda = 100, thresholding = "hard",
graph = TRUE, output = TRUE, choice = "") {
cl <-
# Ensure that X and Y are matrices
X = ensure_matrix(X)
Y = ensure_matrix(Y)
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
colnames(X) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep = "")
# Estimation of b and the interest matrix with the classic SIR method
res_SIR <- SIR(Y, X, H = 10, graph = FALSE)
b_sir <- res_SIR$b
M1 <- res_SIR$M1
# Creation of a list of lambdas going from 0 to the maximum absolute value
# of M1, with a total of 100 values.
lambdas <- seq(0, max(abs(M1)), length.out = n_lambda + 1)[-(n_lambda + 1)]
# Initialization of a matrix of size n_lambda*p that will contain the estimation
# of b for each the lambda
mat_b <- matrix(0, ncol = p, nrow = n_lambda)
# Initialization of a vector of size n_lambda to receive the number of
# 0 found in b for each lambda
vect_nb_zeros <- rep(NA, n_lambda)
# Initialization of a vector of size n_lambda to receive the cos^2
# between b_sir and b_threshold_sir
vect_cos_squared <- rep(NA, n_lambda)
# Initialization of the list of useful variables
list_relevant_variables <- list()
# Application of the SIR method with thresholding, with the n_lambda values
# of lambdas
for (i in 1:n_lambda) {
# Get the result of SIR thresholded with lambda_i
res_SIR_th <- SIR_threshold(Y, X, H = H, lambda = lambdas[i],
thresholding = thresholding, graph = FALSE)
# Store the corresponding b in row i of the matrix
mat_b[i,] <- res_SIR_th$b
# Store the number of 0 found in the corresponding b for this lambda value
vect_nb_zeros[i] <- res_SIR_th$nb_zeros
# Store the cos^2 between this b and b_sir
vect_cos_squared[i] <- res_SIR_th$cos_squared
# Store useful variables for this lambda value at index i of
# the list of useful variables
list_relevant_variables[[i]] <- res_SIR_th$list_relevant_variables
# Creation of a vector which contains p items: each variable is associated
# with the index of the lambda from which the variable becomes useless.
# This index also corresponds to the number of lambda for which the variable
# is useful.
indices_useless_var <- colSums(mat_b / mat_b, na.rm = TRUE)
names(indices_useless_var) <- colnames(X)
# We then look for a breakpoint in the ordered index_useless_var vector. This
# breakpoints corresponds to the number of useless variables. From this breakpoint,
# the variables are more difficult to toggle to 0.
fit_bp <- breakpoints(sort(indices_useless_var, decreasing = FALSE) ~ 1,
breaks = 1, h = 2 / p)
# If the number of useless variables associated to a lambda
# corresponds to the breakpoint :
if (length(which(vect_nb_zeros == fit_bp$breakpoints)) > 0) {
# The index of the optimal lambda is the first lambda where the corresponding
# number of zero in b is equal to the breakpoint, i.e the number of
# useless variables
indice_opt <- min(which(vect_nb_zeros == fit_bp$breakpoints))
} else {
# Else, we sum the number of times where the number of 0 in b is less than
# the number of useless variables. Then, the index of the optimal lambda
# corresponds to this sum+1
indice_opt <- sum(vect_nb_zeros < fit_bp$breakpoints) + 1
# Get the optimal lambda
lambda_opt <- lambdas[indice_opt]
# If the optimal lambda is NA, keep the result of vanilla SIR
if ( == TRUE) {
b <- b_sir
list_relevant_var <- colnames(X)
M1_th = M1
else {
# If the optimal lambda is found and the number of useless variable is
# less than the number of total variables-1
if (fit_bp$breakpoints < (p - 1)) {
# The optimal beta is the row of mat_b that corresponds to lambda.opt
b <- mat_b[which(lambdas == lambda_opt),]
# Convert b into a one-line matrix
b <- matrix(b, nrow = 1)
# Rename columns
colnames(b) <- colnames(X)
# Get the relevant variables (the columns of b where the value is not 0)
list_relevant_var <- colnames(b)[-which(b == 0)]
M1_th = SIR_threshold(Y, X, H = H, lambda = lambda_opt,
thresholding = thresholding, graph = FALSE)$M1
# If thresholded SIR could not make variable selection, keep the result of
# vanilla SIR
else {
b <- b_sir
list_relevant_var <- colnames(X)
M1_th = M1
# Create the X reduced variable by restricting X to the relevant variables.
X_reduced <- X[, list_relevant_var, drop = FALSE]
# Estimated index
index_pred <- X %*% t(b)
res <- list(b = b, lambdas = lambdas, lambda_opt = lambda_opt,
mat_b = mat_b, n_lambda = n_lambda, vect_nb_zeros = vect_nb_zeros,
fit_bp = fit_bp, indices_useless_var = indices_useless_var,
vect_cos_squared = vect_cos_squared, list_relevant_variables = list_relevant_var,
n = n, p = p, H = H, M1 = M1_th, thresholding = thresholding, call = cl,
X_reduced = X_reduced, index_pred = index_pred, Y = Y)
class(res) <- "SIR_threshold_opt"
if (graph == TRUE) {
plot.SIR_threshold_opt(res, choice = choice)
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